Zone1 Cardinal Pell, now deceased, gives hope to Catholic Conservatives


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The disaster that has been the papacy of Pope Frank has been concealed in a way by the pedophilia scandal and Covid, but there are a lot of Catholics who have fallen away because of Frank's casual view of longstanding Christian/Biblical beliefs. As the Episcopal Church in the U.S. has found out, people don't really want morality by popular vote.

I'd like to get my hands on a copy of Pell's seven-page memo. I'm sure it would give me some encouragement.
The disaster that has been the papacy of Pope Frank has been concealed in a way by the pedophilia scandal and Covid, but there are a lot of Catholics who have fallen away because of Frank's casual view of longstanding Christian/Biblical beliefs. As the Episcopal Church in the U.S. has found out, people don't really want morality by popular vote.

I'd like to get my hands on a copy of Pell's seven-page memo. I'm sure it would give me some encouragement.

Not that I have much use for the Catholic Church, but Francis realizes that Catholicism is largely a third world religion for people of color, so of course, the "conservative' concerns of the mostly white first world are kind of irrelevant.

Poverty and wealth inequality are real issues for your average Catholic living in Africa, Latin America or Southeast Asia. Abortion and gay marriage, not so much.
Thank you for this info that I did not know.. although I had heard about Pell and the fake sex charges... figures, doesn't it? that I would hear about THAT but not how he disliked the ways of the infamous Francis..

Was he murdered? You wonder...

Maybe some Francis-supporting Vatican person made up the fake sex charges? 404 days in solitary confinement???!! What the...?? I'm not even sure most murderers get that kind of punishment and he (Pell) was eventually exonerated, so you know they didn't have solid evidence.. but gave him solitary just the same.. :mad:

And what did McCarrick get for ACTUALLY molesting many many boys over the course of many years... I believe all he got was some kind of cushy vacation in which he was supposed to "do penance" for all his crimes/mortal sins. I'm glad that sicko pervert is GONE. God finally rid us of him.. since the fake Vatican sect couldn't be bothered to do that..

I hear that at McCarrick's death, he (almost?)- violently rejected the Last Rites..

There's some baloney in this article... like the part where someone says that Pell was a son of the Church, then.. maybe the memo wasn't written by him

Well, who in his right mind would question the Vatican? What person who is called "son of the Church" would question good old, fag-loving, mortal-sin-condoning francis?
Not that I have much use for the Catholic Church, but Francis realizes that Catholicism is largely a third world religion for people of color, so of course, the "conservative' concerns of the mostly white first world are kind of irrelevant.

Poverty and wealth inequality are real issues for your average Catholic living in Africa, Latin America or Southeast Asia. Abortion and gay marriage, not so much.
I guess you wouldn't be interested, then.. in information supporting the notion that anti-Christians took over the Vatican some 60 years ago and have kept their stranglehold on it since?

Maybe that's not considered newsworthy to everyone....
I guess you wouldn't be interested, then.. in information supporting the notion that anti-Christians took over the Vatican some 60 years ago and have kept their stranglehold on it since?

Maybe that's not considered newsworthy to everyone....

Actually, Vatican 2 (which is what I am guessing your whining about) was an attempt by a corrupt church to reform itself. But the sensible reforms of John XXIII and Paul VI were undone by the Conservatism of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

Now the church has a problem. It's too conservative for Catholics in the first world (US and Europe) who treat the Pope like a senile uncle at Thanksgiving, and for the Third World, where most Catholics actually live, the message doesn't resonate. Telling countries in extreme poverty due to overpopulation to keep having babies is nuts.
Actually, Vatican 2 (which is what I am guessing your whining about) was an attempt by a corrupt church to reform itself. But the sensible reforms of John XXIII and Paul VI were undone by the Conservatism of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

Now the church has a problem. It's too conservative for Catholics in the first world (US and Europe) who treat the Pope like a senile uncle at Thanksgiving, and for the Third World, where most Catholics actually live, the message doesn't resonate. Telling countries in extreme poverty due to overpopulation to keep having babies is nuts.
You are wrong. I'm too much in a hurry to elaborate as why you are wrong but you are way off base. The Vatican was taken over by non-Christians, some communists or communist-sympathizers in the 60s. IT is NOT... Repeat NOT... the Catholic Church... Some non-Vatican Churches retained some of their Catholicity but the Vatican... forget it... and all the other various Churches aren't faring too well of late either.. the ones I know of...
You are wrong. I'm too much in a hurry to elaborate as why you are wrong but you are way off base. The Vatican was taken over by non-Christians, some communists or communist-sympathizers in the 60s. IT is NOT... Repeat NOT... the Catholic Church... Some non-Vatican Churches retained some of their Catholicity but the Vatican... forget it... and all the other various Churches aren't faring too well of late either.. the ones I know of...

Um, okay.

Here's the thing. A major tenet of Catholicism is Papal Infallibility. So you can't like where the Pope's have taken the church, but according to your own doctrine, the Pope is infallible in matters of faith.

As far as Communism... Jesus was a Communist.

Um, okay.

Here's the thing. A major tenet of Catholicism is Papal Infallibility. So you can't like where the Pope's have taken the church, but according to your own doctrine, the Pope is infallible in matters of faith.

As far as Communism... Jesus was a Communist.
Jesus was not a commie.. Get outa here

The pope is infallible but the last few popes we have had have NOT been popes. They appear to be.. boy, do they appear to be.. but they stole the Vatican.. somewhat like the White House in the US was stolen by evil people

There has been NO pope since 1958

Sedevacantists know this
Jesus was not a commie.. Get outa here

If a man asks your for your coat, give him your shirt as well.
Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's
It's harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

Commie Jesus.

The pope is infallible but the last few popes we have had have NOT been popes. They appear to be.. boy, do they appear to be.. but they stole the Vatican.. somewhat like the White House in the US was stolen by evil people

Uh, all the Popes since 1958 were elected the same way all popes have been elected.
Probably even more honest than some of the shennanigans that went on during the Middle Ages.


Poor Pope Formosis!

There has been NO pope since 1958

Sedevacantists know this
Nope. You guys are apostates... I'm an apostate, but at least I'm honest about it.

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