Can You Spot The Difference?

Maybe you assclowns shouldn't be talking so loudly about wanting to over turn democracy while stormy the Capitol as they are trying to certify the election. Lol.

Try to remember you are posting to adults, not other Democrats.

Here is the remedial education you are so sorely in need of.....

Everything you 'know' is wrong.
There was no 'insurrection' Jan 6th....but there was a year-long Democrat inspired and authorized one.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.

2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

Debunking The Photo Op Myth: Inspector General Investigation Refutes Media Account On The Clearing Of Lafayette Park

For over a year, there has been one fact that has been repeated in literally thousands of news stories: former Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the clearing of Lafayette Park on June 1, 2020 to allow former President Donald Trump to hold his controversial photo op in front of St. John’s Church. From the outset, there was ample reason to question the claim echoed across media outlets. As I noted in my testimony to Congress on the protest that month, the operation was clearly a response to days of violent and destructive protests. Now the Inspector General has completed its investigation and the report debunks the conspiracy theory that the Lafayette Square area was cleared to make way for the Trump photo op.

While many today still claim that the protests were “entirely peaceful” and there was no “attack on the White House,” that claim is demonstrably false. It is only plausible if one looks at the level of violence at the start of the clearing operation as opposed to the prior 48 hours. There was in fact an exceptionally high number of officers were injured during the protests. In addition to a reported 150 officers were injured (including at least 49 Park Police officers around the White House), protesters caused extensive property damage including the torching of a historic structure and the attempted arson of St. John’s. The threat was so great that Trump had to be moved into the bunker because the Secret Service feared a breach of security around the White House."

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

The Democrat party would love to have an excuse to cover, to mitigate, what they have done for a full year of riots....and that is the reason for amplifying the farrago at the Capitol.

I've seen worse at Walmart on Black Friday.

YOU said it, not me, dumbass!

I did say because it's true. Apparently you're not much of a student of history or politics. Before the Founders of this country were the Founders they were propagandists. Can't really convince people to rebel against the British empire without folks like Jefferson and Madison and Hamilton egging them on towards it. Speech and propaganda are powerful tools, its why they are protected under the very first Amendment by this countries first propagandists.
If you can’t do the time, don’t do the insurrection.

Democrats lie about everything.

. We have learned….from the state media….that none of the hundreds of Biden voter riots count…..the only one that matters is the ‘Armed Insurrection at the Capitol”!!!

When a Republican calls their lie, well…then PolitiFact calls him a liar…’Pants On Fire!’

“Says Jan. 6 Capitol riot “didn’t seem like an armed insurrection.”

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, still claims accounts of the day’s events are being exaggerated. He made his case Feb. 15, 2021, in an appearance on "The Jay Weber Show" on WISN radio.

"The fact of the matter is this didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me. I mean armed, when you hear armed, don’t you think of firearms?" Johnson said. "Here’s the questions I would have liked to ask. How many firearms were confiscated? How many shots were fired? I’m only aware of one, and I’ll defend that law enforcement officer for taking that shot." PolitiFact - Yes, Jan. 6 Capitol assault was an “armed insurrection”

But….the FBI supported the Republican's contention:

“How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds that day?

To my knowledge we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point.

So nobody has been charged with any firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds.


Update: FBI Counterterrorism Official Says She Has No Knowledge of Firearms Recovered During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


They lie about everything.
There was no 'insurrection' Jan 6th....but there was a year-long Democrat inspired and authorized one.
There were charges laid against 650 insurrectionists so far and there have been convictions and jail sentences handed out.
Everyone familiarize yourselves with the correct history that took place on January 6, 2021. Leftists are evil people. Fuck they even killed their own POTUS.

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.

The term "false flag" originated in the 16th century as a purely figurative expression to mean "a deliberate misrepresentation of someone's affiliation or motives".[1] It was later used to describe a ruse in naval warfare whereby a vessel flew the flag of a neutral or enemy country in order to hide its true identity. The tactic was originally used by pirates and privateers to deceive other ships into allowing them to move closer before attacking them. It later was deemed an acceptable practice during naval warfare according to international maritime laws, provided the attacking vessel displayed its true flag once an attack had begun.

The term today extends to include countries that organize attacks on themselves and make the attacks appear to be by enemy nations or terrorists, thus giving the nation that was supposedly attacked a pretext for domestic repression and foreign military aggression.

Similarly deceptive activities carried out during peacetime by individuals or non governmental organizations can (by extension) also be called false flag operations, but the more common legal term is a "frameup", "stitch up", or "setup".
Try to remember you are posting to adults, not other Democrats.
Says the assclown posts videos and cartoons for arguments. Lol.
Here is the remedial education you are so sorely in need of.....

Everything you 'know' is wrong.
There was no 'insurrection' Jan 6th....but there was a year-long Democrat inspired and authorized one.
I know a bunch of hilarious and ineffective cucks stormed the Capitol during the certification of the 2020 election while chanting "stop the steal!" Which part of that do I have wrong?
1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.
First you were crying that media doesn't treat right and left rioters the same and now you've give full Q nut and are suggesting the Capitol Cucks were Democrats in disguise? Hahahaha!
2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.
What democratic process where they trying to subvert? Lol.
"Debunking The Photo Op Myth: Inspector General Investigation Refutes Media Account On The Clearing Of Lafayette Park

For over a year, there has been one fact that has been repeated in literally thousands of news stories: former Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the clearing of Lafayette Park on June 1, 2020 to allow former President Donald Trump to hold his controversial photo op in front of St. John’s Church. From the outset, there was ample reason to question the claim echoed across media outlets.
Haha. Like I said, your side is shit at propaganda.
The Democrat party would love to have an excuse to cover, to mitigate, what they have done for a full year of riots....and that is the reason for amplifying the farrago at the Capitol.
We already did move the country passed it. No one cares about Lafayette Park anymore except for a handful of cucks no one cares about. Lol.
I've seen worse at Walmart on Black Friday.
You did strike me as the type of poor white trash that would be frequenting a Walmart on Black Friday.
Everyone familiarize yourselves with the correct history that took place on January 6, 2021. Leftists are evil people. Fuck they even killed their own POTUS.

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.
Are you suggesting that the political left were the insurrectionists at the Capitol on Jan. 6th?
Then what's your problem. I agreed the right isn't as good at pushing propaganda as are Marxist Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes.
I don't have any problem with my political enemies being a bunch of inept morons I just like pointing it out to them.
There were charges laid against 650 insurrectionists so far and there have been convictions and jail sentences handed out.

Same happened during Stalin's Show Trials....and for the same reasons.'re a you know all about that.
Says the assclown posts videos and cartoons for arguments. Lol.

I know a bunch of hilarious and ineffective cucks stormed the Capitol during the certification of the 2020 election while chanting "stop the steal!" Which part of that do I have wrong?

First you were crying that media doesn't treat right and left rioters the same and now you've give full Q nut and are suggesting the Capitol Cucks were Democrats in disguise? Hahahaha!

What democratic process where they trying to subvert? Lol.

Haha. Like I said, your side is shit at propaganda.

We already did move the country passed it. No one cares about Lafayette Park anymore except for a handful of cucks no one cares about. Lol.

You did strike me as the type of poor white trash that would be frequenting a Walmart on Black Friday.

Learn how to address your betters.

"Insurrectioni — I mean ‘Protesters’ STORM federal bldg. in D.C. but GUESS how much the disinterested PRESS has reported it?

Noisy climate protests in D.C. this week drew some media attention, it’s true. But it was favorable press. Careful press. Kid glove press. And it wasn’t everyone. CBS mainly. Some local channels. Some radio. CNN? LOL no. MSNBC? Not exactly.

See even the ones who carried climate protest stories skipped a pretty significant part. The storming of a federal building, including someone LITERALLY doing what Ashli Babbit did, which was to climb above the crowd and attempt entry to an area of a federal building that was blocked.

Guess how much CNN has talked about this? Go ahead seriously guess. Guess how much they covered the fact that the rioters I mean protesters were able to infiltrate the building and were arrested in clashes with armed security?"
Learn how to address your betters.
In what area are you my better? You lost politically to us in 2020 and you've been losing to us culturally since the 60s. That self delusion is going to be hard to maintain as your lot become more and more a cultural minority and a mocked and ridiculed one at that.
I don't have any problem with my political enemies being a bunch of inept morons I just like pointing it out to them.
It's not your political enemies who are the morons. The only thing the left has going for it is that they have packed the govt so full of criminal Marxists, at the most critical positions (FBI, CIA, NSA, WH, ETC...) that they can afford to be stupid, ignorant criminals and traitors because they have people to protect them when they publicly fuck up, which is often.
In what area are you my better? You lost politically to us in 2020 and you've been losing to us culturally since the 60s. That self delusion is going to be hard to maintain as your lot become more and more a cultural minority and a mocked and ridiculed one at that.
Let's check:

I didn't vote for

And clearly, lots smarter.
In what area are you my better? You lost politically to us in 2020 and you've been losing to us culturally since the 60s. That self delusion is going to be hard to maintain as your lot become more and more a cultural minority and a mocked and ridiculed one at that.
To 'us'?

The Democratic Party flat out told Democrats in 2016 that they could vote for whoever they wanted to for the nomination but that the Party didn't give a rat's ass because you morons were just along for the ride.

You don't actually have a say, a vote in who they pick or what they do. The Democratic Party needs your VOTE and don't give a damn what you want. When they get power and start engaging in tyranny you are not a voting member - you are one of the ruled sheep like everyone else whose rights they abuse. Once you have voted 'D' your usefulness is over. You gave them power, now they bend you over like everyone else....

...while idiots like you still say 'US'.

In comment #63 above, PoliticalChic actually writes:

It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election.”

“Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot at the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda”

Evidently she has finally lost her mind completely!

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