Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.


I see the copy of Mein Kampf. You do realize the Koran makes it look like a children's book.

I also see the cocaine. Where is the artists source that says cocaine has anything to do with this? You believe propaganda. Do you even know what Bannon believes?

How do you know that's coke? Were you there?

You know who liked Mein Kampf and it was the only book he ever read?

Joe McCarthy.

How does the cartoonist know is the question. As far as McCarthy it turned out he was right.

The cartoonist never said it was coke. You did.

Soooooo McCarthy was right to read Mein Kampf and nothing else?
Isn't that informative.
Was Obama forced to hang with Bill Ayres? Stop changing what I said to suit you, You couldn't be more dishonest.

I see the copy of Mein Kampf. You do realize the Koran makes it look like a children's book.

I also see the cocaine. Where is the artists source that says cocaine has anything to do with this? You believe propaganda. Do you even know what Bannon believes?

How do you know that's coke? Were you there?

You know who liked Mein Kampf and it was the only book he ever read?

Joe McCarthy.

How does the cartoonist know is the question. As far as McCarthy it turned out he was right.

The cartoonist never said it was coke. You did.

Soooooo McCarthy was right to read Mein Kampf and nothing else?
Isn't that informative.
Was Obama forced to hang with Bill Ayres? Stop changing what I said to suit you, You couldn't be more dishonest.

Pogo's Law strikes yet again.

I haven't been posting about either "O'bama" or "Bill Ayers". You're desperately trying to change a subject you already lost. Wimp. :gay:
I have. After college I applied for a job as a counselor at a drug rehab. center while waiting to start law school in the fall. I called the ad for the job listed in the newspaper and after answering a few question on my experience and education I was told asked and confirmed I was white. I was told that they were seeking an African American for the position because most of their clients were black.

It worked out great for me, I landed a job with a probation dept. (where I learned I didn't particularly like lawyers) and from there began a three decade career in LE; I didn't have the debt of law school to keep me from buying a house before the housing bubble which also worked out well for me.
So you love being discriminated against, great for you, jack ass, but millions of other white people in this country still cannot find jobs because of a system that secretly black balls them as we have seen at Google.
LOL At 73, I get job offers in the mail every day. Some actually pay more than what I have at present. But every month I spend here is another addition to my pension. Oh yes, and I presently make over 80K, with another 25K from SS. Could be making more but I turn down all but neccessary overtime.

Those out of work failed to see the future and train for work that machines cannot do.
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See it here:

Car strikes counter-protesters at Va. white supremacist rally

Several people have been injured after a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters marching against a “pro-white” rally Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., witnesses said.

Video of the terrifying moment shows at least one person being tossed into the air as the silver Dodge Charger mowed into the crowd.

“Yeah, it was intentional,” said witness Dan Miller. “About 40 miles an hour, hit about 15-20 people, crashed into the two cars in front of it, and then backed up and sped away while cops were standing on the side of the road and didn’t do anything.”

So ask yourself this:

"Did I race to my computer to post a thread about the San Bernardino terrorist attack, or the Orlando night club attack?"

If you didn't, why not?

Because the bigots were already on it like white on rice?

What did I win?

As with this story, there is always an endless string of threads, and the poster could have taken the time to start one of his own.
No way he would have though, my gawd, the left would look the other way if a Muslim targeted a roomful of black transgenders who had filed lawsuits against Christian wedding cake bakers.
You didn't win anything.
See it here:

Car strikes counter-protesters at Va. white supremacist rally

Several people have been injured after a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters marching against a “pro-white” rally Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., witnesses said.

Video of the terrifying moment shows at least one person being tossed into the air as the silver Dodge Charger mowed into the crowd.

“Yeah, it was intentional,” said witness Dan Miller. “About 40 miles an hour, hit about 15-20 people, crashed into the two cars in front of it, and then backed up and sped away while cops were standing on the side of the road and didn’t do anything.”

So ask yourself this:

"Did I race to my computer to post a thread about the San Bernardino terrorist attack, or the Orlando night club attack?"

If you didn't, why not?

Because the bigots were already on it like white on rice?

What did I win?

As with this story, there is always an endless string of threads, and the poster could have taken the time to start one of his own.
No way he would have though, my gawd, the left would look the other way if a Muslim targeted a roomful of black transgenders who had filed lawsuits against Christian wedding cake bakers.
You didn't win anything.

Understandably. It was stating the obvious.
I see the copy of Mein Kampf. You do realize the Koran makes it look like a children's book.

I also see the cocaine. Where is the artists source that says cocaine has anything to do with this? You believe propaganda. Do you even know what Bannon believes?

How do you know that's coke? Were you there?

You know who liked Mein Kampf and it was the only book he ever read?

Joe McCarthy.

How does the cartoonist know is the question. As far as McCarthy it turned out he was right.

The cartoonist never said it was coke. You did.

Soooooo McCarthy was right to read Mein Kampf and nothing else?
Isn't that informative.
Was Obama forced to hang with Bill Ayres? Stop changing what I said to suit you, You couldn't be more dishonest.

Pogo's Law strikes yet again.

I haven't been posting about either "O'bama" or "Bill Ayers". You're desperately trying to change a subject you already lost. Wimp. :gay:

You have dragged other names into the conversation. McCarthy, remember?and the Nazi crap is there already.

McCarthy was not a white supremacist. Obama is a Leftist.
The Protesters had the permit to protest. Are the counter protesters going to be charged with Trespassing and Riot? :cool:

Yeah, "trespassing on a moving assault vehicle". You go with that Adolf's Terrorism Tenderizer.
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It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat

>> CHARLOTTESVILLE — Years before a 20-year-old Ohio man allegedly rammed his car into a panicked crowd of activists in Charlottesville, it was his disabled mother who was terrified.

James Alex Fields Jr. was barely a teenager in 2010 when his mother — who uses a wheelchair — locked herself in a bathroom, called 911 and said her son had struck her head and put his hands over her mouth when she told him to stop playing a video game, according to police records. On another occasion, records show, he brandished a 12-inch knife. Once, he spit in her face. << --- Mother Called 911 Over Threats

Hey, maybe he "accidentally" slugged and gagged her while trying to kiss her. Yyyyyyyeah that's it.

"Barely a teenager" would indicate around the time he was getting interested in Nazis. One wonders it it was a Nazi video game.... :eusa_think:
(Oh yes, purely as a historical interest of course. He opened a history book at random and it just "happened" to be the Hitler page. "Disclaimer", yammer yammer....)
If you follow a bunch of people wearing helmets and carrying baseball bats to a counter protest don't be surprised if you get hurt or even killed. Just say no, I won't go.
The Protesters had the permit to protest. Are the counter protesters going to be charged with Trespassing and Riot? :cool:

Yeah, "trespassing on a moving assault vehicle". You go with that Adolf's Terrorism Tederizer.
So you are against law and order? The counter protesters did not have a permit. The protesters did.

Where exactly do you get a "permit" to mow people down with a car? Hm?
Does it cost extra to get a "mow people down in two directions" permit? Or is that included?

The Protesters had the permit to protest. Are the counter protesters going to be charged with Trespassing and Riot? :cool:

You can't "trespass" on public property, Einstein.
You know, there are a whole bunch of people on this board who like to compare Antifa to ISIL, because ISIL destroys monuments and museums, and they are comparing that to petitioning to get the statues removed.

Not the same thing actually.

But, if you want a fair comparison, how about comparing the white supremacists to ISIL? ISIL has encouraged many of their followers to use vehicles to mow down innocent people, and that is EXACTLY what this white supremacist did.

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