Can you be religious and pro science and technology?

90%+ of the world's people are stupid.....
Obviously you place yourself in the top 10%. Interesting.
It's often a curse, because pretty much everyone around you is a retard, and it can get really annoying, lol.
Truly smart people often work smarter, not harder.

I've noticed that a lot of mentally ill people think they are 100% sane and that all others are insane. They see themselves as being both different and much, much better than average. This view of themselves is rarely supported by factual evidence such as works, wealth or other substantive accomplishments. It's supported solely by their claim of it being so. :)
Well, at least you recognize your limitations. Good for you.
Yes. As a human being who has lost a lot of friends, I fully recognize the limitations of the human condition.
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
Yet you seemed to readily accept the theory of multiverses without a shred of evidence. Why?

As it is, there is no evidence of anything outside our natural universe, but I have faith there is something beyond the visible. :D
It's a theory about multiverses, just a theory. But I've heard it, and it could be possible. And scientists are right a lot of the time...
It's a theory about multiverses, just a theory. But I've heard it, and it could be possible. And scientists are right a lot of the time...
20 of the Greatest Blunders in Science in the Last 20 Years |

"Science" is a method of study. It's not a god to be worshipped and left unquestioned. As the linked article above points out, while science is a tool of study, those wielding that tool are still human and humans fuck up on a regular basis. "Scientists" are human. Take it for what it's worth. :D
It's a theory about multiverses, just a theory. But I've heard it, and it could be possible. And scientists are right a lot of the time...
20 of the Greatest Blunders in Science in the Last 20 Years |

"Science" is a method of study. It's not a god to be worshipped and left unquestioned. As the linked article above points out, while science is a tool of study, those wielding that tool are still human and humans fuck up on a regular basis. "Scientists" are human. Take it for what it's worth. :D
I never said they were right. Suck it up, pussycat. :D
I never said they were right. Suck it up, pussycat. :D
You put your faith in science, an immaterial thing. The problem isn't "science" but in the human beings using it.
Science isn't faith based, it's fact based. Theories are not pretending to be conclusive, just trying to find a way forward.
But we did notice that you make it sound as though faith is something not all that good. Nice one.
Nope. Sorry, you are wrong again.
The world was proven by science to have not been made in 6 days, among a ton of other things. You even had to move your own goalposts to try to accommodate it.
Now that I have established that Creation (i.e. the universe) had a beginning as told by the Bible....

The Bible tells us that Creation was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe and everything in it was created in steps.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Actually science does tell us that space and time came into existence. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an infinite universe AND all the laws of physics break down at the event horizon which means that space and time did not exist before the expansion. There was no space and time, Einstein. SPACE AND TIME DID HAVE A BEGINNING.
Our space and time may have had a beginning, but other universes may have already existed. Science doesn't definitively speak to this except for new theories being developed.
WTF are you talking about other universes? For a gal that demands proof of everything, you sure did drop your panties pretty fast for a 2nd universe. Newsflash... whatever is outside of our space time envelope is unobservable. You literally can't see it or reach it. Space time is curved.
Says the guy who thinks there's an invisible superhero outside our visible universe. lol.
Multiverses are a new theory by scientists, look it up.
Yes, I do believe there is a higher power than man. So what? We know that our intelligence exists. Is it so hard for you to imagine something greater than us exists? The universe has become self aware. The universe behaves as a self referential system.

Your Brain Is the Universe -- Part 1 | The Huffington Post

Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
But you're not agnostic.
Science isn't faith based, it's fact based. Theories are not pretending to be conclusive, just trying to find a way forward.
But we did notice that you make it sound as though faith is something not all that good. Nice one.
Science, like a gun or a shovel, is simply a tool. It's nothing without a human being to do something with it.
Why do you insist on an "easy button", like "God did it"?
If it were the easy button we wouldn't be having this discussion. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. Why do I believe it is God? Because I have seen how He works in my life when I seek Him and I have studied what He has created. What evidence do you have that He does not exist?
The attribute of the first cause must be eternal.

chance is eternal and a likely cause for all material that exists - the laws of nature like chance may also be eternal, combined they may be the source for the beginning of life's genome and the birth of the Almighty from that time to the present - nothing precludes requiring religion to have always existed.
The world was proven by science to have not been made in 6 days, among a ton of other things. You even had to move your own goalposts to try to accommodate it.
Now that I have established that Creation (i.e. the universe) had a beginning as told by the Bible....

The Bible tells us that Creation was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe and everything in it was created in steps.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
Our space and time may have had a beginning, but other universes may have already existed. Science doesn't definitively speak to this except for new theories being developed.
WTF are you talking about other universes? For a gal that demands proof of everything, you sure did drop your panties pretty fast for a 2nd universe. Newsflash... whatever is outside of our space time envelope is unobservable. You literally can't see it or reach it. Space time is curved.
Says the guy who thinks there's an invisible superhero outside our visible universe. lol.
Multiverses are a new theory by scientists, look it up.
Yes, I do believe there is a higher power than man. So what? We know that our intelligence exists. Is it so hard for you to imagine something greater than us exists? The universe has become self aware. The universe behaves as a self referential system.

Your Brain Is the Universe -- Part 1 | The Huffington Post

Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
But you're not agnostic.
You're just jealous. :D
Now that I have established that Creation (i.e. the universe) had a beginning as told by the Bible....

The Bible tells us that Creation was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe and everything in it was created in steps.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
Yes. I do know that and I have provided the proof.
WTF are you talking about other universes? For a gal that demands proof of everything, you sure did drop your panties pretty fast for a 2nd universe. Newsflash... whatever is outside of our space time envelope is unobservable. You literally can't see it or reach it. Space time is curved.
Says the guy who thinks there's an invisible superhero outside our visible universe. lol.
Multiverses are a new theory by scientists, look it up.
Yes, I do believe there is a higher power than man. So what? We know that our intelligence exists. Is it so hard for you to imagine something greater than us exists? The universe has become self aware. The universe behaves as a self referential system.

Your Brain Is the Universe -- Part 1 | The Huffington Post

Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
But you're not agnostic.
You're just jealous. :D
Nope, although Jealous was one of the names He gave.
Now that I have established that Creation (i.e. the universe) had a beginning as told by the Bible....

The Bible tells us that Creation was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe and everything in it was created in steps.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
WTF are you talking about other universes? For a gal that demands proof of everything, you sure did drop your panties pretty fast for a 2nd universe. Newsflash... whatever is outside of our space time envelope is unobservable. You literally can't see it or reach it. Space time is curved.
Says the guy who thinks there's an invisible superhero outside our visible universe. lol.
Multiverses are a new theory by scientists, look it up.
Yes, I do believe there is a higher power than man. So what? We know that our intelligence exists. Is it so hard for you to imagine something greater than us exists? The universe has become self aware. The universe behaves as a self referential system.

Your Brain Is the Universe -- Part 1 | The Huffington Post

Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
But you're not agnostic.
You're just jealous. :D
The Bible also nailed that everything we see today including ourselves was created in steps. That's the 6 day thingee that confuses you so much.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
Yes. I do know that and I have provided the proof.
You have nothing, just a guess. There's no way you could know if this universe is in an endless loop, or if there are others. Go sober up.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
I said dingbat doesn't know if there was something before the BB. Neither do you. Please pay attention.
The bible says that everything including humans was created in six days. Loser.
Then stop reading the allegorical books literally and you won't have that problem.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
If someone were shown a vision of how everything unfolded from the point of Creation to man and all he had was the knowledge of that day, this is how he would tell that account.
Says the guy who thinks there's an invisible superhero outside our visible universe. lol.
Multiverses are a new theory by scientists, look it up.
Yes, I do believe there is a higher power than man. So what? We know that our intelligence exists. Is it so hard for you to imagine something greater than us exists? The universe has become self aware. The universe behaves as a self referential system.

Your Brain Is the Universe -- Part 1 | The Huffington Post

Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
But you're not agnostic.
You're just jealous. :D
The Bible also nailed that everything we see today including ourselves was created in steps. That's the 6 day thingee that confuses you so much.
I particularly enjoy the step where god makes a woman out of a man's rib. Thee only thing the bible nailed is some hobo to wood.

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