Canada: 81 percent of Coronavirus Deaths are in Nursing Homes


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Here's basic fact that the shutdown mongers don't want you to know. The odds of anyone under the age of 65 dying from COVID are infinitesimal. If people knew this, the shutdown would have been over weeks ago.

Canada: 81 percent of Coronavirus Deaths are in Nursing Homes - 21st Century Wire
From the beginning of the Coronavirus mass panic, one the main talking points for western governments was that “No one is immune. The disease can kill anyone at any time.”
Various versions of this propaganda set piece were used and recycled across all media platforms, whereby government’s intention was actually to scare the public into accepting ‘lockdown’ or the shutdown of society and the economic, supposedly in order to “save lives.”
However, after a number of weeks that fear narrative is rapidly collapsing as real data and evidence comes flowing in – which shows that the overwhelming majority of public were never at any serious risk of dying from COVID-19.
In Europe, the UK and in the US, the overwhelming majority of COVID fatalities have been with elderly persons, and within that demographic nearly all have been from care homes.
This fact alone destroys western governments’ case for sweeping lockdown policies and school closures.
I've told you all about our experience here in this regard. We have destroyed what was an already weak economy and even with the data we still continue the same path, now in Phase 1 of reopening in Ontario. However, some keep demanding more be done without ever having looked at the underlying data. Nothing more CAN be done, the virus has to work it's way out as we stay "vigilant".

In data science terms, the relationship between the virus deaths and nursing homes has to be quite high on the Pearson Correlation scale (p value). Much closer to 1 than possibly any other relationship in this virus at least in Canada. Why this wasn't the focus is beyond my pay grade.

Early on, I understand how politicians and leaders hands were tied, as "health experts" were advising since we didn't have perfect information, go full gung-ho, shut down crazy. There was no political risks as no election year was here, so politicians took the lazy way out and just passed the buck to medical experts without understanding the broader risks to our health and economy. We are far better informed and educated about this virus now, even though there is still much to be learned. So leaders must act so, many in the U.S are, to their credit.

The province of Ontario and Canada in general, should focus on mitigating risks in hot spots. Which are nursing homes. That's where most of the testing should be done, absent anyone who has obvious symptoms or feels they've been in contact with someone who has. I'm bold enough to want to send an email with all I have seen data wise on various data science sites (Canadas data is there along with many nation), but I know they already have 1000's advising who are paid to do so. As it were, my opinion in such matters would hardly make a difference, especially as I am deemed an "undesireable". I could have the vaccine developed and they'd ignore me, hah.
Here's basic fact that the shutdown mongers don't want you to know. The odds of anyone under the age of 65 dying from COVID are infinitesimal. If people knew this, the shutdown would have been over weeks ago.

Canada: 81 percent of Coronavirus Deaths are in Nursing Homes - 21st Century Wire
From the beginning of the Coronavirus mass panic, one the main talking points for western governments was that “No one is immune. The disease can kill anyone at any time.”
Various versions of this propaganda set piece were used and recycled across all media platforms, whereby government’s intention was actually to scare the public into accepting ‘lockdown’ or the shutdown of society and the economic, supposedly in order to “save lives.”
However, after a number of weeks that fear narrative is rapidly collapsing as real data and evidence comes flowing in – which shows that the overwhelming majority of public were never at any serious risk of dying from COVID-19.
In Europe, the UK and in the US, the overwhelming majority of COVID fatalities have been with elderly persons, and within that demographic nearly all have been from care homes.
This fact alone destroys western governments’ case for sweeping lockdown policies and school closures.
In the worst counties of Virginia it’s 75% of those counties fatalities.
So instead of focusing on keeping high risk people safe the Left focused on skateboarding and wind surfing.

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