Censor Despicable Deplorable Misleading Pres. Donald


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days

You mean Democrats. Last one to rule against him in the border funding was just another Clinton appointee trying to protect their supply of illegal voters.

That too shall be overturned as with all the others.

Democrats are the best losers in the world because all the while losing, they still delude themselves into thinking they are actually getting ahead.
Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days

You mean Democrats. Last one to rule against him in the border funding was just another Clinton appointee trying to protect their supply of illegal voters.

That too shall be overturned as with all the others.

Democrats are the best losers in the world because all the while losing, they still delude themselves into thinking they are actually getting ahead.
No one deludes themselves more than Trump supporters.
President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.
Left Wingers fear free freedom of speech because they fear reality.
They are brainwashed by our MSM 24/7.
They still believe in Russian Collusion.
Now they are being brainwashed into believing Ukrainian Collusion.
Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days

You mean Democrats. Last one to rule against him in the border funding was just another Clinton appointee trying to protect their supply of illegal voters.

That too shall be overturned as with all the others.

Democrats are the best losers in the world because all the while losing, they still delude themselves into thinking they are actually getting ahead.
No one deludes themselves more than Trump supporters.

Okay, confirmed. A foreigner who has no appreciation for Free Speech...moreover, cannot really understand it.

Wrap your head around this:

We don't care what you think
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Born and bred in America and I have two Presidential letters of commendation and appreciation for services rendered.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Born and bred in America and I have two Presidential letters of commendation and appreciation for services rendered.

Sure you do. And pigs can fly. Post them for us to see.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Born and bred in America and I have two Presidential letters of commendation and appreciation for services rendered.

And you want Free Speech to be curtailed

Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Born and bred in America and I have two Presidential letters of commendation and appreciation for services rendered.

Sure you do. And pigs can fly. Post them for us to see.
Right, announce who I am on an anonymous political messageboard. It doesn't really matter anyhow. Believe what you want.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Born and bred in America and I have two Presidential letters of commendation and appreciation for services rendered.

And you want Free Speech to be curtailed

Free speech as written in the Constitution is about government interference with speech. Individuals, companies, and privately owned entities exert free speech by promoting or ignoring speech and communications of their choosing.
I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
Born and bred in America and I have two Presidential letters of commendation and appreciation for services rendered.

Sure you do. And pigs can fly. Post them for us to see.
Right, announce who I am on an anonymous political messageboard. It doesn't really matter anyhow. Believe what you want.
Fucking cop out as I expected. You can post them without showing who you are. Fucking liar.
President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.
Left Wingers fear free freedom of speech because they fear reality.
They are brainwashed by our MSM 24/7.
They still believe in Russian Collusion.
Now they are being brainwashed into believing Ukrainian Collusion.
lol Right wingers don't have to fear freedom of speech because they have been so brainwashed by Trump's mouthpieces (probably funded by the Russians) that they believe every piece of news they don't like is a lie, every decision made against the President is a conspiracy/coup and every American citizen who criticizes his behavior is a Communist.

The fact that the "left wingers" would like to see less inaccurate bullshit blared across the MSM is actually quite sensible. People can't make informed decisions without actual facts. Which is why the right wingers are so tragically wrongheaded in this. They're listening to Trump, who doesn't even know what happened in Sweden last night.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
If you didn't care, you wouldn't be arguing with him, would you?

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