Chaos and Corruption

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
WASHINGTON — At a virtual congressional hearing in May, Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., asked Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for help. A struggling trucking company in his state was on the brink of collapse and needed government support.

Eager to assist, Mnuchin assured the senator that “we will look at that specific company and see what we can do and get back to you.”

That company, YRC Worldwide, had lost more than $100 million in 2019 and was being sued by the Justice Department over claims it defrauded the federal government for a seven-year period. But six weeks after the hearing, YRC received a bailout from the Treasury Department — a $700 million loan in exchange for a 30% stake in the business. The company’s stock price soared 74%, although it has come down since.

Well, the swamp is still there and has become more toxic than any White House of Political Party in our lifetime.
Well, the swamp is still there and has become more toxic than any White House of Political Party in our lifetime.
Not really. Corruption is part and parcel to the District of Criminals from BOTH Party's- can you say Solyndra?

Almost exactly four years after solar panel startup Solyndra filed for bankruptcy, the ghost of the company has now risen again, for seemingly the umpteenth time. And no it wasn’t from another awkward Republican Presidential debate.
This time the haunting is in the form of a report from the Inspector General’s Office, which after more than four years of investigation, concluded that Solyndra officials used inaccurate information to mislead the Department of Energy in its application for a $535 million loan guarantee. The report also found that there were shortcomings with the DOE’s process of managing and approving the loan guarantee to Solyndra.

Why the Solyndra mistake is still important to remember

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Well, the swamp is still there and has become more toxic than any White House of Political Party in our lifetime.
Not really. Corruption is part and parcel to the District of Criminals from BOTH Party's- can you say Solyndra?

Almost exactly four years after solar panel startup Solyndra filed for bankruptcy, the ghost of the company has now risen again, for seemingly the umpteenth time. And no it wasn’t from another awkward Republican Presidential debate.
This time the haunting is in the form of a report from the Inspector General’s Office, which after more than four years of investigation, concluded that Solyndra officials used inaccurate information to mislead the Department of Energy in its application for a $535 million loan guarantee. The report also found that there were shortcomings with the DOE’s process of managing and approving the loan guarantee to Solyndra.

Why the Solyndra mistake is still important to remember

View attachment 371079

Well, the swamp is still there and has become more toxic than any White House of Political Party in our lifetime.
Not really. Corruption is part and parcel to the District of Criminals from BOTH Party's- can you say Solyndra?

Almost exactly four years after solar panel startup Solyndra filed for bankruptcy, the ghost of the company has now risen again, for seemingly the umpteenth time. And no it wasn’t from another awkward Republican Presidential debate.
This time the haunting is in the form of a report from the Inspector General’s Office, which after more than four years of investigation, concluded that Solyndra officials used inaccurate information to mislead the Department of Energy in its application for a $535 million loan guarantee. The report also found that there were shortcomings with the DOE’s process of managing and approving the loan guarantee to Solyndra.

Why the Solyndra mistake is still important to remember

View attachment 371079

Nice try bozo, the sad fact is 700 million was given to a trucking company which was also 100 million in the red; "That company, YRC Worldwide, had lost more than $100 million in 2019 and was being sued by the Justice Department over claims it defrauded the federal government for a seven-year period. But six weeks after the hearing, YRC received a bailout from the Treasury Department — a $700 million loan in exchange for a 30% stake in the business. The company’s stock price soared 74%, although it has come down since."

So Mnuchin has purchased a failing truck company for $165,000 dollars. That's a great investment, and I wonder why you whine about a mistake vis a vis a clear example of a swamp critter squandering taxpayer money.
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So, let's discuss corruption:

A New York prosecutor seeking US President Donald Trump's tax returns says he is investigating reported "protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization".

Monday's court filing suggests the inquiry is broader than alleged hush money payments made to two women who say they had affairs with Mr Trump.

The Supreme Court ruled last month that lawyers could examine the tax returns.

Mr Trump has repeatedly dismissed the probe, calling it a "witch hunt".
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We have learned that the Dems create fake corruption issues like Russian Collution.
It is the Dems who have a huge corruption issue.
Lying and Stealing is a way of life for the Dems.

Really, Russia didn't impact the election of 2016? Ummm... what proof do you have, other than to echo Dumb Donald?
We have learned that the Dems create fake corruption issues like Russian Collution.
It is the Dems who have a huge corruption issue.
Lying and Stealing is a way of life for the Dems.

Really, Russia didn't impact the election of 2016? Ummm... what proof do you have, other than to echo Dumb Donald?
what proof do you have that they did?
the most foreign influence on our elections are the non-citizens who vote in our elections
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We have learned that the Dems create fake corruption issues like Russian Collution.
It is the Dems who have a huge corruption issue.
Lying and Stealing is a way of life for the Dems.

Really, Russia didn't impact the election of 2016? Ummm... what proof do you have, other than to echo Dumb Donald?
what proof do you have that they did?
the most foreign influence on our elections are the non-citizens who vote in our elections

Proof, sure:

What evidence do you have to prove non-citizens vote in our elections?
We have learned that the Dems create fake corruption issues like Russian Collution.
It is the Dems who have a huge corruption issue.
Lying and Stealing is a way of life for the Dems.

Really, Russia didn't impact the election of 2016? Ummm... what proof do you have, other than to echo Dumb Donald?
what proof do you have that they did?
the most foreign influence on our elections are the non-citizens who vote in our elections

Proof, sure:

What evidence do you have to prove non-citizens vote in our elections?
the russian collusion is a dumb lie that has been debunked

For those such as "TroglocratsRdumb" who are both biddble fools and have been brainwashed by Trump&Co. maybe one or two of them will consider this, and not forgive Dumb Donald for allowing the Coronavirus has grown, and now killed 150,000 Americans.

From the LINK:

Guidelines to reopen the US drafted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were shelved by the Trump administration are far more strict and detailed than the White House's own road map toward a return to normal, a CNN review found.
On Wednesday, CNN obtained the document, which expands on a 17-page draft report that CNN reported on last week. A senior CDC official told CNN at the time that the White House does not plan on implementing the agency's guidelines, despite the full report being the result of a request from the White House's coronavirus task force, specifically Dr. Deborah Birx.

The Associated Press first reported on the full CDC guidance.
Nice try bozo,
You just lost. Thanks for playing.

'We the people have lost, and it's not a game. Donald Trump is evil, he has put himself before the Millions of Americans who are at risk; Trump has put himself before everyone else. Some will lose their jobs, some will lose their homes, and some will lose their life, all because this sociopathic president doesn't give a damn about others.

BTW bozo, not quoting all of my post is dishonest. For the reader here is the rest of my post:

Nice try bozo, the sad fact is 700 million was given to a trucking company which was also 100 million in the red; "That company, YRC Worldwide, had lost more than $100 million in 2019 and was being sued by the Justice Department over claims it defrauded the federal government for a seven-year period. But six weeks after the hearing, YRC received a bailout from the Treasury Department — a $700 million loan in exchange for a 30% stake in the business. The company’s stock price soared 74%, although it has come down since."

So Mnuchin has purchased a failing truck company for $165,000 dollars. That's a great investment, and I wonder why you whine about a mistake vis a vis a clear example of a swamp critter squandering taxpayer money.
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We get it- you don't like Trump, but, a thread the other day asked a poster what could have been done differently and I haven't seen that answered. No, I'm not a Trump fan- read my signature. My contention is, had a Democrat been in office there would be no hysteria. The hoax would barely be a blip on the radar. And yes, it is a hoax and it's only going to get worse no matter who's is in the white house. It's out and it ain't going to abate itself and you can bet Joe Biden is not going to make things any better. Oh, there might be less hype, but, the damage is done. And not a single soul in the District of Criminals gives a good goddamn about citizens, or immigrants for that matter, well being.
We get it- you don't like Trump, but, a thread the other day asked a poster what could have been done differently and I haven't seen that answered. No, I'm not a Trump fan- read my signature. My contention is, had a Democrat been in office there would be no hysteria. The hoax would barely be a blip on the radar. And yes, it is a hoax and it's only going to get worse no matter who's is in the white house. It's out and it ain't going to abate itself and you can bet Joe Biden is not going to make things any better. Oh, there might be less hype, but, the damage is done. And not a single soul in the District of Criminals gives a good goddamn about citizens, or immigrants for that matter, well being.

I don't like Trump? Don't I have that right? Why anyone likes, supports or even tolerates Dumb Donald is incredible. I've written ad nausea that Trump is emotionally and mentally unfit to be POTUS. No rational response or rebuttal has ever been posted in reply.

He has divided our nation's people with his lies and put 330+ million people at risk with his abject failure to come to grips with the Coronavirus. Metaphorically he has tossed gasoline on an already burning conflagration with his lies, false promises and incitement of biddable fools to ignore Medical Professionals.

I get it you "don't like" Democrats" or government employees in general. That's your right, but it negates your ability to think outside the box as to the current events of today.

The pandemic is an issue when emotions need to be put aside and the process of thought applied; thought seeking to consider the consequences of every policy and opinion in re this pandemic must be considered, in time, of future consequences. In my opinion water and fire breaks are a better solution than gasoline.
For the Record, one June 23 CNN Reported this impact on the medical profession:

Yet across the US, many people have taken issue with guidance from health officials -- as the act of wearing a mask to protect others during a pandemic has become a political and cultural flashpoint.

The backlash has taken its toll: At least 24 public health officials have either resigned, retired or been fired from the positions during the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) said Monday.

"What has typically been just pure public health advice coming from a trusted source in the community, the local health department, is being politicized and made to seem like the public health advice is something that is restricting people's rights, their freedoms to move about," Lori Freeman, CEO of NACCHO, told CNN.


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