Capitol arrest ideology count: liberals 1, conservatives 99


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
With the arrest of a liberal involved in the capital riots, the number of liberals among "roughly a hundred" arrested now totals 1, as per this paragraph in this Político article:
While the vast majority of the roughly 100 people hit with federal charges appear to be supporters of President Donald Trump and some backed known right-wing organizations, Sullivan is the first person to be charged who appears to have been active in liberal causes.
Confirmed.This was a right-wing plot.
I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.
Off topic deflections.

Besides, that wasn't about politics.
The topic was ideology in protest so it's not off topic. I don't dispute the ideology of those arrested at Capitol Hill were coservative just as the majority of those arrested at the protest/riots I referenced were liberal if it's fair to talk about one it's fair to talk about the other. I understand the left not wanting to talk about those riots they spent most of last year trying to pretend they weren't happening interesting how that type of violence and behavior didn't concern the Democrats till it came to their doorstep.
I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.
Off topic deflections.

Besides, that wasn't about politics.

These radicalized Trump assholes have nothing left to offer except deflections.

I used to call them zombies, but radicalized is actually much more accurate.
HOWEVER....There is a still STRONG similarity with zombies.


I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.

Just don't forget, asshole, that those riots started because this was the final straw.

How would you like it to be murdered .....and so cavalierly?

With the arrest of a liberal involved in the capital riots, the number of liberals among "roughly a hundred" arrested now totals 1, as per this paragraph in this Político article:
While the vast majority of the roughly 100 people hit with federal charges appear to be supporters of President Donald Trump and some backed known right-wing organizations, Sullivan is the first person to be charged who appears to have been active in liberal causes.
Confirmed.This was a right-wing plot.

I think it's more indicative of a conspiracy....and a coverup.
One pee-on was sacrificed to give the FBI's fake investigations legitimacy.
I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.

Most of the violent offenders were members of the Boogaloo Bois, or anarchist groups. Liberals arrested tend to be for "resisting arrest".
I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.
Off topic deflections.

Besides, that wasn't about politics.
The topic was ideology in protest so it's not off topic. I don't dispute the ideology of those arrested at Capitol Hill were coservative just as the majority of those arrested at the protest/riots I referenced were liberal if it's fair to talk about one it's fair to talk about the other. I understand the left not wanting to talk about those riots they spent most of last year trying to pretend they weren't happening interesting how that type of violence and behavior didn't concern the Democrats till it came to their doorstep.
Start a thread. Don't derail this one.
I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.
Off topic deflections.

Besides, that wasn't about politics.
The topic was ideology in protest so it's not off topic. I don't dispute the ideology of those arrested at Capitol Hill were coservative just as the majority of those arrested at the protest/riots I referenced were liberal if it's fair to talk about one it's fair to talk about the other. I understand the left not wanting to talk about those riots they spent most of last year trying to pretend they weren't happening interesting how that type of violence and behavior didn't concern the Democrats till it came to their doorstep.

There is no equivalency between what happened at the Capital and the BLM protests. The insurrection at the Capital was caused by the refusal of the Republican Party in general, and Donald Trump and his advisors in particular, to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the Presidential election. It happened because Donald Trump continues to make baseless claims that the election was "stolen".

Donald Trump has STILL not uttered the words Joe Biden won, or told the American people the election was fair and honest. Neither have the leaders of the Republican Party. As long as they refuse to tell the American people the truth, they are encouraging their staunches supporters to believe the Big Lie. The lunatic fringe will continue to violently oppose the Biden Administration.

You now have Democratic members of the government saying they fear for their lives. They've had panic buttons in their congressional offices, and private security, because of threats from Trump supporters. You also have Republicans members of the House saying they fear for their lives if they voted to certify Biden's election. Republican Senators who shielded Adam Schiff and helped get him out of the Senate Chamber because they knew the mob wouldn't attack them, but Schiff would be a target.

BLM protests weren't attacking and murdering police. One police officer - who had a heart attack after dragged out of the Capital and being beaten by the mob, said he was tazed repeatedly, and beaten with a "Thin Blue Line" flag, and the mob was chanting to "shoot him with his own gun". His life was saved, when he begged the crowd that he had children, and some people formed a protective shield around him and helped him get away. The "law and order patriots" beat and terrorized a police officer, causing him to have a heart attack.

More than 50 police officers were injured to the melee. Two are now dead, one of them at the hands of the mob. Another is likely to lose an eye.

All because the Republican Party and Donald J. Trump refuse to tell the American people the truth.
I wonder what the ideology count for the riots that went on in Minneaplois, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, New York to name a few most of last was.
Off topic deflections.

Besides, that wasn't about politics.
The topic was ideology in protest so it's not off topic. I don't dispute the ideology of those arrested at Capitol Hill were coservative just as the majority of those arrested at the protest/riots I referenced were liberal if it's fair to talk about one it's fair to talk about the other. I understand the left not wanting to talk about those riots they spent most of last year trying to pretend they weren't happening interesting how that type of violence and behavior didn't concern the Democrats till it came to their doorstep.
The topic was ideology in the Capitol protests, since you've been claiming it was "Antifa". Now you wanna dodge because you realized it was only one liberal.

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