Catholic Bishops Oppose Compromise on Birth-Control

The right wing Republican politicians who have been denouncing the requirement that female employees have access to birth control as part of their health benefits as an attack on religious freedom completely ignore the church teachings they don’t agree with. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both Catholics, and wear their faith on their sleeves, but they are hypocritical in picking and choosing when they wish to listen to the bishops.

1. For instance, Pope John Paul II was against anyone going to war against Iraq I think you’ll find that Rick Santorum managed to ignore that Catholic teaching.

2.The Conference of Catholic Bishops requires that health care be provided to all Americans. Rick Santorum’s opposition to universal health care is a betrayal of the Catholic faith.

3. The Catholic Church opposes the death penalty for criminals in almost all situations.

4. The US Conference of Bishops has urged that the federal minimum wage be increased, for the working poor.

5. The bishops want welfare for all needy families, saying “We reiterate our call for a minimum national welfare benefit that will permit children and their parents to live in dignity. A decent society will not balance its budget on the backs of poor children.”

6. The US bishops say that “the basic rights of workers must be respected–the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions…”.

7. Catholic bishops demand the withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.

8. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops ripped into Arizona’s law on treatment of immigrants. And they have argued that illegal immigrants not be treated as criminals and that their contribution to this country be recognized.

9. The US Conference of Bishops has denounced, as has the Pope, the Bush idea of ‘preventive war’, and has come out against an attack on Iran in the absence of a real and present threat of an Iranian assault on the US.

1. You clearly know nothing about the Catholic Church. We are supposed to abide by it's doctrines.... but we do not have to agree with every opinion of the Pope. We are not brainwashed, unthinking sheep. The Pope was absolutely right to speak out against the war..... but he did not give an instruction to Catholics that they must not support it.

2. It does not 'require' it, it supports access to healthcare for all.

3. The Church is absolutely pro life.... hence, no abortion (we view life as beginning at conception) and the death penalty. (which I personally support - in a more limited fashion than currently applied) See, individuals are allowed to disagree with the Church. Does not invalidate the Doctrine of the Church though.

4. The Catholic Church has always - around the world - fought for the poor.

5. See 4.

6. The Catholic Church was instrumental in the fight for workers rights, and civil rights, and a whole bunch more stuff.

Are you beginning to get the hint now?

You know nothing about Catholics. I suggest you learn more before you form a stupid opinion.
So you are pro life before birth, but accept deaths caused by a war of choice and the death penalty. Odd combination; most Catholics I know, and I am related to a large number, are anti death penalty. I still respect your true pro life beliefs; I have not read that you espouse the EXCEPTIONS I find so unnerving.

The death penalty is not a doctrinal issue. The Church always protects life - no matter who and no matter what. That is the stance of the Church. I know lots of Catholics who serve in the Military - the Church does not condemn them for that. You don't understand how our religion works, that much is clear.
Someday the Catholic Church will quietly abandon its meaningless opposition to birth control.

It will go the way of the mass-in-Latin.

That, people, is the funniest part of this story.
Someday the Catholic Church will quietly abandon its meaningless opposition to birth control.

It will go the way of the mass-in-Latin.

That, people, is the funniest part of this story.

Yeah. I like Revelation too, where the shit hits the fan and each of us has to choose sides. Either shit or get off the pot. ;) :)
It wasn't about the plan, it was about what religious leaders thought about a government intrusion into a religious matter. I'm sure there will be other hearings which cover other aspects of the issue. I would expect women to far out number the men in those discussions.
Someday the Catholic Church will quietly abandon its meaningless opposition to birth control.

It will go the way of the mass-in-Latin.

That, people, is the funniest part of this story.

The Latin liturgy is making a comeback among younger Catholics, other than that your analogy is spot on.

So many conservatives pine for the apocalypse. Why is that?

Not pining at all, just knowing it's here and a lot of you folks aren't anywhere's near ready.

You're in my prayers, though...

2Tim3:1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
So many conservatives pine for the apocalypse. Why is that?

Not pining at all, just knowing it's here and a lot of you folks aren't anywhere's near ready.

You're in my prayers, though...

2Tim3:1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

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Not my thing so let it go....
The right wing Republican politicians who have been denouncing the requirement that female employees have access to birth control as part of their health benefits as an attack on religious freedom completely ignore the church teachings they don’t agree with. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both Catholics, and wear their faith on their sleeves, but they are hypocritical in picking and choosing when they wish to listen to the bishops.

1. For instance, Pope John Paul II was against anyone going to war against Iraq I think you’ll find that Rick Santorum managed to ignore that Catholic teaching.

2.The Conference of Catholic Bishops requires that health care be provided to all Americans. Rick Santorum’s opposition to universal health care is a betrayal of the Catholic faith.

3. The Catholic Church opposes the death penalty for criminals in almost all situations.

4. The US Conference of Bishops has urged that the federal minimum wage be increased, for the working poor.

5. The bishops want welfare for all needy families, saying “We reiterate our call for a minimum national welfare benefit that will permit children and their parents to live in dignity. A decent society will not balance its budget on the backs of poor children.”

6. The US bishops say that “the basic rights of workers must be respected–the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions…”.

7. Catholic bishops demand the withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.

8. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops ripped into Arizona’s law on treatment of immigrants. And they have argued that illegal immigrants not be treated as criminals and that their contribution to this country be recognized.

9. The US Conference of Bishops has denounced, as has the Pope, the Bush idea of ‘preventive war’, and has come out against an attack on Iran in the absence of a real and present threat of an Iranian assault on the US.
these are not big issues with the Catholics who post here:

1. For instance, Pope John Paul II was against anyone going to war against Iraq I think you’ll find that Rick Santorum managed to ignore that Catholic teaching.

2.The Conference of Catholic Bishops requires that health care be provided to all Americans. Rick Santorum’s opposition to universal health care is a betrayal of the Catholic faith.

3. The Catholic Church opposes the death penalty for criminals in almost all situations.

4. The US Conference of Bishops has urged that the federal minimum wage be increased, for the working poor.

5. The bishops want welfare for all needy families, saying “We reiterate our call for a minimum national welfare benefit that will permit children and their parents to live in dignity. A decent society will not balance its budget on the backs of poor children.”

6. The US bishops say that “the basic rights of workers must be respected–the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions…”.

For the stupid.... again.... these are not doctrinal issues. There is no commandment from the Pope that Catholics agree with the Church on every position it takes. Learn the fucking difference between our Doctrine and the opinions of the Pope and our Bishops, Cardinals, etc.


I don't need to learn about your church. I'm Greek Orthodox. We left your cult long ago.

Mormon's think Catholics are in a cult too by the way. Fact. You don't have the authority from God. That died with Jesus' apostles around 200 A.D. They never passed on the batton to anyone. So it died with them. So they think you don't have the authority from God. It was never passed down. At least not to the Popes of the Catholic church. No one is buying that. Evil runs the Catholic Church. With that I agree with mormons.

But Mormons do have the authority from God. They got it when God visited Joseph Smith in Utah in the 1400's. Catholics only understand the story of God in Europe. They don't understand he also visited North America.

What you are saying is you Catholics can pick and choose what you believe or follow when it comes to your religion.
Someday the Catholic Church will quietly abandon its meaningless opposition to birth control.

It will go the way of the mass-in-Latin.

That, people, is the funniest part of this story.

Because of Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical, Humanae Vitae, the contemporary Roman Catholic church has taken the stand that artificial birth control is immoral.

The problem is that birth control is legal in the United States, and birth control pills are used for other purposes than contraception (in fact, contraception may not even be the purpose of the majority of prescriptions). And contrary to what the GOP thinks, the prescriptions are expensive for poor and working class families.

Religious practices in the United States are trumped by secular law all the time when there is a conflict. Thus, Native Americans who believed in using peyote as part of their religious rituals were fired from their government jobs for doing so, and the US Supreme Court upheld it in 1990.

Likewise, traditionalist members of the Sikh religion believe that a man should avoid cutting his hair, and should bind it up in a turban. So he gets a job as a construction worker and can’t get a hard hat on over the turban. Does he have the right to forgo the hard hat on the construction site, so as to retain his turban? The question went to the US courts, and they said Sikhs have to wear hard hats because if a brick fell and killed him, the family could sue the construction company for negligence.

American law forbids Mormons and Muslim-American men to take a second wife.
So many conservatives pine for the apocalypse. Why is that?

Cause the rapture will just leave liberals behind?

If the conservatives will be gone, that will make it heaven here on earth.

I honestly think the world would be a much better place if the rapture would take you consevatives away. Isn't 2012 the year that's supposed to happen? Please be!!!
So many conservatives pine for the apocalypse. Why is that?

Cause the rapture will just leave liberals behind?

If the conservatives will be gone, that will make it heaven here on earth.

I honestly think the world would be a much better place if the rapture would take you consevatives away. Isn't 2012 the year that's supposed to happen? Please be!!!

Maybe the rapture is already here and we are here to torture you. :eusa_whistle:
Mormon's think Catholics are in a cult too by the way. Fact. You don't have the authority from God. That died with Jesus' apostles around 200 A.D. They never passed on the batton to anyone. So it died with them. So they think you don't have the authority from God. It was never passed down. At least not to the Popes of the Catholic church. No one is buying that. Evil runs the Catholic Church. With that I agree with mormons.

But Mormons do have the authority from God. They got it when God visited Joseph Smith in Utah in the 1400's. Catholics only understand the story of God in Europe. They don't understand he also visited North America.

When you Catholics read this, I don't want you to just think "boy is the Mormon faith a joke" I want you to realize your story is just as much a fairy tale as theirs. And Mormon's don't deny Christ came 2000 years ago. They just claim his authority never got passed on. So you are all following a false religion. No offense.

Remember that when voting for Romney.
If the conservatives will be gone, that will make it heaven here on earth.

I honestly think the world would be a much better place if the rapture would take you consevatives away. Isn't 2012 the year that's supposed to happen? Please be!!!

Who are ticks like you going to suck off of when all the people who actually do something productive are gone?
So you think the money to cover contraceptives just manifests out of thin air, or the Tooth Faery creates it? How about you start buying your own condoms. Talk about a cheap date.


Do you have tourettes or something? There's a stream of unintelilgible babble coming out of your mouth.
1. Don't have sex with your girlfriend.

Yes, this is always the wing nut line. You all really hate when people have sex. You guys really need to do something about this unhealthy hangup you all have with sex.

2. Make sure you buy birth control.

Isn't that what I said? :eusa_hand:

3. Make sure your employer sponsored health plan covers it.

Hers does.

The government certainly IS forcing someone to buy birth control.

No, it's not. Repeating this lie does not make it true. The law requires accessibility. Nobody is being forced to buy it.

Pretty much what this entire thread is about. Where you been?

I've been in this thread talking about the actual subject. You apparently are too busy making things up.

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