Canada Makes Major Gun Grab


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Immediate grabbing of tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

There'll be a war here. I'm sick of this shit and ready.
Immediate grabbing of tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

There'll be a war here. I'm sick of this shit and ready.
There’s good reason the ammo shelves of all gun stores are empty.
Still trying to figure this out...Trudeau is a posing liberal punk, so my critique leans towards being critical. Accept I am not so certain he was wrong here.
This is the difference between Constitutionally guaranteed rights and rights temporarily granted by politicians who will swing between tyranny and anarchy if they think it will get them re-elected.

Australia had a mass shooting in 1996 and the Parliament used public sentiment to pass sweeping gun rights restrictions that had been written years before.

The UK has a school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland the same year that virtually eliminated private gun ownership in the UK.

Canada is now using a senseless tragedy to ram gun control down the throats of private gun owners while public sentiment is on their side.

Were it not for the US Constitution, Americans would have lost their gun rights long ago.
Immediate grabbing of tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

There'll be a war here. I'm sick of this shit and ready.
There’s good reason the ammo shelves of all gun stores are empty.
You guys are Canadian? Had no clue about you. Thought miketx was a Texan.
I'm in Tennessee. United States never been known for following Canada's lead. Was not even bothered on first part where they banned 700 Rnd/min SG-550. Banning all the ARs is quite significant and the lists went on and on. Is the legislation passed, but just now going into effect or is this a sudden regulatory response to the nutball denture make that shot those people a month or so ago?
Immediate grabbing of over 1500 types of firearms from tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

It all started because some shooter shot 23 people with a "military style" looking rifle I believe.
Immediate grabbing of over 1500 types of firearms from tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

It all started because some shooter shot 23 people with a "military style" looking rifle I believe.
What gun isn't military looking?
Immediate grabbing of over 1500 types of firearms from tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

It all started because some shooter shot 23 people with a "military style" looking rifle I believe.
What gun isn't military looking?
Immediate grabbing of over 1500 types of firearms from tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

It all started because some shooter shot 23 people with a "military style" looking rifle I believe.
What gun isn't military looking?

This one?

Immediate grabbing of over 1500 types of firearms from tens of thousands of guns from law abiding citizens.
The world is going into full fascist mode.

Might be time to invade Canada. We can’t have another fascist nation on our borders.

I wonder if their will be any...
Sorry, James, but according to Levant , actually holding a gun and applying your 2A rights is tantamount to every gun-grabber's fears and arguments! Progressive stitstains are all about RISK AVERSION. But then, who listens to a nutjob whose never even owned a gun.

No, you know that's not true. You lie and you know you can't back it up.

What I said is that cowards who get their courage from a gun, similar to cowards who get their courage from a bottle, support the arguments about wild-west shootouts they claim will come from more guns... Why did I say that? Because you and another poster actually admitted to be too afraid to ask someone to pull up their pants but if you had a gun, you said, you would... and if they objected to your interference and punched your lights out, you would kill them. You had that full scenario - courage from a gun, opening your mouth where you were too much of a chicken-shit without the gun, to the target of your smart-assed mouth being dead... You are the exact scenario that the left is referring to about shootouts in the street.

And yet, in-spite of my disgust with you as a human being and fake conservative, and even worse, as a fake vacuum tube expert, I support your right to own a gun because we punish for actual crimes not for potential crimes...Someone will have to die before you and the OP in the other thread are stopped from owning guns by being in prison.
This is the difference between Constitutionally guaranteed rights and rights temporarily granted by politicians who will swing between tyranny and anarchy if they think it will get them re-elected.

Australia had a mass shooting in 1996 and the Parliament used public sentiment to pass sweeping gun rights restrictions that had been written years before.

The UK has a school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland the same year that virtually eliminated private gun ownership in the UK.

Canada is now using a senseless tragedy to ram gun control down the throats of private gun owners while public sentiment is on their side.

Were it not for the US Constitution, Americans would have lost their gun rights long ago.

I don't think so. I think a clear message would be sent before any such misbehavior of the part of our elected civil servants.

I wonder if their will be any...
Sorry, James, but according to Levant , actually holding a gun and applying your 2A rights is tantamount to every gun-grabber's fears and arguments! Progressive stitstains are all about RISK AVERSION. But then, who listens to a nutjob whose never even owned a gun.

No, you know that's not true. You lie and you know you can't back it up.

What I said is that cowards who get their courage from a gun, similar to cowards who get their courage from a bottle, support the arguments about wild-west shootouts they claim will come from more guns... Why did I say that? Because you and another poster actually admitted to be too afraid to ask someone to pull up their pants but if you had a gun, you said, you would... and if they objected to your interference and punched your lights out, you would kill them. You had that full scenario - courage from a gun, opening your mouth where you were too much of a chicken-shit without the gun, to the target of your smart-assed mouth being dead... You are the exact scenario that the left is referring to about shootouts in the street.

And yet, in-spite of my disgust with you as a human being and fake conservative, and even worse, as a fake vacuum tube expert, I support your right to own a gun because we punish for actual crimes not for potential crimes...Someone will have to die before you and the OP in the other thread are stopped from owning guns by being in prison.

Guns in the hands of the citizens will prevent elected civil servants from overstepping their bounds.
This idiot Trudeau has already sold Canada to China... from that to a gun grab is just a step....

I will never NEVER understand what's wrong with Canadians that voted for Justine POS

.....are there any real Canadiands left? I don't think so.Sad.

I wonder if their will be any...
Sorry, James, but according to Levant , actually holding a gun and applying your 2A rights is tantamount to every gun-grabber's fears and arguments! Progressive stitstains are all about RISK AVERSION. But then, who listens to a nutjob whose never even owned a gun.

No, you know that's not true. You lie and you know you can't back it up.
Well, dickwit, you're certainly are the expert here in lying and not backing things up. Still waiting for you to back up your claims that you are this world expert on tubes! You RAN from my challenge that I made very fair that any junior cadet in the field could solve, proving you don't know jack shit about electronics, and by extension, IT, guns, the constitution or any other field you are a faux "expert" in.

What I said is that cowards who get their courage from a gun, similar to cowards who get their courage from a bottle,
WHAT YOU SAID is that anyone who carries a gun into a situation expecting trouble to protect himself is making the very argument justifying every gun-grabber's fears. NOW DON'T LIE AGAIN, Shitstain, because I can get the post very easily. Everyone read what you said. There is no denying it.

And you also said that I wanted to take a gun going looking for trouble myself which was ANOTHER fucking lie of yours! JUST PROVE ME WRONG, JACK. PROVE IT. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

being and fake conservative, and even worse, as a fake vacuum tube expert

JUST PROVE IT TOAD. You're another IM2-- -- ALL TALK. Fake conservative? Years ago we took a test through a website here and I actually tested as one of the most conservative people here, and I can PROVE THAT. And I never said I was a "vacuum tube expert," Moron, YOU DID. You practically said you knew more about them than Fleming. You DO know who Flemming is, right, buttbreath? Once again, asslips, just put up or shut up by pasting here where I EVER said I was a tube expert or even mentioned tubes to you before you shot your big fat dumb mouth off?!

PROVE you know ANYTHING about tubes by answering my simple test I put up for you downstairs! I could have easily past that test 45 years ago. But you CAN'T, you WON'T. Because you know nothing of tubes, electronics, audio circuits or any of the other fields you claim. YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER LYING INTERNET FRAUD and a TROLL. And now you've even PROVEN THAT in your signature.

At least you finally proved SOMETHING.
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