Can't wait for Trump to declare Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel

You really don't get it. You are forum's quisling. Unbelievable.

Do you know the definition of quisling?

No. I didn't think so. Another of your fumbling, inarticulate strings of nothing but babbling.

It's clear you didn't and had to look it up. You are a quisling cuddling up to the Alt-Right because they are in power.
You need to spend a moment to understand the definition of quisling. Your homework assignment is to search wiki and cut and paste the definition.

Additionally, you insist the Alt-Right is "in power"? I suspect the prayer leader at your madrassah is playing on conspiracy theories and found a willing audience of the vacant minded to appeal to.

Is your madrassah in gee-had mode?
So, the Anti-defamation League is promoting conspiracy theories. LOL

"We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews.... "

Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews

On the other hand, Hollie and Ruddy may convince me to join the Alt Right. I am impeccably qualified, white, european descent and christian. LOL

That is if Europe will have you back, after all we have started to get rid of neo nazi's and anti semites like yourself
And Western nations are starting to take their countries back. Muslims are finally going to get the modern Crusades they've been begging for.
So, the Anti-defamation League is promoting conspiracy theories. LOL

"We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews.... "

Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews

On the other hand, Hollie and Ruddy may convince me to join the Alt Right. I am impeccably qualified, white, european descent and christian. LOL

That is if Europe will have you back, after all we have started to get rid of neo nazi's and anti semites like yourself
And Western nations are starting to take their countries back. Muslims are finally going to get the modern Crusades they've been begging for.

Yes, these white Christian Europeans plan to take America back, from non-whites non- Christians. You haven't figured out that you are in the same category as Muslims and non-whites for these people?

"David Duke Leads Chorus of Racists and Neo-Nazis Cheering Steve Bannon Pick

Before joining Trump’s presidential campaign, Bannon was the chairman of Breitbart News, a site steeped in conspiracy theories that has featured the white supremacist, anti-Semitic ideologies.......Breitbart ran multiple columns accused of anti-Semitism, including one that called anti-Trump conservative writer Bill Kristol a “renegade Jew.”

David Duke Leads Chorus of Racists and Neo-Nazis Cheering Steve Bannon Pick
So, the Anti-defamation League is promoting conspiracy theories. LOL

"We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews.... "

Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews

On the other hand, Hollie and Ruddy may convince me to join the Alt Right. I am impeccably qualified, white, european descent and christian. LOL

That is if Europe will have you back, after all we have started to get rid of neo nazi's and anti semites like yourself
And Western nations are starting to take their countries back. Muslims are finally going to get the modern Crusades they've been begging for.

Yes, these white Christian Europeans plan to take America back, from non-whites non- Christians. You haven't figured out that you are in the same category as Muslims and non-whites for these people?

"David Duke Leads Chorus of Racists and Neo-Nazis Cheering Steve Bannon Pick

Before joining Trump’s presidential campaign, Bannon was the chairman of Breitbart News, a site steeped in conspiracy theories that has featured the white supremacist, anti-Semitic ideologies.......Breitbart ran multiple columns accused of anti-Semitism, including one that called anti-Trump conservative writer Bill Kristol a “renegade Jew.”

David Duke Leads Chorus of Racists and Neo-Nazis Cheering Steve Bannon Pick
Well, didn't you antisemites and IslamoNazis cheer when Hussein Obama was elected president?

This is all just flailing and Muslim empty bluffing, because you Palishitian supporters know that Trump's election is just about the worst thing that could happen to them.

Some of Steve Bannon’s Friends Are Jewish — and They Love His Zionism
You know the Pali-shit is about to hit the fan when Pam Geller is a strong supporter of Bannon!

Pamela Geller: As a Jew, I Stand with Steve Bannon

Donald Trump has named Steven K. Bannon his senior counselor and chief strategist, and now the lies, smears, and defamation of Bannon have begun. I know well how this process works. It’s evil. As the enemedia bombards us with claims that Bannon is a white supremacist and an anti-Semite, I am, as a Jew and a proud Zionist, honored to stand up for Steve Bannon.

I am fortunate to say that I have known and worked with Steve Bannon ever since the tragic passing of Andrew Breitbart. While he was at Breitbart, he would ask me to write articles on pressing issues — usually several times each week. Longtime readers who are deeply familiar with my work know that I am a fiercely proud Jew and unapologetic Zionist. As long as I have known Steve, he has been an unabashed supporter of Israel, and of those of us who fight against Jew-hatred and racism. Unequivocally.

You keep believing that crap.

"“The ADL strongly opposes the appointment of Steve Bannon as senior advisor and chief strategist in the White House,” the organization wrote about one of President-elect Donald Trump’s first choices for his new team. “It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premier website of the ‘alt-right’ — a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists — is slated to be a senior staff member in the ‘people’s house.’
They're talking about either John Bolton or Rudy Giuliani as Sec. of State.

Sounds like his entire administration will be stacked with pro Israel. And sooner or later US will officially declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Either way there is no doubt that Palishitians are fucked. Deal with it.
Palestinians and American Jews are screwed. You haven't figured it out yet. You are a non-entity to all these guys, they hate Jews. They are white nationalists, you moron.

“As long as Jews are in Israel fighting the ‘good fight’ with the Arab world as a bastion of American ideals and values in the Middle East, then they are very useful and admirable allies,” said Sternhell. “Once they are home demanding a multi-cultural democracy, demanding that the country accommodate their religion, their belief and their custom that is a different story.”

How Bannon and Breitbart Can Be Pro-Israel — and Anti-Semitic at the Same Time
Brannon is not president.

You sound desperate.

Good. Wait and see what happens.
Desperate, I am white, European descent and Christian I'd be welcomed with open arms. It's you that should be worried. LOL
Desperate, I am white, European descent and Christian I'd be welcomed with open arms. It's you that should be worried. LOL
Promoting conspiracy theories is usually reserved for threads dedicated to those, like you, who tend to believe what they hear on David Duke broadcasts.
Desperate, I am white, European descent and Christian I'd be welcomed with open arms. It's you that should be worried. LOL
Promoting conspiracy theories is usually reserved for threads dedicated to those, like you, who tend to believe what they hear on David Duke broadcasts.

No conspiracy about it. I use the ADL and Forward as sources.

Conspiracy theories aren't going to help you, here.
You are hilarious. It isn't a theory.

From Jewish Week.

"The appointment as chief White House strategist of Stephen Bannon, whose Breitbart News is a platform for white supremacists who demean women and minorities, including Jews, is being heralded by the leaders of the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Kan. It should be a signal of deep concern to our community."
Read more at Does ‘Pro-Israel’ Outweigh ‘Racist’ And ‘Bigot’?
You are hilarious. It isn't a theory.

From Jewish Week.

"The appointment as chief White House strategist of Stephen Bannon, whose Breitbart News is a platform for white supremacists who demean women and minorities, including Jews, is being heralded by the leaders of the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Kan. It should be a signal of deep concern to our community."
Read more at Does ‘Pro-Israel’ Outweigh ‘Racist’ And ‘Bigot’?
The Self-Hating Secular Liberal Jewish Week...You've got to be f*ing kidding me.
I stopped my wife from buying that Jew Hating rag years ago.
You are hilarious. It isn't a theory.

From Jewish Week.

"The appointment as chief White House strategist of Stephen Bannon, whose Breitbart News is a platform for white supremacists who demean women and minorities, including Jews, is being heralded by the leaders of the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Kan. It should be a signal of deep concern to our community."
Read more at Does ‘Pro-Israel’ Outweigh ‘Racist’ And ‘Bigot’?

You are a hoot. You seek out conspiracy theories to calm some emotional requirement that requires you to find these grand conspiracies.

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