Carrier debacle first demonstration of Trump's incoming mess and incompetence.

We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters.

Carrier was going to close to move to Mexico. In Mexico, salaries are a third of what they are here. In Canada, the government pays for all health care. This is why business will fight ending NAFTA, but that's another story.

So after negotiations with Gov. Pence, now vice President and President elect Trump, now president, Carrier decided to stay where it is.

Trump crowed about saving 1,100 jobs and that was it.

Or was it?

It turns out that 730 jobs were saved. More than 30% fewer than what Trump claimed.

Millions of dollars were pledged to Carrier to stay. And the CEO has said they will use that money to automate the company. Since nationally, 88% of all lost jobs since 2001 were automated, what if 88% of Carrier jobs are automated? Then the 1,100 dropped to 730 and possibly to around a hundred.

Remember, while manufacturing jobs have gone down, manufacturing actually went up. And how many millions did the taxpayers pay for an automated factory?

When you look at Trump's many bankruptcies and his billions in debt, perhaps his reputation by the right wing as a great businessman is overstated.

He wasn't even president yet and he made this failed deal. And now he's signing executive orders right and left. How many of them will end up being even bigger disasters?

Rush into things without a plan, thought, study, an understanding and without evaluating the drawbacks and what we get is Donald Trump.

This is only the beginning.

"We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters."

Here's another of President Trumps um disasters.

The Trump Train is unstoppable :smoke:


Trump Tips Dow to 20K

"After a brief hiatus, the Dow Jones Industrial Average resumed its march toward 20000, crossing the elusive milestone on Wednesday as President Donald Trump demonstrates his seriousness about fulfilling campaign promises of lower taxes, less regulation, and more fiscal spending.

- Snip -

Strength in the materials and financials sectors helped push the Dow across the line after Trump on Tuesday gave the green light for the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access PipelinesOpens a New Window.– two projects that stalled under President Barack Obama’s administration. In recent days, Trump has also met with U.S. business leaders, including the chief executives of the Big Three American automakers amid a push for more domestically-built automobiles."

Trump Tips Dow to 20K

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe :smoke:

For once we agree. Unstoppable:
America was told this would be a failure.

No one who is paying attention is surprised.
I don't get it. Are you upset he took jobs away from Mexicans?
I couldn't care less.

But I am concerned he lied to Americans and got their hopes up. Aren't you?
Most Americans are too busy fretting over losing their doctors, health plans, and not getting the $2,500.00 savings Barry promised them. Concerned about those lies were you deany?
President Trump saved hundreds of jobs? Well God damn it, WTF is he doing? For Christ sake...wait...Trump SAVED jobs? What exactly is wrong with that? :eusa_think:
I don't get it. Are you upset he took jobs away from Mexicans?
I couldn't care less.

But I am concerned he lied to Americans and got their hopes up. Aren't you?

So, you're asserting that Trump intentionally misstated the numbers?
Do you believe 3 to 5 million voted illegally?

That's your answer?

And I unlike you, will answer your question...

I don't know. But I believe it is ridiculous to think that in states like CA that are very lax in enforcing voter laws, no illegals voted.
Nothing to see here.

Just another Rdean nonsense troll thread. ..... :cool:
You aren't really that stupid, are you? If the CEO is on video telling us what they are going to do, I suspect you should probably believe him.

So once again, you aren't really that stupid, are you? Guess so.

CEO tells investors: Trump's Carrier deal will be used to automate factory and eliminate jobs (VIDEO)

This is a grand illusion in our postindustrial society. The promise of the industrial and technological revolutions was/were that they would advance living conditions for human beings, free up more leisure time and make life easier. And this could have been the result if the transition had been managed in a manner best for society at large, and democratically.. As it turns out now what we refer to as wealth has nothing to do with production, goods, services, exchange or anything productive for society. Wealth, phony as it is, is created in the financial sector via issuing debt. The “captains of industry” abandoned industry and thus no longer require workers to generate wealth; the “wealth” is “created” digitally.
Where is the debacle?
Nothing to see here.

Just another Rdean nonsense troll thread. ..... :cool:
You aren't really that stupid, are you? If the CEO is on video telling us what they are going to do, I suspect you should probably believe him.

So once again, you aren't really that stupid, are you? Guess so.

CEO tells investors: Trump's Carrier deal will be used to automate factory and eliminate jobs (VIDEO)

This is a grand illusion in our postindustrial society. The promise of the industrial and technological revolutions was/were that they would advance living conditions for human beings, free up more leisure time and make life easier. And this could have been the result if the transition had been managed in a manner best for society at large, and democratically.. As it turns out now what we refer to as wealth has nothing to do with production, goods, services, exchange or anything productive for society. Wealth, phony as it is, is created in the financial sector via issuing debt. The “captains of industry” abandoned industry and thus no longer require workers to generate wealth; the “wealth” is “created” digitally.
Tell me lump, how much time have you spent hand-washing your clothes in your life?

Of course I am assuming you wash your clothes.
We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters.

Carrier was going to close to move to Mexico. In Mexico, salaries are a third of what they are here. In Canada, the government pays for all health care. This is why business will fight ending NAFTA, but that's another story.

So after negotiations with Gov. Pence, now vice President and President elect Trump, now president, Carrier decided to stay where it is.

Trump crowed about saving 1,100 jobs and that was it.

Or was it?

It turns out that 730 jobs were saved. More than 30% fewer than what Trump claimed.

Millions of dollars were pledged to Carrier to stay. And the CEO has said they will use that money to automate the company. Since nationally, 88% of all lost jobs since 2001 were automated, what if 88% of Carrier jobs are automated? Then the 1,100 dropped to 730 and possibly to around a hundred.

Remember, while manufacturing jobs have gone down, manufacturing actually went up. And how many millions did the taxpayers pay for an automated factory?

When you look at Trump's many bankruptcies and his billions in debt, perhaps his reputation by the right wing as a great businessman is overstated.

He wasn't even president yet and he made this failed deal. And now he's signing executive orders right and left. How many of them will end up being even bigger disasters?

Rush into things without a plan, thought, study, an understanding and without evaluating the drawbacks and what we get is Donald Trump.

This is only the beginning.

Okay... So this is like finding an old 70s Malibu in the junkyard. You crank it and it actually runs. It's smoking and missing, spewing and sputtering, but it's running. Many will look at the ugly thing and dismiss it as a pile of junk, after all, it is in the rdean junkyard of political thought. But there is something nostalgic and old-school about it... so let's see if we can get that that romantic 327 small block fixed up and salvage this beauty?

First of all, your carb is all screwed up. Millions were not "pledged" to Carrier. The State of Indiana gave Carrier special tax incentives which will result in a savings of millions for the company. There's nothing inherently wrong with this because it's not being done by the Federal government and states do this all the time with various industries they are wooing to their state. Now, personally, I prefer the fuel injection system of free market capitalism instead of the carb set up of corporatism by the state. But we have to work with what we have.

The biggest concern are the rusty rocker panels and floor pans. It doesn't matter about jobs and technology, the objective was to keep the company here in America. The "deal" served that purpose but the original integrity of the steel is gone forever and replaced by massive amounts of bondo and sheet metal. This will never be a show car but could make a nice daily driver.

The interior has got to be completely redone and by the time you invest in all that needs to be done to make this car viable, I'm not sure it's worth it. I wouldn't call it a "failure" because there is something sentimental about it and some people will like the end result. It's really just a matter of taste. Being a big free market capitalist conservative, I would rather have not had the state colluding with a business because that's sort of like "picking winners and losers" which is corporatism and not free market. Still, I can live with it because it was done by the state and not the federal government, and in that regard, Trump really didn't have much to do with it... other than... and this is where you really overlooked a point...

Trump provided some of the strong arm here. He indicated that Carrier would be hit with some substantial tariffs on their return products to America, which was sort of like the guy in the pinstripe suit named Vinny, telling you that you really might want to consider paying the community protection fee on account of something like a fire might happen to your business some night. It's one thing to have the state offering incentives, the people of the state can determine how much of that they are comfortable with, but I don't like the federal government getting involved.
Where is the debacle?
It's in Rdean's head. ..... :lol:
You're like another Trump. You just got bitch slapped and deservedly so. So you attack with a peacock feather.

Get it? pee - golden shower
cock - as in tiny hands means tiny cock

Poor Trump, his minions are just as delusional as he is.

Pitiful, just pitiful.


"Get it? pee - golden shower
cock - as in tiny hands means tiny cock"

This is the only Golden Showering President Trump is doing and CNN is only the first.

We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters.

Carrier was going to close to move to Mexico. In Mexico, salaries are a third of what they are here. In Canada, the government pays for all health care. This is why business will fight ending NAFTA, but that's another story.

So after negotiations with Gov. Pence, now vice President and President elect Trump, now president, Carrier decided to stay where it is.

Trump crowed about saving 1,100 jobs and that was it.

Or was it?

It turns out that 730 jobs were saved. More than 30% fewer than what Trump claimed.

Millions of dollars were pledged to Carrier to stay. And the CEO has said they will use that money to automate the company. Since nationally, 88% of all lost jobs since 2001 were automated, what if 88% of Carrier jobs are automated? Then the 1,100 dropped to 730 and possibly to around a hundred.

Remember, while manufacturing jobs have gone down, manufacturing actually went up. And how many millions did the taxpayers pay for an automated factory?

When you look at Trump's many bankruptcies and his billions in debt, perhaps his reputation by the right wing as a great businessman is overstated.

He wasn't even president yet and he made this failed deal. And now he's signing executive orders right and left. How many of them will end up being even bigger disasters?

Rush into things without a plan, thought, study, an understanding and without evaluating the drawbacks and what we get is Donald Trump.

This is only the beginning.

"We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters."

Here's another of President Trumps um disasters.

The Trump Train is unstoppable :smoke:


Trump Tips Dow to 20K

"After a brief hiatus, the Dow Jones Industrial Average resumed its march toward 20000, crossing the elusive milestone on Wednesday as President Donald Trump demonstrates his seriousness about fulfilling campaign promises of lower taxes, less regulation, and more fiscal spending.

- Snip -

Strength in the materials and financials sectors helped push the Dow across the line after Trump on Tuesday gave the green light for the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access PipelinesOpens a New Window.– two projects that stalled under President Barack Obama’s administration. In recent days, Trump has also met with U.S. business leaders, including the chief executives of the Big Three American automakers amid a push for more domestically-built automobiles."

Trump Tips Dow to 20K

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe :smoke:


The market is up on good earnings from the last quarter of Obama's presidency.
Where is the debacle?
It's in Rdean's head. ..... :lol:

We are talking about a guy who thinks Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama stayed in. And yes he still believes Benghazi was started by a video.
And yet, people all over the world died. How did that happen?

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline

Angry protests spread over anti-Islam video

Anger Over Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt

In the Alternative Fact world of the American Right wing, either there never was a video or no one watched the video.

Believe them. Like you believed them that Iraq had WMD's, that Iraq (slam dunk) was part of 9/11, that vaccines cause autism, that the world is only thousands of years old, that the Bush Tax cuts and and deregulation helped the economy. Yea believe them. They love America. Want health care. Think Social Security is a good idea. Believe them and they will fuck you up just like they always do.
Oh great...the loons are now going to start using "alt fact" at every turn....good grief. Little puppets all spewing the same garbage they are fed by the media
We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters.

Carrier was going to close to move to Mexico. In Mexico, salaries are a third of what they are here. In Canada, the government pays for all health care. This is why business will fight ending NAFTA, but that's another story.

So after negotiations with Gov. Pence, now vice President and President elect Trump, now president, Carrier decided to stay where it is.

Trump crowed about saving 1,100 jobs and that was it.

Or was it?

It turns out that 730 jobs were saved. More than 30% fewer than what Trump claimed.

Millions of dollars were pledged to Carrier to stay. And the CEO has said they will use that money to automate the company. Since nationally, 88% of all lost jobs since 2001 were automated, what if 88% of Carrier jobs are automated? Then the 1,100 dropped to 730 and possibly to around a hundred.

Remember, while manufacturing jobs have gone down, manufacturing actually went up. And how many millions did the taxpayers pay for an automated factory?

When you look at Trump's many bankruptcies and his billions in debt, perhaps his reputation by the right wing as a great businessman is overstated.

He wasn't even president yet and he made this failed deal. And now he's signing executive orders right and left. How many of them will end up being even bigger disasters?

Rush into things without a plan, thought, study, an understanding and without evaluating the drawbacks and what we get is Donald Trump.

This is only the beginning.

"We will remember Carrier as the very first example of Trump's many disasters."

Here's another of President Trumps um disasters.

The Trump Train is unstoppable :smoke:


Trump Tips Dow to 20K

"After a brief hiatus, the Dow Jones Industrial Average resumed its march toward 20000, crossing the elusive milestone on Wednesday as President Donald Trump demonstrates his seriousness about fulfilling campaign promises of lower taxes, less regulation, and more fiscal spending.

- Snip -

Strength in the materials and financials sectors helped push the Dow across the line after Trump on Tuesday gave the green light for the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access PipelinesOpens a New Window.– two projects that stalled under President Barack Obama’s administration. In recent days, Trump has also met with U.S. business leaders, including the chief executives of the Big Three American automakers amid a push for more domestically-built automobiles."

Trump Tips Dow to 20K

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe :smoke:


The market is up on good earnings from the last quarter of Obama's presidency.


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