Can The Party Recover In Time???

They back anything and everything that is against America's best interests.
Traitors … every stinkin' one of 'em.
That's a good Birther. Have a Snausage.
Birther? LOL.
We can quibble but for all intent and purposes the Democrat Party has morphed into the Democrat Socialist Party...
Republican (possibly Russian) propaganda.
Leftarded (definitely Stupid) broken record.
They back anything and everything that is against America's best interests.
Traitors … every stinkin' one of 'em.
That's a good Birther. Have a Snausage.
Birther? LOL.
We can quibble but for all intent and purposes the Democrat Party has morphed into the Democrat Socialist Party...
Republican (possibly Russian) propaganda.
Leftarded (definitely Stupid) broken record.
What, one snausage not good enough for ya?
The American people don't want Socialism, they have seen what the results are elsewhere in places like Venezuela.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building.
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So your view is that the GOP should cut Deplorable Americans adrift, so they can compete with the D's for minority voters...
Well, virtually all of the energy in the GOP is with the Trumpsters, so I don't know how it can do that. Just like virtually all the energy in the Democratic Party is with the Regressive Left. So right now, the two parties are stuck...
PP didn't ask you if the Repubs could but rather if you believe the Repub Party should abandon "the Deplorables" - stop trying to MAGA for all - and instead play identity politics and pander to minorities as Dems do.

BTW, the delineation between party positions is as clear as I've ever seen it and the OP questions whether the Dems can win while carrying their current socialist baggage. The responses of the lefties here seems to range from "what socialism" to "sure ... socialism is great."

I only ask that y'all hold the socialist candidates toes to the flame and make sure they do not waver or backslide. I think a referendum on socialism would be great fun.
So your view is that the GOP should cut Deplorable Americans adrift, so they can compete with the D's for minority voters...
Well, virtually all of the energy in the GOP is with the Trumpsters, so I don't know how it can do that. Just like virtually all the energy in the Democratic Party is with the Regressive Left. So right now, the two parties are stuck...
PP didn't ask you if the Repubs could but rather if you believe the Repub Party should abandon "the Deplorables" - stop trying to MAGA for all - and instead play identity politics and pander to minorities as Dems do.

BTW, the delineation between party positions is as clear as I've ever seen it and the OP questions whether the Dems can win while carrying their current socialist baggage. The responses of the lefties here seems to range from "what socialism" to "sure ... socialism is great."

I only ask that y'all hold the socialist candidates toes to the flame and make sure they do not waver or backslide. I think a referendum on socialism would be great fun.
Of course they should. They've turned the party into a caricature. But the Deplorables' votes are needed, so the party is stuck. Just like the Dems.

I think wingers from both parties SHOULD find another hobby. I think they SHOULD stop being sheep and start thinking for themselves. I think they SHOULD grow up, drop the egos, and start innovating together. But "should" is meaningless.
The American people don't want Socialism, they have seen what the results are elsewhere in places like Venezuela.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
We can all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, not all nor even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
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The American people don't want Socialism, they have seen what the results are elsewhere in places like Venezuela.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.
You are whistling past the Dem boneyard, Mac.

The stench of socialism will cling to the party and they will either have to proudly run with it or against it. The Repubs are certain to run lots of ads depicting the "free" stuff braying of their candidates to date and the disdain for America and Americans regularly displayed by so many Dems.

I'm certain you know this but there is no such thing as free stuff … only that which is paid for by "others."
The party has largely lost its shit. Stipulated.

But elections are about contrasts. So it will once again be the lesser of two evils.

The parties currently appear to be in some weird competition to see which can be more repulsive.
anti-Americanism trumps any perceived repulsiveness IMO. Defining every issue based on skin color and screaming RACIST!!! at everyone including members of your OWN PARTY is about as anti-American as it gets.
In your opinion, of course.
Yes in my opinion declaring every White person is a Racist is more repulsive than Trump making off color statements in private conversations. But that's just me.
Well, if you think that (a) Trump only makes off color statements in private conversations, and (b) that Trump's behaviors are the only repulsive behaviors from the GOP, that's your opinion too.

Fine by me!
Glad you approve. And if you cast your vote for a race baiting anti-American because he or she soothes your sensibilities that is fine by me.
The American people don't want Socialism, they have seen what the results are elsewhere in places like Venezuela.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.
And we finally agree on something. What in my posts would lead a rational person to think I'm worried? The question remains: can the Democrat Socialist Party win by running on socialism and if not, how can they escape their socialist image?
The American people don't want Socialism, they have seen what the results are elsewhere in places like Venezuela.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.

Actually, there is a great deal to be concerned about.

The Democrat Party has falsely equated Socialism with "caring", and has falsely condemned the Loyal Opposition as racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic bigots.

This kind of propaganda is very useful at getting the votes of the less informed, particularly those whose language isn't English or they weren't raised in America. Personally, I'd like to see Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, translate the EIB network flagship show and some other American conservatives into Spanish, Arabic, Sanskrit, Mandarin, etc., so the rest of the world has a better idea what we are up to here.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.
And we finally agree on something. What in my posts would lead a rational person to think I'm worried? The question remains: can the Democrat Socialist Party win by running on socialism and if not, how can they escape their socialist image?
Okay, you're not worried.

The Democrats can't win. They're all radical commies and they can't escape that image.

Now we're good.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.

Actually, there is a great deal to be concerned about.

The Democrat Party has falsely equated Socialism with "caring", and has falsely condemned the Loyal Opposition as racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic bigots.

This kind of propaganda is very useful at getting the votes of the less informed, particularly those whose language isn't English or they weren't raised in America. Personally, I'd like to see Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, translate the EIB network flagship show and some other American conservatives into Spanish, Arabic, Sanskrit, Mandarin, etc., so the rest of the world has a better idea what we are up to here.
Well, you can take this up with SAYIT. Personally, I think the GOP is whistling past the graveyard if they don't offer an intelligent argument here, but he's not worried about that.
It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.

"cracks"? Not according to the B of A CEO on TV this morning....2.4% growth in the 3rd quarter. If the Fed does the expected and drops half a point, look for over 3%....some "cracks". LOL!
It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.

"cracks"? Not according to the B of A CEO on TV this morning....2.4% growth in the 3rd quarter. If the Fed does the expected and drops half a point, look for over 3%....some "cracks". LOL!
There have been mixed economic data for the last couple of months. Bond yields have plummeted. Economic activity has failed to push inflation. Real estate is inconsistent now. Some factory orders numbers have been iffy.

I'm not making predictions, I'm just pointing out facts. If you think you know what the economy will look like in 16 months, that's really really great.

This has been my profession for 20 years, but I'm sure your talk radio education has put you light years ahead of me.
& they will be put in jail.

Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries

so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?

I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha

you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.

Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!

lol... sure you didn't...

& proud boys be getting jailed. them thar incarcerations will be amped to if y'all can't control your incel selves...................
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The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece? Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.

Actually, there is a great deal to be concerned about.

The Democrat Party has falsely equated Socialism with "caring", and has falsely condemned the Loyal Opposition as racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic bigots.

This kind of propaganda is very useful at getting the votes of the less informed, particularly those whose language isn't English or they weren't raised in America. Personally, I'd like to see Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, translate the EIB network flagship show and some other American conservatives into Spanish, Arabic, Sanskrit, Mandarin, etc., so the rest of the world has a better idea what we are up to here.
Well, you can take this up with SAYIT. Personally, I think the GOP is whistling past the graveyard if they don't offer an intelligent argument here, but he's not worried about that.
It's way too soon to play the Repub's aces, Comrade Mac. The Democrat Socialist Party has yet to nominate who will be their 2020 roadkill but I'll give you a sneak preview of the Repub's argument because unlike the Creepitus type leftards, you still have the occasional lucid moment.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder our bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
I'm old enough to remember when the Democratic party base was American workers and championed Made in America. Now they back Mexico and China. :wtf:

when donny & the first lady ivanka pull their cheap sweat shop made crap back *here* & hire americans to make it, then you'll have a point.

Trump was a Dem back then. He figured it out like millions of other FORMER Dem's and joined the Republican party. :itsok:

haaaaaaaaaaa..............trump goes where the money & baby powder is.... & good luck trying to spin the truth, 'cause i see more (R) defections than the other way around, jr.
It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.

"cracks"? Not according to the B of A CEO on TV this morning....2.4% growth in the 3rd quarter. If the Fed does the expected and drops half a point, look for over 3%....some "cracks". LOL!
There have been mixed economic data for the last couple of months. Bond yields have plummeted. Economic activity has failed to push inflation. Real estate is inconsistent now. Some factory orders numbers have been iffy.

I'm not making predictions, I'm just pointing out facts. If you think you know what the economy will look like in 16 months, that's really really great.

This has been my profession for 20 years, but I'm sure your talk radio education has put you light years ahead of me.

You're right, the Democrats might be successful in getting the economy into the dumper by next fall.

But , personally, I don't think so.

Donald J. Trump is a lot more woke than Dubya was in 07-08 and he's going to do what he can. I think it will be enough, so do traders on Wall Street as well, who have bid the US economy to record prices
Can you think of any other European countries besides Greece? I can think of a few. And you can toss Canada and Australia to top of that pile. You can ignore those countries if you want, but the word just doesn't scare people like it used to.

So now, instead of just screaming SOCIALISM, or VENEZUELA, you'll need to offer an intelligent, thorough, articulate, thoughtful argument. That's entirely up to you to do, or not. But I think we can all see the momentum that is building...
Wecan all see the momentum? :lol:

76% of American voters would not vote for a socialist but there is little point in our arguing the virtues of socialism - as if it had virtues - when America will have a referendum on it in just 15 1/2 months.

BTW, Not all or even many Euro countries are socialist (nor are Canada and Australia) but never let the facts impact on your opinions.
Great, then you have nothing to worry about.

Actually, there is a great deal to be concerned about.

The Democrat Party has falsely equated Socialism with "caring", and has falsely condemned the Loyal Opposition as racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic bigots.

This kind of propaganda is very useful at getting the votes of the less informed, particularly those whose language isn't English or they weren't raised in America. Personally, I'd like to see Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, translate the EIB network flagship show and some other American conservatives into Spanish, Arabic, Sanskrit, Mandarin, etc., so the rest of the world has a better idea what we are up to here.
Well, you can take this up with SAYIT. Personally, I think the GOP is whistling past the graveyard if they don't offer an intelligent argument here, but he's not worried about that.
It's way too soon to play the Repub's aces, Comrade Mac. The Democrat Socialist Party has yet to nominate who will be their 2020 roadkill but I'll give you a sneak preview of the Repub's argument because unlike the Creepitus type leftards, you still have the occasional lucid moment.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder our bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

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