Capitalist Paradigm

Then why does it constantly need government's intervention to survive its speculators?

dear, if we had capitalism it would be self-correcting. As it is the govt steps in to correct the distortions caused by its liberal soviet intervention. The Depression and recent financial crisis are perfect examples. Do you understand now?
"It is the fundamental flaw that our celebrated system rewards speculators much more than creators.

of course thats idiotic. Who would pay speculators if they did nothing useful? Also Bill Gates was a speculator/creator of PC software. Jobs was speculator/creator of the PC. You're entire premise is idiotic and liberal.
Socialist policies that put millions of Americans back to work after capitalism had destroyed the global economy?

of thats 100% idiotic unemployment grew during Depression because high taxes kept slowing the economy. Here's the expert :

The Obama team has been lauded for emulating Franklin Roosevelt's bold response to the Great Depression of the 1930's.
****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
So, which one makes more money for their investor - Kao or the hedge-fund manager? Which one had a greater effect on more people?
I think that answer depends on how you relate "money" and "effect." We are losing some of out best minds to Wall Street speculation, and that will have another profound effect on billions of people around the globe just as it did in 2007.
"And our talented youth gets seduced by this profession of speculation known for its easy and abundantly flowing financial rewards, avoiding those that require much greater intellectual capacity.

"Most importantly, very early in their lives, our talented youth come to realize that fields that may earn them a Nobel Prize–cancer research or multi-core computing–may not make them rich.

"But moving money from here to there will.

And thus, we lose Berkeley Ph.Ds in nuclear physics to hedge funds and MIT computer scientists capable of delivering computing to 6 billion people to derivative manipulation on Wall Street."
Capitalism s Fundamental Flaw - Forbes

Absolute nonsense ... unjustified ... great political rhetoric. The truth is much simpler ... the liberal agenda has ruined our education system, and our new generations are NOT capable of research and discovery.
Sardonic cynicism ... of course, it's false, but it's cute.
Then why did the number of billionaires explode when workers' wages in the US flatlined? The billionaire class came into existence when corporate leaders sucked ever more wealth from their now more productive workers while refusing to share any of the gains with workers or their community.
The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population"
And where do you imagine those 19 million Americans would have been without the WPA, sipping champagne with Rockefeller and Morgan?

dear, when you have a free market supply = demand. The number of jobs supplied = the number needed or demanded. Econ 101. Did you ever think of college?
The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population"
And where do you imagine those 19 million Americans would have been without the WPA, sipping champagne with Rockefeller and Morgan?

dear, when you have a free market supply = demand. The number of jobs supplied = the number needed or demanded. Econ 101. Did you ever think of college?

when you raise taxes for make work soviet jobs you unemploy people who then get make work jobs and then become unemployed again when the stimulus is withdrawn. Thats how FDR prolonged Depression so long
Then why did the number of billionaires explode when workers' wages in the US flatlined? .

because our corps became more international than ever with more customers than ever while workers were dropping out of worthless liberal schools as incompetents, joining labor unions that were shipping their jobs off shore, voting liberal soviet to raise taxes and drive more jobs off shore, and letting 20 million illegals in to take what jobs remained and drive down wages.

Now you know but lack the IQ to understand as a typical liberal.
the liberal agenda has ruined our education system, and our new generations are NOT capable of research and discovery.
How, exactly, has the liberal agenda (whatever that is) "ruined out education system?"

How? You SERIOUSLY ask that question???

Over the past 30 years, the liberal agenda has dumbed down our schools, diverted needed funds to support those who can't, and never will, contribute to our society, and perpetuated a failed and non-productive education system. Buried in their mantra of 'everybody deserves to go to college' is the ashes of a productive and competent education system.

The students we graduate today are incapable of making change, writing checks, putting three words together in a coherent sentence. The system we use today results, in a typical Midwestern city, 90% of the black students can't read at the 10th grade level, 92% of Native American children and 81% of Hispanic children are not proficient in math, and 44% of white children are incapable of writing at the 10th grade level. (I'll be happy to send you the specific data backing up these claims, and you can identify the city and the school district, but I'm not going to embarrass them in a public forum).

Due to political correctness, we have students, who read at the 3rd grade level, trying to slog through 11th grade Shakespeare. Due to political correctness, we have 5th grade children who can't speak English trying to decipher science textbooks. Due to political correctness, we have children who can't speak, who can't communicate, and who can't control their bowels, consuming a 'special education' budget that exceeds the International Baccalaureate program in 4 high schools.

We have high school graduates who know less, and have been exposed to less, than a typical 1960's eighth grader, and we have college students who can't even write. We have college students who graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering who can't use a CAD program, aeronautical engineers who can't figure out the transient weight load of solar panels in space, or figure out which copier to buy for the office. We don't hire college graduates and tutor them; we have to train them from the ground up.

We have so demeaned the value of a college education that you need a degree in business to sell insurance, a degree in finance to operate a grocery store, and a degree in mechanical engineering to get a job as a plumber. When real, and substantive, improvements are proposed for our failing education system, the liberal attack dogs jump, protecting teacher's unions, non-producing teachers, and an educational system that has failed at every turn.

And, this is all done in a misguided, and misdirected, sense of fairness and parity. Liberals want everybody to make money equally, but fail to recognize that most of them aren't capable of managing their money at all. Liberals want blue collar workers rewarded for their efforts, not for their productivity. Then, they use collective bargaining to protect the non-performers (notice I didn't say non-producers) from losing their jobs when they fail.

The education system is a spectacular failure ... and it's only getting worse. It's getting worse because of the liberal insistence on rewarding effort, not results.
the liberal agenda has ruined our education system, and our new generations are NOT capable of research and discovery.
How, exactly, has the liberal agenda (whatever that is) "ruined out education system?"

liberalism is all about making people equal. In education, you do that by stunting the development of the smart and the gifted.
Sardonic cynicism ... of course, it's false, but it's cute.
Then why did the number of billionaires explode when workers' wages in the US flatlined? The billionaire class came into existence when corporate leaders sucked ever more wealth from their now more productive workers while refusing to share any of the gains with workers or their community.

"Why can't you grasp the fact billionaires don't earn their wealth? They obtain it by bribing corrupt politicians for favorable tax and trade legislation." Isn't that what you said? Without proof - without justification - just a fantasy dredged up from the pit of envy, perhaps?

But, let's talk about what you just said ...

It's clear you don't have a fundamental understanding of the distribution of wealth. Allow me to give you a little tutorial.

If I have 100 people who are making 10% more than the level necessary to live comfortably, what do they do with the leftover capital? Do they save it? Do they invest it? Do they buy more stuff in an attempt to increase their standard of living?

The truth is that most, if not all, will simply buy more stuff.

Instead, let's give 99 of them 5% more than the level necessary, and the 100th person the rest. That one person gets 105% more than the level necessary to live comfortably. What does he do with it?Does he save it? Does he invest it? Does he buy more stuff in an attempt to increase his standard of living?

The truth is that he will do all three - he will invest it so that he gets even more money. He saves some of it as a guard against vagaries in his other economic activities, and he will buy more stuff to increase his standard of living.

Where, pray tell, do you think the money comes from to build a new Whirlpool factory? Who do you think funds the research and development of a new and better blender, even though there is a good chance there will be no return on investment?

You want the worker to be rewarded for his effort. After all, he works just as hard, if not harder, than the CEO. But, you don't consider productivity. How much do you think a single worker on the GM assembly line contributes to the sale price of a Chevy? How easy do you think it will be to replace that single worker? How significant is he to the final product?

The hard truth is this - workers are an expendable cog in the process. One engineer, one designer, is worth 10 assembly line workers.

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