CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505.


And government in Europe murdered over 12 million just 6 I think we should keep our guns.....

This comes from your own CDC link, Einstein:

Total gun deaths 38,317. Total automobile related deaths 43,536

Source: Mortality data tapes from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics for number of
deaths; U.S. Bureau of the Census for annual population estimates.

This comes from your own CDC link, Einstein:

Total gun deaths 38,317. Total automobile related deaths 43,536

Source: Mortality data tapes from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics for number of
deaths; U.S. Bureau of the Census for annual population estimates.

Suicides don't count in the total...not a gun issue.....that is why Japan and South Korea, where they have civilians who own no guns commit suicide at 2 times our no...that is not accurate....thank you for showing once again that a lefty can't tell the truth to save their lives....
Car deaths in 2013....35,369 accidental gun deaths 505
When an automobile flips over because of a tire blow out, then the car is committing suicide, so those deaths shouldn't count either.....
When an automobile flips over because of a tire blow out, then the car is committing suicide, so those deaths shouldn't count either.....

Hmmm...add crazy to your are not people......and since they can't use guns, if they commit suicide then it still isn't a gun it.....

Car deaths...and injuries...and yet you guys spend your energy on guns....

In 2012, an estimated 2.36 million people were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes, com- pared to 2.22 million in 2011 according to NHTSA’s National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) General Estimates System (GES), an increase of 6.5 percent.

and of course this is a lie since they add in suicides...let's see the number without suicides.....shall we....

Yeah, they also counted gun victims who had an M in their name AND those born with Taurus rising. No fair.


Yeah....that is the same as counting suicides....even though the Japanese and South Koreans, who have no access to guns kill themselves at twice our rate..again...not a gun issue....
This is not the CDC so some of the numbers are different, but here is a report on how deadly cars are...

Overall Statistics

In 2013, 32,719 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States, a 3.1-percent decrease from the 33,782 fatal- ities in 2012 (Figure 1). This decline shows a continuation in the general decline in fatalities that started in 2006, except for the increase in 2012, according to NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). In 2013, an estimated 2.31 million people were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes,


Car deaths...from the CDC for 2013....35,369 Car injuries from this source.....2.31 million

accidental gun deaths...505

and of course this is a lie since they add in suicides...let's see the number without suicides.....shall we....

Yeah, they also counted gun victims who had an M in their name AND those born with Taurus rising. No fair.


Yeah....that is the same as counting suicides....even though the Japanese and South Koreans, who have no access to guns kill themselves at twice our rate..again...not a gun issue....

You really don't get what's wrong with that logic do ya?

Look up "Arumentum ad head-up-the-assium".

Well...the majority of gun murderers are perhaps we should ban that party....and anything from the brady campain is a lie......

And silly you....all of those countries....have far more gun control than we do...and their criminals still get guns when they want or need them...

Much like suicide in Japan and South Korea are a cultural issue, so is the use of guns in Europe...their criminals don't use them that a matter of culture, not access......Europe is awash in illegal guns from the east and Africa.....and their criminals have a much more lethal selection of fully automatic military grade weapons......

and of course.....their murder rate is far higher than ours when you add murder committed by government.......then they out do us by a lot....because they have so few guns...the German government killed them in the millions....

I would prefer to keep our murder rate low and keep the government from murdering so many people....

"...the majority of gun murderers are democrats..."

Don't DO that.

I almost sprayed my computer screen with ice tea.

You really do live in La La Land.

On that last post....look at this will give you the accidental number of 505..of course the CDC doesn't number the pages......look for this to find the stats...they are at the bottom....

Try this...

guns, drowning and poisoning....

Table 10. Number of deaths from 113 selected causes, Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile, drug-induced causes, alcohol-induced causes, and injury by firearms, by age: United States, 2013 [T
Find that table...and you look for this at the bottom...

Nontransport accidents (W00-X59,Y86)
Falls (W00-W19)
Accidental discharge of firearms (W32-W34)
Interesting how, when you search for "accidental deaths by firearms" on the CDC site quoted by the RW blog, nothing comes up.

accidental firearm deaths - CDC Search Results

Try this...

guns, drowning and poisoning....

Well...the majority of gun murderers are perhaps we should ban that party....and anything from the brady campain is a lie......

And silly you....all of those countries....have far more gun control than we do...and their criminals still get guns when they want or need them...

Much like suicide in Japan and South Korea are a cultural issue, so is the use of guns in Europe...their criminals don't use them that a matter of culture, not access......Europe is awash in illegal guns from the east and Africa.....and their criminals have a much more lethal selection of fully automatic military grade weapons......

and of course.....their murder rate is far higher than ours when you add murder committed by government.......then they out do us by a lot....because they have so few guns...the German government killed them in the millions....

I would prefer to keep our murder rate low and keep the government from murdering so many people....

"...the majority of gun murderers are democrats..."

Don't DO that.

I almost sprayed my computer screen with ice tea.

You really do live in La La Land.


He may have a point, Luddly. Maybe that is why there are more democrats than there are republicans....

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