Diamond Member
I was always concerned about how close-knit many Federal agencies seemed to be, especially Defense and the "revolving door" whereby a general gave one corporation a lucrative contract, and then retired to that company with a huge salary and benefits.
However, after Bernie Madoff I learned that capturing an agency is so widespread that it actually is a corporate goal. Madoff bragged that he was going to be head of the SEC. Can you imagine the damage he would have done?
I want Congress to pass laws that prohibit the "capture" of government agencies. I want the head of an agency to be independent and only one management level employee per company.
However, after Bernie Madoff I learned that capturing an agency is so widespread that it actually is a corporate goal. Madoff bragged that he was going to be head of the SEC. Can you imagine the damage he would have done?
I want Congress to pass laws that prohibit the "capture" of government agencies. I want the head of an agency to be independent and only one management level employee per company.