Biden Rips Republicans for Refusing to Don masks During Siege


Jan 7, 2021
Members of Congress were quickly moved to secure rooms in the Capitol after the seat of the nation’s government was attacked in an insurrection launched by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters who were trying to disrupt congressional certification of Biden’s election victory. In his speech, Biden reiterated his request for Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his administration, which begins next Wednesday as the president-elect is inaugurated. And Biden repeated that he’ll issue an executive order requiring masks for federal workers and on federal property, as well as for interstate travel on trains and planes.

Members of Congress were quickly moved to secure rooms in the Capitol after the seat of the nation’s government was attacked in an insurrection launched by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters who were trying to disrupt congressional certification of Biden’s election victory. In his speech, Biden reiterated his request for Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his administration, which begins next Wednesday as the president-elect is inaugurated. And Biden repeated that he’ll issue an executive order requiring masks for federal workers and on federal property, as well as for interstate travel on trains and planes.

If Americans will be required to do this mask shit, how about Illegal Aliens and other non-Americans? Why shouldn't they be required to do so as well?
Members of Congress were quickly moved to secure rooms in the Capitol after the seat of the nation’s government was attacked in an insurrection launched by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters who were trying to disrupt congressional certification of Biden’s election victory. In his speech, Biden reiterated his request for Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his administration, which begins next Wednesday as the president-elect is inaugurated. And Biden repeated that he’ll issue an executive order requiring masks for federal workers and on federal property, as well as for interstate travel on trains and planes.

If they refused masks, I'd have left them in the chamber and locked the exit doors behind me. They can take their chances with their fellow "patriots".
Members of Congress were quickly moved to secure rooms in the Capitol after the seat of the nation’s government was attacked in an insurrection launched by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters who were trying to disrupt congressional certification of Biden’s election victory. In his speech, Biden reiterated his request for Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his administration, which begins next Wednesday as the president-elect is inaugurated. And Biden repeated that he’ll issue an executive order requiring masks for federal workers and on federal property, as well as for interstate travel on trains and planes.

They were offered Masks. The refused and got a big laugh out it all. I think those with mask or accept masks in congress should be allowed on the Floor. The rest should be locked up in a room that gets sprayed with one of Rump favorite preventions like Chlorine or a very bright UV light that causes blindness.
Biden is an asshole. He can't process information from more than one source at a time.

As opposed to the man child who wants credit for a vaccine he had nothing to do with (and fucking up the distro) while suggesting injecting disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine?
Biden is an asshole. He can't process information from more than one source at a time.

As opposed to the man child who wants credit for a vaccine he had nothing to do with (and fucking up the distro) while suggesting injecting disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine?
Since we're talking fantasy, I'll give it a shot. When he allegedly suggested injecting disinfectants, he was targeting people like yourself who are obviously in deep need of extraordinary help.
They were offered Masks. The refused and got a big laugh out it all. I think those with mask or accept masks in congress should be allowed on the Floor. The rest should be locked up in a room that gets sprayed with one of Rump favorite preventions like Chlorine or a very bright UV light that causes blindness.

You are one sick person. Talk about hate.

PS Masks don't work.
Biden is an asshole. He can't process information from more than one source at a time.

As opposed to the man child who wants credit for a vaccine he had nothing to do with (and fucking up the distro) while suggesting injecting disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine?
Since we're talking fantasy, I'll give it a shot. When he allegedly suggested injecting disinfectants, he was targeting people like yourself who are obviously in deep need of extraordinary help.

That's not fantasy. That was REALITY. Which makes it all the more pathetic and disturbing. You supported him. You pass it off. Yes, he did actually say those things. And you loved him for it. :)
Biden is an asshole. He can't process information from more than one source at a time.

As opposed to the man child who wants credit for a vaccine he had nothing to do with (and fucking up the distro) while suggesting injecting disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine?
Since we're talking fantasy, I'll give it a shot. When he allegedly suggested injecting disinfectants, he was targeting people like yourself who are obviously in deep need of extraordinary help.

That's not fantasy. That was REALITY. Which makes it all the more pathetic and disturbing. You supported him. You pass it off. Yes, he did actually say those things. And you loved him for it. :)
I love Trump for securing our border. Putting China and Mexico in their trading places. Confronting our greatest adversary, China, on many fronts. Confronting Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. Middle East peace, which Democrat idiots said was impossible. Ending the idiotic Iraq war. Rewriting our idiotic trade agreements, raising employment and wages for every class of people and giving minorities greater opportunities in both the education system and the employment market. For taking our business and stock markets to over a hundred new highs, and for responding to the COVID crisis in extraordinary, world leading way. For rebuilding our military, our confidence and our reputation. (That means respect because of our strength). and last but not least, pride in our country as an exceptional place. Middle east peace. There is no problem with Trump or all the great policies he implemented. This is all a political problem with the programs Democrats want
Biden is an asshole. He can't process information from more than one source at a time.

As opposed to the man child who wants credit for a vaccine he had nothing to do with (and fucking up the distro) while suggesting injecting disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine?
Since we're talking fantasy, I'll give it a shot. When he allegedly suggested injecting disinfectants, he was targeting people like yourself who are obviously in deep need of extraordinary help.

That's not fantasy. That was REALITY. Which makes it all the more pathetic and disturbing. You supported him. You pass it off. Yes, he did actually say those things. And you loved him for it. :)
I love Trump for securing our border. Putting China and Mexico in their trading places. Confronting our greatest adversary, China, on many fronts. Confronting Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. Middle East peace, which Democrat idiots said was impossible. Ending the idiotic Iraq war. Rewriting our idiotic trade agreements, raising employment and wages for every class of people and giving minorities greater opportunities in both the education system and the employment market. For taking our business and stock markets to over a hundred new highs, and for responding to the COVID crisis in extraordinary, world leading way. For rebuilding our military, our confidence and our reputation. (That means respect because of our strength). and last but not least, pride in our country as an exceptional place. Middle east peace. There is no problem with Trump or all the great policies he implemented. This is all a political problem with the programs Democrats want

Except..he didn't.....sigh..

Did he solve the Palestinian issue? Well then, podunk ME countries playing nice in the sandbox doesn't count.

He blows the response to the virus, fucks up the vaccine distro, and you want to anoint him Our Savior...well, yours anyway.

Republicans...are all done. :)
Biden is an asshole. He can't process information from more than one source at a time.

As opposed to the man child who wants credit for a vaccine he had nothing to do with (and fucking up the distro) while suggesting injecting disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine?
Since we're talking fantasy, I'll give it a shot. When he allegedly suggested injecting disinfectants, he was targeting people like yourself who are obviously in deep need of extraordinary help.

That's not fantasy. That was REALITY. Which makes it all the more pathetic and disturbing. You supported him. You pass it off. Yes, he did actually say those things. And you loved him for it. :)
I love Trump for securing our border. Putting China and Mexico in their trading places. Confronting our greatest adversary, China, on many fronts. Confronting Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. Middle East peace, which Democrat idiots said was impossible. Ending the idiotic Iraq war. Rewriting our idiotic trade agreements, raising employment and wages for every class of people and giving minorities greater opportunities in both the education system and the employment market. For taking our business and stock markets to over a hundred new highs, and for responding to the COVID crisis in extraordinary, world leading way. For rebuilding our military, our confidence and our reputation. (That means respect because of our strength). and last but not least, pride in our country as an exceptional place. Middle east peace. There is no problem with Trump or all the great policies he implemented. This is all a political problem with the programs Democrats want

Except..he didn't.....sigh..

Did he solve the Palestinian issue? Well then, podunk ME countries playing nice in the sandbox doesn't count.

He blows the response to the virus, fucks up the vaccine distro, and you want to anoint him Our Savior...well, yours anyway.

Republicans...are all done. :)
2 years from now you will see the biggest case of buyers remorse EVER.

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