Canadian Stasi trying to harm me again, this time via taxes


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This time the clowns sent TWO T4s from my former employer (what you guys refer to as W2's) to our CRA, so that it appears I made twice as much as I did.

Worse, the immoral, unethical enemies of human rights stated that I paid ZERO taxes, so no deductions from payroll for this which would have meant I owed some cash, if I were not someone who analyzes my txes and just took their word for it.

Thankfully for me I kept record via the online employee system that confirms that I did paid my taxes. They didn't even send me my T4, which they are supposed to be law on Monday that passed. If I didn't contact CRA, I wouldn't know of the "accidental oversight" by my former employer.

I guarantee you there are people in this country who are former war criminals who have been treated better than I have. It's constant, one issue after another. Even so far as denying me my name (I have evidence now that confirms my name, my first days of school and post-university).

If there are FBI or police on this forum, please, never replicate these tactics to protect your agencies reputation. If you have to go to such lengths to destroy others who don't even have a criminal record nor allegation against them, you're working for the wrong side.
There is no reputation for taxing agencies to save...They're malignant parasites.

I just want the Canadian Stasi to stop messing with my life. These mistakes are a little too common and predictable in my life. They wonder why Canada lost their UN Security Council seat and why Canada has an uphill battle to get it back later this year?

The UN has a bad reputation, but they sparkle in comparison to what Canadian covert agents are doing to their citizens. No courts, charges, or crimes, but plenty of CYA.

I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.

I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

Yes, I'm more honest then smart. Explain please.

I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

Yes, I'm more honest then smart. Explain please.


I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

Yes, I'm more honest then smart. Explain please.


I'm still not sure what you're getting at but I didn't start this.

One doesn't remain quiet or bow down when they are getting harmed by the unaccountable. That's not how civil rights works. That's how nations of cowards are produced or where citizens are thrown into concentration camps and the population helps them do so.

You don't get to punch someone in the head and then when they react tell them, "you did this!"
Dude, you are really weird...just putting that out there. They're denying you your name, what does that even mean?
Your employer does your T4's, not the government, unless of course you work for the government. So if someone is withholding your T4, take if up with your employer. Same thing for amount of money taken off your paycheck for taxes, that's up to your employer as well. I don't see what the government is doing to you, it sounds like your employer sucked with doing it's payroll.
Dude, you are really weird...just putting that out there. They're denying you your name, what does that even mean?
Your employer does your T4's, not the government, unless of course you work for the government. So if someone is withholding your T4, take if up with your employer. Same thing for amount of money taken off your paycheck for taxes, that's up to your employer as well. I don't see what the government is doing to you, it sounds like your employer sucked with doing it's payroll.

I'm weird because I'm being screwed over by cowards in my country? Maybe you can come to Canada and wipe their behinds for them and bring them coffee while I continue to expose them.

I've dealt with this for many years, it's how socialism works. There have been multiple books on the RCMP tactics, none of them flattering. This has spread to many police forces in Canada, we are in the dark ages here, and too many Americans smile, nod their heads and say "we want to be more like them". Your Constitution protects you, we don't have those protections. What's dangerous, is the U.S working more closely with these socialist nations...

They told me that nobody with my name exists and they apparently sent me my birth certificate and other I.D since I was a kid in error. My vaccination records, which I needed to ever be allowed in a school? "Sorry, nothing exists". In effect, trying to make me disappear and working hard to deny me the ability to correct it, even as I have older I.D with all these names on it and it's been my name since I was born. Luckily I had some many old documents which I happened to have had, which they couldn't have estimated I would have.

Yes, my employer did it to me, via the usual covert tampering with HR Departments. When it's not HR, it's managers. This is why our country is getting crushed economically. Extremism of abuses by the weakest in our society. A kakistocracy.

We more closely resemble the nations that America considers enemies than we resemble the U.S. Canada is the most suppressed media and access to justice in the G20. Why? Since the days you left the British the Crown determined that this would be our role while in close proximity to the U.S. Such a role requires abuses of domestic rights while presenting a false image Internationally that we are just like the U.S.

We aren't. So stop defending them, or worse, admiring them.
This time the clowns sent TWO T4s from my former employer (what you guys refer to as W2's) to our CRA, so that it appears I made twice as much as I did.

Worse, the immoral, unethical enemies of human rights stated that I paid ZERO taxes, so no deductions from payroll for this which would have meant I owed some cash, if I were not someone who analyzes my txes and just took their word for it.

Thankfully for me I kept record via the online employee system that confirms that I did paid my taxes. They didn't even send me my T4, which they are supposed to be law on Monday that passed. If I didn't contact CRA, I wouldn't know of the "accidental oversight" by my former employer.

I guarantee you there are people in this country who are former war criminals who have been treated better than I have. It's constant, one issue after another. Even so far as denying me my name (I have evidence now that confirms my name, my first days of school and post-university).

If there are FBI or police on this forum, please, never replicate these tactics to protect your agencies reputation. If you have to go to such lengths to destroy others who don't even have a criminal record nor allegation against them, you're working for the wrong side.
Our Intelligence Agencies already let themselves become Obama's Secret Police.
This time the clowns sent TWO T4s from my former employer (what you guys refer to as W2's) to our CRA, so that it appears I made twice as much as I did.

Worse, the immoral, unethical enemies of human rights stated that I paid ZERO taxes, so no deductions from payroll for this which would have meant I owed some cash, if I were not someone who analyzes my txes and just took their word for it.

Thankfully for me I kept record via the online employee system that confirms that I did paid my taxes. They didn't even send me my T4, which they are supposed to be law on Monday that passed. If I didn't contact CRA, I wouldn't know of the "accidental oversight" by my former employer.

I guarantee you there are people in this country who are former war criminals who have been treated better than I have. It's constant, one issue after another. Even so far as denying me my name (I have evidence now that confirms my name, my first days of school and post-university).

If there are FBI or police on this forum, please, never replicate these tactics to protect your agencies reputation. If you have to go to such lengths to destroy others who don't even have a criminal record nor allegation against them, you're working for the wrong side.
Our Intelligence Agencies already let themselves become Obama's Secret Police.

I try to avoid criticizing them, as I'm only a guest and I can only speak to what I personally know in Canada, and/or, what is commonly exposed.

So I say this, just don't ever duplicate the Canadian system. It's beyond creepy. It's inhumane, abusive and rewarding of the least impressive in society.

We all use hyperbole from time to time, I say this with a straight face, these are the same milquetoast that would have found work with the Gestapo and happily "done their duty" for their careers.

That's never been in my DNA. I'm about facts and truth, not abuse of those I have power over.

I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

Yes, I'm more honest then smart. Explain please.


I'm still not sure what you're getting at but I didn't start this.

One doesn't remain quiet or bow down when they are getting harmed by the unaccountable. That's not how civil rights works. That's how nations of cowards are produced or where citizens are thrown into concentration camps and the population helps them do so.

You don't get to punch someone in the head and then when they react tell them, "you did this!"
You really are dense or simple obtuse.......

Delusions Of Persecution: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Seek professional help.
I don't get it.

There are two kinds of nations and civilizations, those who believe in Civil Liberties and accountable government and those who don't. There may be a whole lot of grey, but once a nation passes a threshold, there is no coming back. Or economy reflects this, as does the 9% expat rate.

As a former agent online told me some time ago, "let them know what you know and they will back off" and I had to let him know, he doesn't understand Canada very well. These people aren't the type who sign up for military duty as some in my family have (and I had considered, even being pursued for an interesting position in my youth), they aren't in uniform putting their ass on the line when facing the unknown. They are more like the Gestapo, or as I suggest in this title, the Stasi.

There is little honourable about that. Period. From the time I was quite young, and they refuse to back down believing that they should decide whats right or wrong, to hell with those who fight for the principles that they trample while receiving very high salaries and budgets.

I will never accept it or back down. As always, I hope Americans (Or Japanese, Chinese, Israelis, British) don't either, if and when you face these types of people. I've offered the to sit down and do a polygraph exam. I openly offered this to them, no strings. Offered them to meet me outside and put me in cuffs if I am some criminal and we can argue in front of a judge.

They don't want this because they are cowards, they are creepy and they are criminals, not me.

Take that to church.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

Yes, I'm more honest then smart. Explain please.


I'm still not sure what you're getting at but I didn't start this.

One doesn't remain quiet or bow down when they are getting harmed by the unaccountable. That's not how civil rights works. That's how nations of cowards are produced or where citizens are thrown into concentration camps and the population helps them do so.

You don't get to punch someone in the head and then when they react tell them, "you did this!"
You really are dense or simple obtuse.......

Delusions Of Persecution: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Seek professional help.

Yes. I've heard this before, you're not bringing anything new to the table.

When you wake up tomorrow and are told you don't exist, or, details from your former employer are sent in completely wrong (while not giving me a copy as they are legally bound to), then you can come on and make excuses for the activities.

I've learned long ago that many coincidences make a fact. Thankfully, I'm not as weak and cowardly as the pukes who engage in these tactics against me.
Pretty slow on the uptake, ain'tcha.........

Yes, I'm more honest then smart. Explain please.


I'm still not sure what you're getting at but I didn't start this.

One doesn't remain quiet or bow down when they are getting harmed by the unaccountable. That's not how civil rights works. That's how nations of cowards are produced or where citizens are thrown into concentration camps and the population helps them do so.

You don't get to punch someone in the head and then when they react tell them, "you did this!"
You really are dense or simple obtuse.......

Delusions Of Persecution: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Seek professional help.

Yes. I've heard this before, you're not bringing anything new to the table.

When you wake up tomorrow and are told you don't exist, or, details from your former employer are sent in completely wrong (while not giving me a copy as they are legally bound to), then you can come on and make excuses for the activities.

I've learned long ago that many coincidences make a fact. Thankfully, I'm not as weak and cowardly as the pukes who engage in these tactics against me.
I guess your shrink told you and you didn't believe him or her............ Get help.
Bankers tried to do that to my company knowing damn well it was already destroyed and we were still buried in bs. They did phony 1099's. Greed is simply unconscionable no matter who it comes from.

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