Carrie White & Brandon Darrow: American Rapture ["Lovefool Quiz"]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Carrie White is the fictional telekinetic high-school female student from the iconic American horror-film Carrie. Brandon Darrow is the fictional unruly movie superstar from Woody Allen's iconic American fame-sardonic film Celebrity.

Carrie is an homage to films like Frankenstein and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, while Celebrity is an homage to films like La Dolce Vita and Oh God! You Devil.

Carrie White and Brandon Darrow are diametric opposites in cinematic history, and we can think about how these two movie characters symbolize an American rapture towards culture-psyche trends (towards discretion and gossip). Carrie is a tragic character reminding us of the need for privacy, while Brandon is a morality-fable figure reminding us of the reality of idolatry.

Americans love media and socialization intrigue, which makes Carrie and Brandon reflective of the American 'aesthetic.' The Cardigans 1990s pop-rock song Lovefool captures a post-1980s American sociocultural interest in lifestyle-exuberance oriented storytelling, and Carrie and Brandon invite us to think about why the American Dream promotes customs imagination. Customs-evaluation is important for our pluralistic society, lest we give in to basic instincts such as racism, lust, arrogance, and slander.

Are you ready to take the Carrie-Brandon quiz?


CARRIE: What film was inspired by WikiLeaks?
BRANDON: What does the term 'Brangelina' mean?
CARRIE: Are high-school movies popular in the Midwest?
BRANDON: How many sports-movies did Tom Cruise make?
CARRIE: Why did The Cardigans make a music-video for MTV?
BRANDON: Why did Howard Hughes retreat like a hermit into a hotel?
CARRIE: Is Tom Cruise more popular than Jesus?
BRANDON: How many films were made about Charles Manson?
CARRIE: How many TV-networks were founded by Ted Turner's company?
BRANDON: How many Civil War movies were made since the 1950s?
CARRIE: Who is considered the top diplomat of modern cinema?
BRANDON: Who is wealthier, Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks?
CARRIE: Which denim companies are American?
BRANDON: How many Korean car companies are popular today?
CARRIE: Does Bollywood (India) make movies to parallel Hollywood (America)?
BRANDON: Is there a Bollywood version of Carrie (hehe)?
CARRIE: Whose films are more anthropological --- Woody Allen or Steven Spielberg?
BRANDON: How many horror-film franchises are American?
CARRIE: How many American crime-movies are based on real-life criminals?
BRANDON: Are there racism-themed films featuring actors who became politicians?
CARRIE: The immigration-and-narcotics film Traffic made money for whom?
BRANDON: Does MTV represent the youth?
CARRIE: Does Facebook represent America and if so why/how?
BRANDON: If there was a WWIII, how likely would it be that we'd see a movie about it?
CARRIE: If there was another plague like the Black Death, would we want a movie about it?
BRANDON: Is America an experiment?
CARRIE: Is America an idiom?


{Carrie White & Brandon Darrow}



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