Can The Party Recover In Time???

It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.

"cracks"? Not according to the B of A CEO on TV this morning....2.4% growth in the 3rd quarter. If the Fed does the expected and drops half a point, look for over 3%....some "cracks". LOL!
There have been mixed economic data for the last couple of months. Bond yields have plummeted. Economic activity has failed to push inflation. Real estate is inconsistent now. Some factory orders numbers have been iffy.

I'm not making predictions, I'm just pointing out facts. If you think you know what the economy will look like in 16 months, that's really really great.

This has been my profession for 20 years, but I'm sure your talk radio education has put you light years ahead of me.

You're right, the Democrats might be successful in getting the economy into the dumper by next fall.

But , personally, I don't think so.

Donald J. Trump is a lot more woke than Dubya was in 07-08 and he's going to do what he can. I think it will be enough, so do traders on Wall Street as well, who have bid the US economy to record prices
Wall Street traders don't bid the economy to record prices. That would be the stock market. The stock market is not the economy.

There's a decent chance things will still be good in 16 months, but most of us in the profession are carefully hedging going forward.
In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.

We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.

Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.

Socialized medicine is a failure in England, those who give a shit about their health go abroad to America. Mick Jagger, a proud subject of Her Majesty the queen, had his heart surgery at NY Presbyterian.

The NHS celebrated the 70th Anniversary of providing healthcare to 100% of British people last year. That's some failure. Jagger lives in Montserrat, but by all means, judge universal healthcare by a celebrity with a net worth of $350 million.

actually, that's not true. 30% of British subjects have private health insurance.

And as far as Mr. Jagger, he didn't become rich squandering his money. If the NHS offered good health care, that's where he would have gone.

30% have supplimental insurance to cover the gaps in coverage that may lag... just like medicare has here. but if you were to ask if they cared whether the bottom line safety net they get abolished & just have private insurance, you bet your sweet bippy they would freak.

just like seniors here.

You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.
You hang on to that silliness and Trump will surely win again.
The establishment is still well in control of the Democratic party. If somebody like Joe Biden wins the nomination, and then the presidency that fact will only be cemented, and this new crop will be neutered.
The Dems can neither neuter nor silence their anti-US "progs" and Biden has shown a propensity to eagerly bend over and say "I'm sorry" on their command.
They can't help themselves. Never before have we seen a death cult so engaged in causing their on political death.
We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.

Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.

Socialized medicine is a failure in England, those who give a shit about their health go abroad to America. Mick Jagger, a proud subject of Her Majesty the queen, had his heart surgery at NY Presbyterian.

The NHS celebrated the 70th Anniversary of providing healthcare to 100% of British people last year. That's some failure. Jagger lives in Montserrat, but by all means, judge universal healthcare by a celebrity with a net worth of $350 million.

actually, that's not true. 30% of British subjects have private health insurance.

And as far as Mr. Jagger, he didn't become rich squandering his money. If the NHS offered good health care, that's where he would have gone.

30% have supplimental insurance to cover the gaps in coverage that may lag... just like medicare has here. but if you were to ask if they cared whether the bottom line safety net they get abolished & just have private insurance, you bet your sweet bippy they would freak.

just like seniors here.


The NHS is a major employer in the UK and a lot of people work there and are greedy, hoping to keep their jobs.

But the reality is that people who care, go to private hospitals in the UK or go abroad like Mr. Jagger did for his heart surgery, coming the to "evil" America. You can die waiting for the NHS to do anything
Donald J. Trump is a lot more woke than Dubya was in 07-08 and he's going to do what he can. I think it will be enough, so do traders on Wall Street as well, who have bid the US economy to record prices

To be fair to Dubya, he got himself involved in Iraq and took his eye off the economy. They asked numerous times for a look at the fannie/freddie books and Maxine Waters refused and called them "racists". Clinturd's CRA got folks on food stamps into mortgages. The banksters had to oblige or be killed by charges of "red-lining". So they did what banksters do....bundled up the shit paper and sold it to suckers with AIG supposedly guaranteeing it all. I lost a boat load of money, everybody didn't disappear, somebody got it.
Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.

Socialized medicine is a failure in England, those who give a shit about their health go abroad to America. Mick Jagger, a proud subject of Her Majesty the queen, had his heart surgery at NY Presbyterian.

The NHS celebrated the 70th Anniversary of providing healthcare to 100% of British people last year. That's some failure. Jagger lives in Montserrat, but by all means, judge universal healthcare by a celebrity with a net worth of $350 million.

actually, that's not true. 30% of British subjects have private health insurance.

And as far as Mr. Jagger, he didn't become rich squandering his money. If the NHS offered good health care, that's where he would have gone.

30% have supplimental insurance to cover the gaps in coverage that may lag... just like medicare has here. but if you were to ask if they cared whether the bottom line safety net they get abolished & just have private insurance, you bet your sweet bippy they would freak.

just like seniors here.


The NHS is a major employer in the UK and a lot of people work there and are greedy, hoping to keep their jobs.

But the reality is that people who care, go to private hospitals in the UK or go abroad like Mr. Jagger did for his heart surgery, coming the to "evil" America. You can die waiting for the NHS to do anything

' The NHS is a major employer in the UK and a lot of people work there and are greedy, hoping to keep their jobs. '

as opposed to the 'for profit' healthcare industry we have here?

the merger between CVS & aetna just made 2 of my generics jump 400% & 300% respectively....
We can quibble but for all intent and purposes the Democrat Party has morphed into the Democrat Socialist Party. As I see it they have 2 choices … wear it proudly or strongly disavow it now in words & actions and hope all is forgotten by Nov 2020. Thing is, the "progs" - who are anything but progressive - have a firm grip and seem to believe they can sell their snake oil long enough to do their dirty deed.

They have already begun by attacking everything and anyone that does not embrace their hate-filled POV, including but not limited to America, Americans, our flag, anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, our history, Founding Fathers, etc, etc, etc...

Their intent is clear and agenda exposed:

View attachment 270325

Oh my, if even half of what you've posted were true, the Democrats really would be in trouble, but since NONE of it has any basis in fact whatsoever, you\ve miscalculated. BIGLY.

Democrats allowed Donald Trump to control the debate in 2016. At that point, Trump didn't have a record to run on. Trump promised a tax cut for the middle class, jobs with big raises for production workers, and the fiscal responsibility of a successful business man. He promised infrastructure spending, ("I love to build things"), and better, cheaper, healthcare for all.

Trump delivered a huge tax cut for billionaires, trade deals and exports markets torn up and in chaos, and for-profit prisons charging $700 per day to house immigrants in filfthy, unsanitary, and unhealthy conditions, where 6 children have died already, while the government continues to separate parents from their children in defiance of Court Injunctions against doing so. More than half of the DHS leadership has quit or been fired over their refusal to carry out the cruel, inhuman, and illegal policies of the Trump Administration.

Now he's claiming that four women of colour, three of whom were born in the USA, one of whom is a decorated war hero, who were all duly elected by literally millions of American voters in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, hate their country, their flag, and are "unAmerican". No they are not. The guy who says America wasn't a great nation when he was running for office, is now saying that American members of Congress have no right to criticize their goverment (First Amendment anyone?).

Democrats passed a Resolution condemning the President's racism, then went right back to work and passed a $15 federal minimum wage law. They have now passed more than 30 Bills in the House to reduce prescription drug prices, secure voters rights, safeguard elections from foreign interference, fund disaster relief, and raise the minimum wage, among other things.

Trump has shut down the government, locked up and abused refugees, increased the trade deficit with China, and is very close to starting a shooting war with Iran. Not to mention 5 million Americans lost access to healthcare, and the manufacturing sector is now officially in a recession.

So if you want to talk about the "unAmerican" four freshman congresswomen with no real power, whose only real crime is that they dared to think that voters would support ideas to help all Americans live better lives, have at it. Democrats are going to talk about all of the Bills that they have passed since winning the House, and which are awaiting Senate Debate as we speak. They will continue to let their oversight law suits play out in the courts while Trump continues to lie, defy the Courts and abuse brown families seeking asylum on the Southern Border. Trump has lost every single court case about both issues, and continues to recklessly disregard both the laws and the courts.

Democrats are going to talk about the economy, health care, the security of your elections, infrastucture, an end to gerrymander, and ensuring that all Americans citizens, regardless of the race, religion, or ethnic background can enjoy their Constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of worship, and the right to vote.

Democrats are going to talk policy and everything they've tried to do for the American people since they were elected. The MSM is going to show the suffering of farmers in the mid-west. The horrific pictures from the border dention camps. Homelessness in your richest states. Millions of people losing healthcare. The devastation of the opiod crisis.

Donald Trump is going to talk race.

Good luck with that.
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Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries

so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?
I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha

you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.
Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!

lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha
Democrats are going to talk policy and everything they've tried to do for the American people since they were elected. .

All the D's have been doing since Donald J Trump has begun serving our country is to try and tank the economy and to conduct witch hunts not just against Mr. Trump, but his family and anyone who supports him.

If you think that's something "for" the people , that's your opinion
so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?
I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha

you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.
Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!

lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha

so? trump has ben carson.
We can quibble but for all intent and purposes the Democrat Party has morphed into the Democrat Socialist Party. As I see it they have 2 choices … wear it proudly or strongly disavow it now in words & actions and hope all is forgotten by Nov 2020. Thing is, the "progs" - who are anything but progressive - have a firm grip and seem to believe they can sell their snake oil long enough to do their dirty deed.

They have already begun by attacking everything and anyone that does not embrace their hate-filled POV, including but not limited to America, Americans, our flag, anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, our history, Founding Fathers, etc, etc, etc...

Their intent is clear and agenda exposed:

View attachment 270325

Oh my, if even half of what you've posted were true, the Democrats really would be in trouble, but since NONE of it has any basis in fact whatsoever, you\ve miscalculated. BIGLY...
So I can add you to the "IN DENIAL" column. Thank you.

“We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government,” - AOC
I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha

you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.
Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!

lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha

so? trump has ben carson.
Carson leads trumps agenda?
you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.
Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!

lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha

so? trump has ben carson.
Carson leads trumps agenda?

who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!

lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha

so? trump has ben carson.
Carson leads trumps agenda?

who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Cool story
lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha

so? trump has ben carson.
Carson leads trumps agenda?

who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Cool story

makes as much sense as carson saying god sent trump to be prez.................
Proud boys is leader is a black man lol
Ya poor communist have a bad day haha

so? trump has ben carson.
Carson leads trumps agenda?

who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Cool story

makes as much sense as carson saying god sent trump to be prez.................
Way more truth to that! 99% of all media is trying to lynch trump. He has gods protection
so? trump has ben carson.
Carson leads trumps agenda?

who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Cool story

makes as much sense as carson saying god sent trump to be prez.................
Way more truth to that! 99% of all media is trying to lynch trump. He has gods protection

more like two corinthians.......
Carson leads trumps agenda?

who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Cool story

makes as much sense as carson saying god sent trump to be prez.................
Way more truth to that! 99% of all media is trying to lynch trump. He has gods protection

more like two corinthians.......
Cool story
It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.
You are whistling past the Dem boneyard, Mac.

The stench of socialism will cling to the party and they will either have to proudly run with it or against it. The Repubs are certain to run lots of ads depicting the "free" stuff braying of their candidates to date and the disdain for America and Americans regularly displayed by so many Dems.

I'm certain you know this but there is no such thing as free stuff … only that which is paid for by "others."
The "S" word is not scary anymore.
yea, the corrupt Democratic Party is hoping that people have forgotten about the hundreds of millions of people who were starved and murdered by socialist.
who knows? hell there's some on here that would say proud boys are violent because the leader is black................... & that's what they need..............
Cool story

makes as much sense as carson saying god sent trump to be prez.................
Way more truth to that! 99% of all media is trying to lynch trump. He has gods protection

more like two corinthians.......
Cool story

you seem to be suffering from the same ailment donny is. he tends to get stuck on a couple words & the needle skips....

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