Canadian Explains U.S. Debt Crisis

Inflation occurs in a perfectly healthy economy.

brain dead lunacy. Inflation occurs and distorts an economy only if libturds create it!!! Did you think the Girl Scouts created it??

1900's was a period of the greatest wealth creation and economic expansion the world has ever seen.
and ofocourse it would have been better still without liberal inflation

The hyperinflation of Weimar Germany was a different animal.

dear once inflation is policy you can always create a little more and then a little more rather than tax a little more and a little more. IS that really over your head?? We live on a slippery slope as the current housing bubble and worldwide depression prove. The best policy is to simply make inflation illegal as there are no advantages other than to enable idiotic liberalism.

Get this through your head: hyperinflation is a completely different animal than inflation. Hyperinflation is a chaotic economic progression and breakdown crisis which results in a total rejection of the currency.

yes dear almost like the liberal housing bubble and Great Depression. The best policy is to simply outlaw liberal monetary policy!!

Ed, try to sound more sane and call folks fewer names. Even when McCarthy found a communist he sounded like such a fool he lost support.

Ok...back to your theory on how inflation is evil? In some regards technology beats up inflation. Seems like staples hold a steady increase on the whole for the last few centuries.
Inflation occurs in a perfectly healthy economy.

brain dead lunacy. Inflation occurs and distorts an economy only if libturds create it!!! Did you think the Girl Scouts created it??

1900's was a period of the greatest wealth creation and economic expansion the world has ever seen.
and ofocourse it would have been better still without liberal inflation

The value of money isn't static. Inflation is part of any healthy economy for reasons that are common knowledge, even among conservative economists. I tried explaining it in a pretty straightforward kind of way.

The hyperinflation of Weimar Germany was a different animal.

dear once inflation is policy you can always create a little more and then a little more rather than tax a little more and a little more. IS that really over your head?? We live on a slippery slope as the current housing bubble and worldwide depression prove. The best policy is to simply make inflation illegal as there are no advantages other than to enable idiotic liberalism.

No, it's clearly over your head, which is a common theme in your posts.

Yeah, Einstein, prices were lower in 1913 when the central bank was formed. But guess what? Average earned incomes went from $740 per year in 1913 all the way to around $50,000 per year today. If we adjust for inflation, $740 per year today is around $16,000 per year. What does that tell us O Wise One? It tells us that that average incomes exceeded price inflation by roughly 230%. In other words, the real purchasing power of Americans has increased by 230% over the past one hundred years.

So does it make sense to say the dollar has lost value? Of course not.

'Make inflation illegal' :cuckoo: You're a fucking riot, I love this forum.

Get this through your head: hyperinflation is a completely different animal than inflation. Hyperinflation is a chaotic economic progression and breakdown crisis which results in a total rejection of the currency.

yes dear almost like the liberal housing bubble and Great Depression. The best policy is to simply outlaw liberal monetary policy!!

Herbert Hoover was a Republican. I would also point you to the 19th century and some of the banking panics which occurred every ten years. There were also Republicans involved, but don't let things like history get in your way. The housing bubble did start under the 2nd term of the Clinton Administration, as a byproduct of the domestic private sector going into deficit, which cause people to borrow to finance consumption.
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So does it make sense to say the dollar has lost value? Of course not.

if I said the dollar has lost value I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once again with your liberal strawman between your legs.

'Make inflation illegal' :cuckoo: You're a fucking riot, I love this forum.

dear why are you so afraid to say exactly why its a riot? What does your fear tell us about th eliberal IQ and chararacter.

Herbert Hoover was a Republican.
too stupid!! Ever heard of the Hoover Dam stimulus project???? See why we are positive a liberal will be slow???

I would also point you to the 19th century and some of the banking panics which occurred every ten years. There were also Republicans involved, but don't let things like history get in your way.
if I disagreed wit the aboive I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once again with another of your liberal strawmen between your legs.

The housing bubble did start under the 2nd term of the Clinton Administration, as a byproduct of the domestic private sector going into deficit, which cause people to borrow to finance consumption.

and your point is?????????????????????????????
The statement 'inflation is a tax' is polemic and unsubstantive. This claim would be correct if you assume people aren't that intelligent and don't understand that inflation occurs. If your statement was correct, it would mean the whole rational for markets wouldn't exist. People make choices with rational expectation going forward.

Well this is complete and utter nonsense. Inflation is VERY MUCH a tax, if people know it occurs or not. How else could government fund things with inflation otherwise? People knowing about inflation only affects how much holders of cash or loans lose or win. The tax can't disappear though.

The fact is, government spends money on something. This something is no longer available to the private sector. Thus it's a tax. It's not a tax that's sized according to inflation rate, as some people benefit and some lose due to the inflation itself (which just means that this tax has more consequences than other taxes) - more people have to lose though. Rather, the inflation tax is as high as the amount of increase in government's spending power due to it.

Thus you get government budget constraint which is: Money printing+other taxes + burrowing.

Inflation tax is commonly called "Seigniorage".

People innately understand that inflation occurs and plan according which means it's not theft. Individuals can invest in real assets, such as gold, silver or real estate if they're really worried about inflation, although stocks and bonds have historically performed MUCH better. As a matter of fact, inflation is a normal part of economic growth, and can be a positive since it gives people a reason not to hoard cash, which keeps money flowing in the economy as investments and consumption.

Damn, you are big on free cakes. You could be right if the printed money was given to every holder of cash in propotion. However, the printed money is given to government and thus it's a tax and a way of funding the government. This is a game where private sector loses and government gains. A tax. Also I disagree that hoarding of money is a problem, it's just a form of speculation, but let's not get into that.

The FED can keep interest rates at zero for as long as they need to. Take a look at Japan, they have massive deficits, experienced deflation and have had a zero interest rate policy for years. By the way, I'm not suggesting a 20 year policy of zero interest rates. My point is, people make a big deal out of ZIRP, when it's required if the FED is going to engage in QE. This has to occur or else the FED wouldn't be able to maintain control of any positive interest rates since excess reserves would create competition in the interbank market and decrease interest rates.

I am not familiar with Japan, but no central banks can't. As inflation raises due to artificially low interest rates (which must happen), the interest rates will have to raise. And what can the Fed do to control inflation? Raise interest rates. This is just econ 101, interest rates can not be controlled in the long run, by the central banks at least. The FED is planning to pay banks to hold their reserves - this is one way to go about decreasing inflation, but will increase the deficit. Again, no FREE CAKE! It's a deficit or inflation.

There could be various reasons why extended low interest rates are possible though, but in USA, in this situation. Not really. In fact pretty much every measure that counters inflation such as: Credit destruction, balance of payments deficit, has been already used in historically high doses.

Also, I can engage in a similar polemic: deflation is theft. For example, debts are fixed in nominal terms, so when wages and prices fall, debtors have a problem servicing their debts. People would ostensibly have to pay back their debts with a dollar having stronger purchasing power.

Yes inflation and deflation benefits different people. The difference is inflation is a tax, deflation is a tax break. There is no free lunch or taxes.

When government expands the money supply, it takes from the private sector. When it decreases money supply, it gives back to the private sector (and this must be funded with other taxes). No violation of the free lunch principle!

You on the other hand seem to be thinking government can buy anything with printig money and no one will be taxed out of anything... No, in money printing some people lose, some gain, and in addition, the private sector is a net loser. Like in all taxes. However, sometimes inflation MAY lead to more efficient economy. Which means gain for everyone. Like if wages are too high and they fall. Other taxes may lead to more efficient economy as well, they are still taxes. On the other hand, most taxes lead to less efficient economy, I think this is the case with inflation as well, most of the time.

BTW, more efficient economy doesn't always mean higher GDP, sometimes free time is valued more than production itself.

Again, so what if China unloads US Treasuries? The only way to rid themselves of dollar holdings is purchase real goods and services produced by Americans. By the way, China has increased in their purchase of Treasuries. As a matter of fact, most bond auctions are oversubscribed, meaning there's more buyers than available paper.

Well usually in auctions there are more buyers than sellers. It just depends on what price they want to pay. The highest bidder gets all. Again, I am not american, since you are a bond trader, you would probably know more. However, similar things can be said of all bubbles (e.g. people greatly overvaluing an asset).

The chinese can buy all the used goods as well. Or the existing capital. Which will just devastate the gdp even more. But the main problem is that the DOLLARS will be coming back to USA. Which can result in heavy inflation, which means FED can no longer print bunch of money and loan it to government. Government, not being able to burrow from Chinese either will go bust when that happens. Which means a lot of angry people who want their benefits. That will be to consequence of this spending and burrowing party, that should be obvious to everyone. To what degree it will happen? No one knows.

EDIT: This post only relates to inflation as monetary government created phenomenon. Which is usually root cause for rising prices. As market phenomenon inflation is NOT a tax. It would be probably better to just say "printing of money" than inflation. That is the old and still sometimes used definition though.
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Well this is complete and utter nonsense. Inflation is VERY MUCH a tax, if people know it occurs or not. How else could government fund things with inflation otherwise? People knowing about inflation only affects how much holders of cash or loans lose or win. The tax can't disappear though.

The fact is, government spends money on something. This something is no longer available to the private sector. Thus it's a tax. It's not a tax that's sized according to inflation rate, as some people benefit and some lose due to the inflation itself (which just means that this tax has more consequences than other taxes) - more people have to lose though. Rather, the inflation tax is as high as the amount of increase in government's spending power due to it.

Thus you get government budget constraint which is: Money printing+other taxes + burrowing.

Inflation tax is commonly called "Seigniorage".

Damn, you are big on free cakes. You could be right if the printed money was given to every holder of cash in propotion. However, the printed money is given to government and thus it's a tax and a way of funding the government. This is a game where private sector loses and government gains. A tax. Also I disagree that hoarding of money is a problem, it's just a form of speculation, but let's not get into that.

I am not familiar with Japan, but no central banks can't. As inflation raises due to artificially low interest rates (which must happen), the interest rates will have to raise. And what can the Fed do to control inflation? Raise interest rates. This is just econ 101, interest rates can not be controlled in the long run, by the central banks at least. The FED is planning to pay banks to hold their reserves - this is one way to go about decreasing inflation, but will increase the deficit. Again, no FREE CAKE! It's a deficit or inflation.

There could be various reasons why extended low interest rates are possible though, but in USA, in this situation. Not really. In fact pretty much every measure that counters inflation such as: Credit destruction, balance of payments deficit, has been already used in historically high doses.

Yes inflation and deflation benefits different people. The difference is inflation is a tax, deflation is a tax break. There is no free lunch or taxes.

When government expands the money supply, it takes from the private sector. When it decreases money supply, it gives back to the private sector (and this must be funded with other taxes). No violation of the free lunch principle!

You on the other hand seem to be thinking government can buy anything with printig money and no one will be taxed out of anything... No, in money printing some people lose, some gain, and in addition, the private sector is a net loser. Like in all taxes. However, sometimes inflation MAY lead to more efficient economy. Which means gain for everyone. Like if wages are too high and they fall. Other taxes may lead to more efficient economy as well, they are still taxes. On the other hand, most taxes lead to less efficient economy, I think this is the case with inflation as well, most of the time.

BTW, more efficient economy doesn't always mean higher GDP, sometimes free time is valued more than production itself.

Well usually in auctions there are more buyers than sellers. It just depends on what price they want to pay. The highest bidder gets all. Again, I am not american, since you are a bond trader, you would probably know more. However, similar things can be said of all bubbles (e.g. people greatly overvaluing an asset).

The chinese can buy all the used goods as well. Or the existing capital. Which will just devastate the gdp even more. But the main problem is that the DOLLARS will be coming back to USA. Which can result in heavy inflation, which means FED can no longer print bunch of money and loan it to government. Government, not being able to burrow from Chinese either will go bust when that happens. Which means a lot of angry people who want their benefits. That will be to consequence of this spending and burrowing party, that should be obvious to everyone. To what degree it will happen? No one knows.
Jesus H. Christ. I may have to go shoot myself. That was one of the stupidest posts ever. And ed is posting here. Between the two of you, you may have the IQ of a single normal person. JESUS.
So does it make sense to say the dollar has lost value? Of course not.

if I said the dollar has lost value I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once again with your liberal strawman between your legs.

'Make inflation illegal' :cuckoo: You're a fucking riot, I love this forum.

dear why are you so afraid to say exactly why its a riot? What does your fear tell us about th eliberal IQ and chararacter.

too stupid!! Ever heard of the Hoover Dam stimulus project???? See why we are positive a liberal will be slow???

I would also point you to the 19th century and some of the banking panics which occurred every ten years. There were also Republicans involved, but don't let things like history get in your way.
if I disagreed wit the aboive I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once again with another of your liberal strawmen between your legs.

The housing bubble did start under the 2nd term of the Clinton Administration, as a byproduct of the domestic private sector going into deficit, which cause people to borrow to finance consumption.

and your point is?????????????????????????????
And you must understand that ed is a con tool, paid to post con dogma. He can never ever say that a republican, for instance, was behind stimulus. Like hoover dam. so, he apparently thinks hoover was a dem. Poor ignorant con tool. Which would mean that Eisenhower was a dem. He pushed and got the interstate highway system done. And Reagan must be a dem. He spent stimulatively like crazy and increased the size of the national debt.

Which shows you where ed comes from. He is a libertarian, who can not name a libertarian economy that exists today. And he simply posts dogma. From bat shit crazy con web sites that he cruises, and which he is paid to post from. So, that is another way of saying, ed is of NO IMPORT WHATSOEVER. It is simply like trying to have a discussion with a turnip. No actual brain activity.
Jesus H. Christ. I may have to go shoot myself. That was one of the stupidest posts ever. And ed is posting here. Between the two of you, you may have the IQ of a single normal person. JESUS.

I would like to know, why you think that?

Not that I particularly care, as you take the cake for some of the most idiotic posts here... AKA, tax hikes being a stimulus. In a world where up is down I am happy to have the credit for stupidest post.
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He can never ever say that a republican, for instance, was behind stimulus. Like hoover dam. so, he apparently thinks hoover was a dem.

there was little Republican/libertarian consensus until Friedman; so by today's standards Hoover was a tax raising dam building forsaken liberal. Is that really over your head?? It always like arguing with a child.

Poor ignorant con tool. Which would mean that Eisenhower was a dem. He pushed and got the interstate highway system done. And Reagan must be a dem. He spent stimulatively like crazy and increased the size of the national debt.

Buckley hated Eisenhower and Grover said the tax increases were a mistake. Fortunately the Party is much purer today, but you have to keep in mind that with elections decided by flip flopping independents the parties will never be very pure. I know I'm way over your head here, but why not see if Mom can help you understand.

Which shows you where ed comes from. He is a libertarian, who can not name a libertarian economy that exists today.
so???? if I were a communist socialist or Fabian I could not do it either. Why are you stuck on stupid????

And he simply posts dogma. From bat shit crazy con web sites that he cruises,

too stupid. Conservatism is 2000 years old so who needs modern web sites to repeat what Aristotle Jefferson and Friedman knew long ago. See why we say slow???

So, that is another way of saying, ed is of NO IMPORT WHATSOEVER. It is simply like trying to have a discussion with a turnip. No actual brain activity.

if you disagree with Aristotle Jefferson or Friedman please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
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He can never ever say that a republican, for instance, was behind stimulus. Like hoover dam. so, he apparently thinks hoover was a dem.

there was little Republican/libertarian consensus until Friedman; so by today's standards Hoover was a tax raising dam building forsaken liberal. Is that really over your head?? It always like arguing with a child.

Poor ignorant con tool. Which would mean that Eisenhower was a dem. He pushed and got the interstate highway system done. And Reagan must be a dem. He spent stimulatively like crazy and increased the size of the national debt.

Buckley hated Eisenhower and Grover said the tax increases were a mistake. Fortunately the Party is much purer today, but you have to keep in mind that with elections decided by flip flopping independents the parties will never be very pure. I know I'm way over your head here, but why not see if Mom can help you understand.

so???? if I were a communist socialist or Fabian I could not do it either. Why are you stuck on stupid????

And he simply posts dogma. From bat shit crazy con web sites that he cruises,

too stupid. Conservatism is 2000 years old so who needs modern web sites to repeat what Aristotle Jefferson and Friedman knew long ago. See why we say slow???

So, that is another way of saying, ed is of NO IMPORT WHATSOEVER. It is simply like trying to have a discussion with a turnip. No actual brain activity.

if you disagree with Aristotle Jefferson or Friedman please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

This is one of the most insulting and meanest posts I have read.

Your mother should be embarassed you talk to other people that way.
He can never ever say that a republican, for instance, was behind stimulus. Like hoover dam. so, he apparently thinks hoover was a dem.

there was little Republican/libertarian consensus until Friedman; so by today's standards Hoover was a tax raising dam building forsaken liberal. Is that really over your head?? It always like arguing with a child.

Buckley hated Eisenhower and Grover said the tax increases were a mistake. Fortunately the Party is much purer today, but you have to keep in mind that with elections decided by flip flopping independents the parties will never be very pure. I know I'm way over your head here, but why not see if Mom can help you understand.

so???? if I were a communist socialist or Fabian I could not do it either. Why are you stuck on stupid????

too stupid. Conservatism is 2000 years old so who needs modern web sites to repeat what Aristotle Jefferson and Friedman knew long ago. See why we say slow???

So, that is another way of saying, ed is of NO IMPORT WHATSOEVER. It is simply like trying to have a discussion with a turnip. No actual brain activity.

if you disagree with Aristotle Jefferson or Friedman please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

This is one of the most insulting and meanest posts I have read.

Your mother should be embarassed you talk to other people that way.
Just normal for ed. Nobody pays much attention to him. He posts all day, has no job. but does get paid to post his conservative propaganda.
I am a bit more irritated with ed than normal, as he took a post of mine, changed the wording to what he wanted, and reposted it sayingt that I said what he had modified. I find that completely dishonest, and i find ed to be without integrity. Not the first time he has done this. But, the last. As I will not bother responding to him again. Just a waste of time.
there was little Republican/libertarian consensus until Friedman; so by today's standards Hoover was a tax raising dam building forsaken liberal. Is that really over your head?? It always like arguing with a child.

Buckley hated Eisenhower and Grover said the tax increases were a mistake. Fortunately the Party is much purer today, but you have to keep in mind that with elections decided by flip flopping independents the parties will never be very pure. I know I'm way over your head here, but why not see if Mom can help you understand.

so???? if I were a communist socialist or Fabian I could not do it either. Why are you stuck on stupid????

too stupid. Conservatism is 2000 years old so who needs modern web sites to repeat what Aristotle Jefferson and Friedman knew long ago. See why we say slow???

if you disagree with Aristotle Jefferson or Friedman please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

This is one of the most insulting and meanest posts I have read.

Your mother should be embarassed you talk to other people that way.
Just normal for ed. Nobody pays much attention to him. He posts all day, has no job. but does get paid to post his conservative propaganda.
I am a bit more irritated with ed than normal, as he took a post of mine, changed the wording to what he wanted, and reposted it sayingt that I said what he had modified. I find that completely dishonest, and i find ed to be without integrity. Not the first time he has done this. But, the last. As I will not bother responding to him again. Just a waste of time.

Why not cut the violent personal attack liberalism?? if you disagree with Aristotle Jefferson or Friedman please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Heck Edward. You've told me you woukd impose your religous views on Oregon from Washington.

So stop the partisan fan boy 12 year old name calling stuff unless you are going to lick your master's boots and toe the line.

I like to think you'll embrace all that reading you do amd admit to being a human with views from both sides.
amd admit to being a human with views from both sides.

too stupid!! The views then would be contradictory!!! Is the concept over your pea brained liberal head??? Plato believed in a Nazi liberal top down central government of extremist elitists while Aristotle believed in a conservative bottom up civilization based on the common individual and common family!! The Constitution and Jefferson of course are/were Aristotelian
Well this is complete and utter nonsense. Inflation is VERY MUCH a tax, if people know it occurs or not. How else could government fund things with inflation otherwise? People knowing about inflation only affects how much holders of cash or loans lose or win. The tax can't disappear though.

The fact is, government spends money on something. This something is no longer available to the private sector. Thus it's a tax. It's not a tax that's sized according to inflation rate, as some people benefit and some lose due to the inflation itself (which just means that this tax has more consequences than other taxes) - more people have to lose though. Rather, the inflation tax is as high as the amount of increase in government's spending power due to it.

Thus you get government budget constraint which is: Money printing+other taxes + burrowing.

Inflation tax is commonly called "Seigniorage".

Inflation isn't a tax. Even my personal favorite nutty econ text, Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, states that inflation doesn't reduce purchasing power. He lists costs, such as shoe leather (walking to the store more often, etc), menu costs (changing the menu in restaurants), redistribution of wealth, and inflation induced tax distortions as other examples, but the estimated losses aren't even in the same league as those losses related to chronic unemployment.

There hasn't been ONE credible study that demonstrates losses from these aforementioned costs are losses in the millions of dollars in output every single day. However, there is a plethora of evidence demonstrating that mass unemployment causes permanent losses in daily income and output.

This 'inflation is a tax' meme is ideological in nature. It stems from quacks like Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard. In my opinion, I don't even think Rothbard understood basic macroeconomics.

Inflation is the continuous rise in the price level. For example, the price level has to increase each time period you observe it. If a wage or price levels increase by twenty percent each month, then we have inflation. In this particular example, the inflation rate would be stable, with a consistent increase every period.

However, if the price level increased by five per cent in month one, then ten per cent in month two, then fifteen per cent in month three and so forth, it would be an inflationary period which would see accelerating inflation. If the reverse occurred in our scenario, you would have accelerating deflation.

If you take the time to study the available data on health care costs, family, overall mental health and crime, you'll clearly see the macroeconomic losses stemming from unemployment are massive. The losses to family and the overall community are generational from chronic unemployment.

By the way, seigniorage is the value brought to the government by the printing or minting of money. The government has that power, it's how all modern money issued by the government functions. It literally decrees its value by telling you how much of a tax liability it will let you off the hook for in exchange for its little piece of paper.

Damn, you are big on free cakes. You could be right if the printed money was given to every holder of cash in proportion. However, the printed money is given to government and thus it's a tax and a way of funding the government. This is a game where private sector loses and government gains. A tax. Also I disagree that hoarding of money is a problem, it's just a form of speculation, but let's not get into that.

For the tenth time, ALL government spending is 'printing money', this is an inescapable reality under a fiat monetary system. The government spends, regardless of tax receipts or bonds sales.

The private sector doesn't lose. The generally accepted version of 'crowding out' is not well thought out; however, some forms of crowding out are legitimate. For example, if the government directly competes for real and tangible resources which could have been used by the domestic private sector, then crowding out is a real possibility, which is why where the government spends is important, so we agree somewhat. We could even say that the very act of taxing crowds out any and all possible activity from the private sector.

I am not familiar with Japan, but no central banks can't. As inflation raises due to artificially low interest rates (which must happen), the interest rates will have to raise. And what can the Fed do to control inflation? Raise interest rates. This is just econ 101, interest rates can not be controlled in the long run, by the central banks at least. The FED is planning to pay banks to hold their reserves - this is one way to go about decreasing inflation, but will increase the deficit. Again, no FREE CAKE! It's a deficit or inflation.

There could be various reasons why extended low interest rates are possible though, but in USA, in this situation. Not really. In fact pretty much every measure that counters inflation such as: Credit destruction, balance of payments deficit, has been already used in historically high doses.

Inflation doesn't have to occur from low interest rates. Japan and the US both throw that theory out the window. Go look up the the policies of the Japanese central bank over the past 20 years.

Interest rates are DIRECTLY anchored to the policies of the FED, this is another inescapable reality. The FED controls interest rates through exercising its authority. Central banks cannot directly control the money supply. You won't find any central banks past the 1980s even attempt to do so. They came to the realization that central banks can only control interest rates, which is why monetary policy is accomplished through setting short-term interest rates by controlling the liquidity in the overnight cash markets.

Yes inflation and deflation benefits different people. The difference is inflation is a tax, deflation is a tax break. There is no free lunch or taxes.

When government expands the money supply, it takes from the private sector. When it decreases money supply, it gives back to the private sector (and this must be funded with other taxes). No violation of the free lunch principle!

You on the other hand seem to be thinking government can buy anything with printig money and no one will be taxed out of anything... No, in money printing some people lose, some gain, and in addition, the private sector is a net loser. Like in all taxes. However, sometimes inflation MAY lead to more efficient economy. Which means gain for everyone. Like if wages are too high and they fall. Other taxes may lead to more efficient economy as well, they are still taxes. On the other hand, most taxes lead to less efficient economy, I think this is the case with inflation as well, most of the time.

BTW, more efficient economy doesn't always mean higher GDP, sometimes free time is valued more than production itself.

Deficits create net financial assets for the domestic private sector. Net private financial wealth is equal to public debt. The flows of spending/income accrue to stocks. The domestic private sector accrues net financial assets over a year which can only occur when its spending is less than its income over that one year period. Basically, the private sector has been saving, which allows it to accrue a stock of wealth as financial assets. For the sake of argument, in my example, I'm using the government sector and domestic private sector, and these financial assets are in the form of government liabilities, such as currency (dollars) and bonds. So these government IOUs can only be accrued when the government sector spends more than it receives in the form of taxes. We refer to this as a government deficit, which is the flow of government sector spending minus the flow of tax revenue calculated in the money of account within a year. This government deficit accrues to a stock of government debt, which is equal, down to last penny, to the domestic private sector's accrued wealth over the same year. What's critical to understand is that the net financial assets in the domestic private sector are equal to the net financial liabilities issued by the government sector. If the government were to constantly run a balanced budget, where spending was equal to tax revenue, the domestic private sector's net financial wealth would be zero. In the event the government decided to run budget surpluses year after year, the domestic private sector's net financial wealth would be negative, which means it would be in debt to the government sector.
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amd admit to being a human with views from both sides.

too stupid!! The views then would be contradictory!!! Is the concept over your pea brained liberal head??? Plato believed in a Nazi liberal top down central government of extremist elitists while Aristotle believed in a conservative bottom up civilization based on the common individual and common family!! The Constitution and Jefferson of course are/were Aristotelian


So you believe in a top down government enforcing your religion on Oregon while pretending to want small government? Get consistent if you are going to be a fanboy.

OR view each issue on a case by case basis. I believe in an organized central system but do not care if geographic differences states have different environmental laws for instance.

Do you understand how even you contradict yourself?

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