Carnival Parade Pix!


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
So like, I was invited to New Orleans to help out with one of the floats, and ran clean out of reasons to say no. Here are a few images from tonight's Mardi Gras parades --- rolling tonight was Druids and the Mystic Krewe of Nyx.

Lucy Hamilton
109 Nyx Sister.jpg
90- Druids.jpg
Now now kids, no reason to take it negatively; it could have been simply informative.

This is the big week for parades in N'awlins, although the 'season' starts January 8th.
On the other hand, since Mardi means Tuesday, Mardi Gras could never be "Thursday of next week" so the statement is redundant. :D

139 Nyx.jpg

145 Nyx.jpg

151 Nyx Chanel.jpg

89 Nyx.jpg
Nice pics mr. Pogo. Shoulda met up with ms blacksand while down there
Haha! Yep, lot's have been known to get into lots of trouble over the years!
Though the police are really tolerant with all the party goers each year. I knew one person that came back black and blue every year from falling off curbs, and who knows what else, only to have to be told by those with him how he got that way!

These pictures are wonderful. This Mardi Gras NOLA thing, this looks like event that if I went to it, well, I could very possibly get into all sorts of trouble :dev2: Maybe even resulting in International Incident with me getting arrested :smoke:
Since I am a Catholic, I can explain what Mardi Gras is all about.

It is the last night of revelry before Ash Wednesday, which is a day of fasting and no meat allowed.

Following that are 40 days of Lent, which is considered a time of fasting and prayer. On all Fridays of Lent, Catholics may not eat meat. At Mass the word "Alleluia" may not be said, and the priests wear dark purple, and there are no flowers. The whole point of Lent is self-denial, and penance, to prepare for Easter, which is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ, proving that even death can be conquered.

The reason Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans is because the city was founded by the French, who are Catholic. Mardi Gras is a last time that people can go crazy before Lent.
Since I am a Catholic, I can explain what Mardi Gras is all about.

It is the last night of revelry before Ash Wednesday, which is a day of fasting and no meat allowed.

Following that are 40 days of Lent, which is considered a time of fasting and prayer. On all Fridays of Lent, Catholics may not eat meat. At Mass the word "Alleluia" may not be said, and the priests wear dark purple, and there are no flowers. The whole point of Lent is self-denial, and penance, to prepare for Easter, which is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ, proving that even death can be conquered.

The reason Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans is because the city was founded by the French, who are Catholic. Mardi Gras is a last time that people can go crazy before Lent.

Damn good post!

I am so sick of the secularization of our holy days and then ignoramuses acting like the secularized version are the only ones that exist.

Thank you again!
You really display your love for your fellow man, Christian. Maybe if you ultra religious people weren't always such assholes, you'd be able to keep your numbers up.
I have no clue why you are attacking me for pointing out that Mardi Gras is the Tuesday of next week, and abusing me because I am Christian. I must assume that a monkey is typing on your keyboard.

Be honest. Why did you post that in response to Pogo's post? What reason could you have had? He doesn't need to be told when Mardi Gras is.

If you lie.....I will know.
LoneLaughter, your hostile and hateful reaction to my innocuous statement that Mardi Gras is Tuesday of last week was way over the top and I have to say it shows who you really are. If you have any faith at all, I would suggest you go to a priest and confess all this hate you have in your heart, and listen to what he says. It is my belief that anyone can be saved, no matter what they have done. Next time I go to Mass I will light a candle for you.

Bullshit. Next lie.........
Not a lie. I just prayed for you. When I go to Mass I will pray for you again while I light a candle.
what is the candle supposed to do?....out side of making a buck or two for the church....just askin....

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