Can we be honest here?

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Fat Donnie is a cheeseburger away from a cardiac

Not according to his doctors.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.


I think he recently stated he was without a doubt going for a person of color. Figures. Only a Democrat would ignore qualifications and make such an important choice based on race or gender.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.


I think he recently stated he was without a doubt going for a person of color. Figures. Only a Democrat would ignore qualifications and make such an important choice based on race or gender.

Got to be PC doncha know, plus I don't think he can excite black voters by himself.

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Trumps not a Conservative, but seeing as the only other choice is Biden .... lets just say I would rather set my ass on fire than vote for Joe.

The President never proclaimed being a conservative, but I don't know anybody in recent times that led more conservatively.

Do you think traitor in chief knows difference between right wing and progressive? all he cares about is pay back to his crime lords in Russia....
Last edited by a moderator:
It's difficult to see how he survives his ignoring and even preventing testing of the virus. The virus itself is apolitical. Saying Team Trump did a good job not only requires ignoring facts, it requires ignoring the world. LOL

Even assuming a large maj of Whites change their minds on policing and systemic racise - OR MORE LIKELY - if the uncivil and anarchist protestors become the story, Trump still wears the dead albatross around his neck.

Trump's campaign will be more negative that Obama's 12 campaign. We'll see.

Do you think Americans are that dumb? Protests and riots took place in Democrat cities, and Democrat states, the Mayors did little to nothing about it, the rioters were Democrats, and they were upset about the conduct of a police officer in one of their Democrat cities.

But that's Trump's fault?

Those BLM protests deeply damaged Trump.
They showed him as callous and out of touch.
I can see Trump recovering from those protests.....But not the economy or COVID
They showed Dims as a gang of malicious thugs who hate white people. They hurt Biden far more than Trump. when the election comes around do you actually believe that the majority of property owning productive Americans are going to pull the lever for the candidate who supports such rampant lawlessness?

Trumps polling tanked once the protests started.
I think when history looks back at the Trump presidency, it will determine his decision to gas protestors so that he could photo-op with a Bible as his downfall.

Reminds me of Dukakis in that stupid tank

View attachment 357377
View attachment 357381

That has been a proven a lie, and being a typical commie, you keep pushing it. FOAD

Trumps polling tanking is a lie?

You ARE delusional
/——/ Yeah, they are a lie and yesterday, your fake poll was exposed for what it is, a fraud.
Up until this year, Trumps strategy for a second term has been simple. We have a great economy......If you want it to continue, VOTE FOR ME

Then COVID hit and the Trump economy shut down.
Trumps new strategy has been to tell people the infection was no worse than the flu, that he had things under control, that it is not his fault, like a “miracle” it will disappear.
Trump all along thought the virus would go away by itself by the Summer. The virus will go away by itself and nobody will care by November.

Well, he was not only WRONG, he was tragically wrong. Trump told Republican governors to open up, nothing will happen, COVID is a Blue State problem.......The virus is only getting worse.

THAT is why Trumps chances in November are shot

Well, he was not only WRONG, he was tragically wrong.

Unlike Biden, eh?

Biden has been right about the virus. listen to experts, make the hard choices .......BE HONEST WITH THE PEOPLE

When did Biden ever make a prediction about the virus? I heard him criticize the President after the fact, but not too much when it first came out.

Biden made a prediction
That we would have to maintain social distancing and masks until a vaccine is available

Trump has been telling Red State Governors to loosen their regulations, open up, business as usual.

They are now paying a price


/——/ “That we would have to maintain social distancing and masks until a vaccine is available”
Want to tell that to the Gaye Community as well? After all there is no AIDS vaccine.

“Trump has been telling Red State Governors to loosen their regulations, open up, business as usual.”
The Governors do what they want in spite of what the president tells them to do, or have you not noticed?
It's difficult to see how he survives his ignoring and even preventing testing of the virus. The virus itself is apolitical. Saying Team Trump did a good job not only requires ignoring facts, it requires ignoring the world. LOL

Even assuming a large maj of Whites change their minds on policing and systemic racise - OR MORE LIKELY - if the uncivil and anarchist protestors become the story, Trump still wears the dead albatross around his neck.

Trump's campaign will be more negative that Obama's 12 campaign. We'll see.

Do you think Americans are that dumb? Protests and riots took place in Democrat cities, and Democrat states, the Mayors did little to nothing about it, the rioters were Democrats, and they were upset about the conduct of a police officer in one of their Democrat cities.

But that's Trump's fault?

Those BLM protests deeply damaged Trump.
They showed him as callous and out of touch.
I can see Trump recovering from those protests.....But not the economy or COVID
They showed Dims as a gang of malicious thugs who hate white people. They hurt Biden far more than Trump. when the election comes around do you actually believe that the majority of property owning productive Americans are going to pull the lever for the candidate who supports such rampant lawlessness?

Trumps polling tanked once the protests started.
I think when history looks back at the Trump presidency, it will determine his decision to gas protestors so that he could photo-op with a Bible as his downfall.

Reminds me of Dukakis in that stupid tank

View attachment 357377
View attachment 357381

That has been a proven a lie, and being a typical commie, you keep pushing it. FOAD

Trumps polling tanking is a lie?

You ARE delusional
/——/ Yeah, they are a lie and yesterday, your fake poll was exposed for what it is, a fraud.
EVERY Poll is a fake?

Fox News

Just to make Trump look bad?
He has no responsibility for sinking numbers?
“Trump has been telling Red State Governors to loosen their regulations, open up, business as usual.”
The Governors do what they want in spite of what the president tells them to do, or have you not noticed?

Those loyal to the president cater to his whims
Trump praised Florida and Texas as examples of opening up and there will be no impact
Not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing has become a political statement in support of Trump
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.

Warren will not be picked
Biden does not want to lose her Senate seat
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.

Warren will not be picked
Biden does not want to lose her Senate seat
How fucking stupid are you, Winger? Warren is a Senator from Massachusetts. It's a solid Democratic State...arguably one of the most liberal in the nation! If Warren became Vice President then some other liberal Democrat would take her place! Duh?
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Trumps not a Conservative, but seeing as the only other choice is Biden .... lets just say I would rather set my ass on fire than vote for Joe.

The President never proclaimed being a conservative, but I don't know anybody in recent times that led more conservatively.

Do you think traitor in chief knows difference between right wing and progressive? all he cares about is pay back to his crime lords in Russia....

He's not paying anybody anything. You people are such suckers for brainwashing. The media tells you what to think, and you think it.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.

Warren will not be picked
Biden does not want to lose her Senate seat
How fucking stupid are you, Winger? Warren is a Senator from Massachusetts. It's a solid Democratic State...arguably one of the most liberal in the nation! If Warren became Vice President then some other liberal Democrat would take her place! Duh?

I am stupid enough to know that Massachusetts has a REPUBLICAN Governor who would pick Warrens replacement.That REPUBLICAN would fill Warrens seat until the next election cycle.
Democrats are working to get a 50/50 split in the Senate to take control. Giving up Warrens seat would jeopardize that
It's difficult to see how he survives his ignoring and even preventing testing of the virus. The virus itself is apolitical. Saying Team Trump did a good job not only requires ignoring facts, it requires ignoring the world. LOL

Even assuming a large maj of Whites change their minds on policing and systemic racise - OR MORE LIKELY - if the uncivil and anarchist protestors become the story, Trump still wears the dead albatross around his neck.

Trump's campaign will be more negative that Obama's 12 campaign. We'll see.

Do you think Americans are that dumb? Protests and riots took place in Democrat cities, and Democrat states, the Mayors did little to nothing about it, the rioters were Democrats, and they were upset about the conduct of a police officer in one of their Democrat cities.

But that's Trump's fault?

Those BLM protests deeply damaged Trump.
They showed him as callous and out of touch.
I can see Trump recovering from those protests.....But not the economy or COVID
They showed Dims as a gang of malicious thugs who hate white people. They hurt Biden far more than Trump. when the election comes around do you actually believe that the majority of property owning productive Americans are going to pull the lever for the candidate who supports such rampant lawlessness?

Trumps polling tanked once the protests started.
I think when history looks back at the Trump presidency, it will determine his decision to gas protestors so that he could photo-op with a Bible as his downfall.

Reminds me of Dukakis in that stupid tank

View attachment 357377
View attachment 357381

That has been a proven a lie, and being a typical commie, you keep pushing it. FOAD

Trumps polling tanking is a lie?

You ARE delusional

No commie, they didn't gas protesters for a fucking photo op. Why do you keep pushing known lies? Oh right, you're a paid commie propagandist.

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Much more concerned actually, Winger! Joe Biden in the White House has become even scarier than it was before. Where I thought he was just an idiot back then...I'm more convinced now that he's going senile and it's happening rather quickly. If Trump doesn't win...we're in deep trouble!
Biden seems quite adept at attacking Trump and he launched another attack on his horrible COVID response today.

For a senile, old man, he seems to be damaging Trump.

can you be honest here?

Biden is not a formidable candidate and he’s gotten to where he is on default of the Democrats being really, really bad. If he wins it would have nothing to with his prowess and everything to do with the country rejecting Trump.
I like Biden as a candidate. He is a great compromise candidate. Moderate, pragmatic and has a bipartisan reputation.

I will take Biden over Bernie or Liz Warren any day.

I would take him over those two as well, but Biden doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm from voters. This is a referendum on Trump. If the democrats had a good candidate this wouldn’t be close.
Biden is the best available candidate.

Voters will be deciding on four more years of Trump or not. “ I hate Trump but I hate Hilary more “ will not come into play.

You better look very closely at the individual Biden picks for his VP. If he's lucky enough to win, he will be older the day he takes office than Reagan was the day he left office. I don't see Biden lasting a year before he resigns for health reasons. Then you'll probably be stuck with a woman that couldn't win in the commiecrat primaries.


Most people don't really pay attention to the VP, they pay attention the person running for President. In this particular race, the VP is the most important thing.

Yep, I hope he picks warren or harris, either will turn off independents.

Warren will not be picked
Biden does not want to lose her Senate seat

She'll be picked for something, so that's not really a concern. Her seat is reliably commiecrat.

In related news, Charley Sheen just posted a thread called "Can we be sober here?"

Extreme partisanship and honesty are two concepts that are quite nearly mutually exclusive.
In fairness, six moths ago their was a possiblity that the Dems would nominate a candidate that a majority of voting age Americans agree with on the issues.

Sorry, no. There exists NO Dem that Conservatives would agree with.

Perhaps, but y'all are like 30% of the population at the most. And thanks to Covid, less every day


  • Untitled drawing - 2020-06-22T072342.135.png
    Untitled drawing - 2020-06-22T072342.135.png
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In fairness, six moths ago their was a possiblity that the Dems would nominate a candidate that a majority of voting age Americans agree with on the issues.

Sorry, no. There exists NO Dem that Conservatives would agree with.

Perhaps, but y'all are like 30% of the population at the most. And thanks to Covid, less every day

Most of us won't for for Rump either. Unlike Progs there are people with integrity out here.

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