Capitol Hill Rioters Mostly Not 'Right Wing' Groups


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Well, lookee here.....There goes another Democrat meme lie....

"A Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties to 'Right-Wing' Groups"

"A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election."

Time to tear down that wall Mr. Biden....The jig is up.
Well, lookee here.....There goes another Democrat meme lie....

"A Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties to 'Right-Wing' Groups"

"A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election."

Time to tear down that wall Mr. Biden....The jig is up.

Time to tear down that wall Mr. Biden....The jig is up.

...the news is out, they finally found me. The renegade, who had it made, retreived for a boun-ty. Never more to go astray, this'll be the end today, of the Wanted Man. The waaaaanted maaaaaaaaannnnnn!

Thanks a lot Leo, this song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day now. Great fucking song though! (and kind of fits with the story here too lol)

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Well, lookee here.....There goes another Democrat meme lie....

"A Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties to 'Right-Wing' Groups"

"A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election."

Time to tear down that wall Mr. Biden....The jig is up.
Well, lookee here.....There goes another Democrat meme lie....

"A Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties to 'Right-Wing' Groups"

"A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election."

Time to tear down that wall Mr. Biden....The jig is up.

Bullshit. The people that have been arrested have numerous ties to right wing hate groups.
This is an example of spin by the right-wing media echo chamber.

Reading the title and article might make you call into question the accepted narrative by everyone outside the right-wing media echo chamber. But the article makes it very clear who was involved. Just click on the links in the PJ Media story and you can open up the paper.
We develop a novel approach for estimating spatially dispersed community-level par-ticipation in mass protest. This methodology is used to investigate factors associated with participation in the ‘March to Save America’ event in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021. This study combines granular location data from more than 40 million mobile devices with novel measures of community-level voting patterns, the location of organized hate groups, and the entire geo referenced digital archive of the social media platform Parler. We find evidence that partisanship, socio-political isolation, proximity to chapters of the Proud Boys organization, and the local activity on Parler are ro-bustly associated with protest participation. Our research fills a prominent gap in thestudy of collective action: identifying and studying communities involved in mass-scaleevents that escalate into violent insurrection.​

... We present the first robust evidence linking partisanship and political isolation to participation in the protest and subsequent riot at the U.S. Capitol. We also present results linking local use of Parler – a social media platform used to spread election-related disinformation – as well as proximity to a regional Proud Boys headquarters to mobilization.​

IOW, it was loner Trump supporters on Parler who probably were part of the Proud Boys.
So the point is they were the average dumb Republican?
No the point is that they were not incited by Trump.

"A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election."

I read it as just the opposite. They didn't come there as part of any fringe right-wing group but rather because they drank Trump's election fraud kool aid.
Well, lookee here.....There goes another Democrat meme lie....

"A Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties to 'Right-Wing' Groups"

"A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election."

Time to tear down that wall Mr. Biden....The jig is up.
A survey amongst the Insurrectionists of January 6th?

Dumbest idea I've heard (even from university bums) in quite some time.

That's about as reliable as asking a condemned man his opinion on capital punishment.

Damned fools.

I'm content to let the US Department of Justice and the Attorney General's office figure it out.
The study doesn't say that.
What a stupid divisive statement. The study says there was plenty of reason for skepticism about the outcome of the election. The study says there was an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans to "save" the election from Donald Trump. The study says that those far left groups got states to change voting systems and laws. The study says that leftist groups and big money got millions to vote by mail. In fact, the study says the rioters were probably better informed. It also said that the overwhelming number of people lived in Democrat areas. No where does it say the rioters were incited by Trump. Yet you ignore all that to make your TDS snowflake statement.
I read it as just the opposite. They didn't come there as part of any fringe right-wing group but rather because they drank Trump's election fraud kool aid.
Well, sorry that ain't worth 2 cents. Yeah you made shit up. We know....How you read it is not the point Mr. Narcissist.
A survey amongst the Insurrectionists of January 6th?

Dumbest idea I've heard (even from university bums) in quite some time.

That's about as reliable as asking a condemned man his opinion on capital punishment.

Damned fools.

I'm content to let the US Department of Justice and the Attorney General's office figure it out.
Well they were there and you were not. BTW the info in the article came from arrest records.
More info for reading challenged lefties. From my OP

"Nearly 90% had no ties or right-wing affiliations whatsoever."
"And they found out that 85% of the people arrested were business owners or held down white-collar jobs."

These people had their livelihoods cut off at the knees and were suffering financially from the Democrat shut downs.

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