Every Doomsday Scenerio Ever Offered by the Left Has Failed to Occur


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The left love hysteria.

Global starvation from overpopulation
Hetro HIV epidemic
Silicone breast implants
Freezing from global cooling
Drowning from global warming
Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa
Smog will kill all trees
Patriot Act will kill liberty
Eating animals is like the holocaust.
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No one said that "Global starvation from overpopulation" would happen tomorrow.

Hetro HIV epidemic is in fact greater than per capital among heterosexuals.

Silicone breast implants: lots of women have suffered.

Freezing from global cooling: this makes no sense.

Drowning from global warming: no one said this would happen tomorrow.

Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa: who said this.

Smog will kill all trees: no one said this.

Patriot Act will kill liberty: that is merely a step on to killing liberty.

Eating animals is like the holocaust: who said this?
No one said that "Global starvation from overpopulation" would happen tomorrow.

Hetro HIV epidemic is in fact greater than per capital among heterosexuals.

Silicone breast implants: lots of women have suffered.

Freezing from global cooling: this makes no sense.

Drowning from global warming: no one said this would happen tomorrow.

Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa: who said this.

Smog will kill all trees: no one said this.

Patriot Act will kill liberty: that is merely a step on to killing liberty.

Eating animals is like the holocaust: who said this?

Hetro HIV epidemic is in fact greater than per capital among heterosexuals.

Silicone breast implants: lots of women have suffered.

Freezing from global cooling: this makes no sense.
My point.

Drowning from global warming: no one said this would happen tomorrow.

Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa: who said this.
Gloria Steinem and Naomi Wolf wrote in their bestselling books, “Revolution from Within” and “The Beauty Myth” — and the news media reported — that 150,000 girls and women per year die of anorexia nervosa. Less than 100 do.

Smog will kill all trees: no one said this.
Smog Kills

Patriot Act will kill liberty: that is merely a step on to killing liberty.
The government using government agencies as a political weapon is the only threat to liberty.

Eating animals is like the holocaust: who said this?
PETA’s “Holocaust on Your Plate” Campaign - Sociological Images

I note you skipped trying to defend the overpopulation myth.
Hetro HIV epidemic is in fact greater than per capital among heterosexuals. weatherman says: lie, but cannot prove it. Alternate Fact to him.

Silicone breast implants: lots of women have suffered.
weatherman says: lie, but cannot prove it. Alternate Fact to him.

Drowning from global warming: no one said this would happen tomorrow. So is it happening, weatherman?

You are engaged in using Alternate Facts, not Real Facts.
Hetro HIV epidemic is in fact greater than per capital among heterosexuals. weatherman says: lie, but cannot prove it. Alternate Fact to him.

Silicone breast implants: lots of women have suffered.
weatherman says: lie, but cannot prove it. Alternate Fact to him.

Drowning from global warming: no one said this would happen tomorrow. So is it happening, weatherman?

You are engaged in using Alternate Facts, not Real Facts.
It's not my job to prove a negative, dufus. You show us the millions of women who have suffered from breast implants and the Hetro HIV ratios.
And I showed you 5 islands you moonbats claimed sank due to rising oceans.
Hetro HIV epidemic is in fact greater than per capital among heterosexuals. weatherman says: lie, but cannot prove it. Alternate Fact to him.

Silicone breast implants: lots of women have suffered.
weatherman says: lie, but cannot prove it. Alternate Fact to him.

Drowning from global warming: no one said this would happen tomorrow. So is it happening, weatherman?

You are engaged in using Alternate Facts, not Real Facts.

Somebody wanna translate this from 'dimocrap scum gibberish' to English??
The left love hysteria.

Global starvation from overpopulation
Hetro HIV epidemic
Silicone breast implants
Freezing from global cooling
Drowning from global warming
Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa
Smog will kill all trees
Patriot Act will kill liberty
Eating animals is like the holocaust.

Not playing armchair general today?

Are you intentionally channeling your avatar or do you truly have a penguin sized brain?
The left love hysteria.

Global starvation from overpopulation
Hetro HIV epidemic
Silicone breast implants
Freezing from global cooling
Drowning from global warming
Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa
Smog will kill all trees
Patriot Act will kill liberty
Eating animals is like the holocaust.

The Right love hysteria
Obama was going to take away all of your guns
Obama was going to put everyone in FEMA concentration camps
The Affordable Care Act will kill liberty
The Affordable Care Act will result in Death panels that will kill thousands of grannies.
The left love hysteria.

Global starvation from overpopulation
Hetro HIV epidemic
Silicone breast implants
Freezing from global cooling
Drowning from global warming
Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa
Smog will kill all trees
Patriot Act will kill liberty
Eating animals is like the holocaust.
^ typed from Jade Helm occupied territory (formerly Texas) inside a bunker housing the last of the U.S. population after ebola killed us all
The left love hysteria.

Global starvation from overpopulation
Hetro HIV epidemic
Silicone breast implants
Freezing from global cooling
Drowning from global warming
Hundreds of thousands of women dying from anorexia nervosa
Smog will kill all trees
Patriot Act will kill liberty
Eating animals is like the holocaust.

Not playing armchair general today?

Are you intentionally channeling your avatar or do you truly have a penguin sized brain?

What elementary school do you go to?

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