Canada is free !! Rejoice !!

So you were against Antifa and BLM rioting and protesting? What specificly did Antifa and BLM do that crossed the line?
I have my doubts about the narrative. The right spun it as dem riots but America then eleccted Biden. It suggestst that it was all blown up by the hysterical right wing loons.

But, if the rioting was genuine, the police should have drawn a line under it after a reasonable amount of time. Your riot is my inconvenience.
Here in the U.S., we've had the Black LIES Matter filth rioting and looting, committing random acts of theft, violence, and destruction.

In Canaduh, we are seeing the government, the police, rioting and looting, committing random acts of theft, violence, and destruction.

In neither instance is it at all difficult to tell who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
I have my doubts about the narrative. The right spun it as dem riots but America then eleccted Biden. It suggestst that it was all blown up by the hysterical right wing loons.

But, if the rioting was genuine, the police should have drawn a line under it after a reasonable amount of time. Your riot is my inconvenience.
So you think the right wing held the 10 city blocks captive and not antifa or blm? Sounds like you are a true extreme nutter. Conspiracies everywhere! You are no different than the Trump extremist that think elections are stolen. I didn't realize you are a conspiracy nut.
It's good to be skeptical in these times Frank.
I'm always skeptical no matter the times, if more folks had taken the media to task for its slanted coverage years ago fox news would never have been unnecessary.
Consider folks using terms like communism to describe gub'mit control

Which, In the broader perspective has slowly been assuming more of it , since 9/11 especially
this is true, and heathy dose of the left wing calling for, and acting on, the destruction of communism would render the "gub mit" folks moot at the very least...
problem is the "gub mit" folks were right about the left being socialists which the liberals and their willing accomplices in the media pretended was not the case, Im a democrat and i'm not a communist but I know the white liberals at the top of the party are.
problem is the "gub mit" folks were right about the left being socialists which the liberals and their willing accomplices in the media pretended was not the case, Im a democrat and i'm not a communist but I know the white liberals at the top of the party are.
Iirc, i registered as a Dem when Ford was in office, butcha know the world's turnin' faster than most of us can keep up with Frank, so i really don't know what i am these days? All i can say is our government can't s*ck enough

All i can say is our government can't s*ck enough

OK, gotcha.
  • So, no social security check for you and the bride?
  • No medicare reimbursement to your doctors?
  • No school for the kids or grandkids?
  • No calling the fire-department? The police department?
  • Gonna quit using the mail?
  • And who needs meat inspectors? Drug inspectors?
  • Hell, who needs stop signs, and stop lights, and highways, and bridges?

That damn 'gubmit'........ they seem to be just about everywhere you need 'em. Dammit!!
You just made a serious accusation that Hawk has justified “lynchings”.
.........YOU made an accusation. It is incumbent upon YOU to provide proof.
Ah, good poster 'lantern', I'm encouraged by your continuing interest in that "justified lynching" brouhaha.

Like you, I think that sentiment, expressed by one of our more prolific posters here, need be autopsied a bit more.

Personally, my avatar kinda thought it was a sort of a oxymoron.

I mean, can you "justify" a lynching?
I personally, can't. Not in America.

But give it a whirl, lantern.
Think of it as a thought puzzle.
Tell the forum how you would justify lynching a black man today here in America
Bastards for inconveniening the locals and disrupting democracy. What about the locals ?
On to the next phase, a multi-nation trucker strike that brings all movement of goods to a complete standstill. Tommy rejoices that there are no trucks in the streets as people starve and can't get medicine, then complains because he can't get tea and beans.
Ah, good poster 'lantern', I'm encouraged by your continuing interest in that "justified lynching" brouhaha.

Like you, I think that sentiment, expressed by one of our more prolific posters here, need be autopsied a bit more.

Personally, my avatar kinda thought it was a sort of a oxymoron.

I mean, can you "justify" a lynching?
I personally, can't. Not in America.

But give it a whirl, lantern.
Think of it as a thought puzzle.
Tell the forum how you would justify lynching a black man today here in America
Again dumbfuck, YOU made an allegation. It is incumbent upon YOU to prove it. Stop lying and deflecting. I need do nothing. YOU are running away and refusing to post any evidence to back up your rather stupid claim. You’ve already been shown to be a racist by another poster, and now you’re merely proving that you have no case by trying to make it about me. Your whiny second appeal is denied. Your knockout loss remains.

Canada is free !!​

Except to its citizens unwilling to live by senseless dictatorial mandates!

Well they have cleaned the streets of trash.
Guess that means you gotta head home now?

Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m.
Does that include the account of a single mom living on welfare?

Where did all that cash come from ?
60% from other Canadians wanting free of Trudeau. The other 40% from Freedom-loving Americans wanting free of Biddum.
"YOU made an allegation.
.........I need do nothing."
I get it.
You don't wanna respond to how you would "justify" lynching.
I'm OK with that, good poster lantern.
I wouldn't wanna be put in a postion to justify lynching either.
So we be cool.

Anyway, back to your several posts alleging....."you made an allegation", well, what 'allegation' would that be?
And would you provide us with the exact allegation, so that my poor avatar can respond to your allegation about my alleged allegation?

Thanx, in advance.
See: Clarence Thomas
Not the same. Trust me.


Well I wake up this morning to celebrate my Canadian friends still breathing the fresh air of freedom.

I also wonder why my right wing loony riends continue to bellyache about nothing whilst a real dictator is invading a free country.

Surely they are not seeking to deflect from that obscenity ? Say it aint so !!
Well I wake up this morning to celebrate my Canadian friends still breathing the fresh air of freedom.

I also wonder why my right wing loony riends continue to bellyache about nothing whilst a real dictator is invading a free country.

Surely they are not seeking to deflect from that obscenity ? Say it aint so !!
One man’s freedom is another man’s prison.

Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.



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