Can The Party Recover In Time???

You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.

In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.
You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.

In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.

We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.
the proud boys certainly are.
Proud boys who protect free speech speakers from antifia are antifia!? Lol what

they are just as extremist & have shown their propensity for violence & they are self proclaimed (R)s. but you go ahead & justify their ideology.... i would expect nothing less from you.
With out proud boys who will protect protesters from marching?

lol... oh, you mean the constitution & law enforcement?
Lol Antifa would be launching urine, hitting elderly, women, and kids if we relied on democrat mayors to protect peaceful protesters.

That’s why we have proud boys.. to make you piss your pants little boy haha

protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.

In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.

We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.

Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.
Proud boys who protect free speech speakers from antifia are antifia!? Lol what

they are just as extremist & have shown their propensity for violence & they are self proclaimed (R)s. but you go ahead & justify their ideology.... i would expect nothing less from you.
With out proud boys who will protect protesters from marching?

lol... oh, you mean the constitution & law enforcement?
Lol Antifa would be launching urine, hitting elderly, women, and kids if we relied on democrat mayors to protect peaceful protesters.

That’s why we have proud boys.. to make you piss your pants little boy haha

protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe
You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.
Antifa is republican?? Huh

the proud boys certainly are.
Proud boys who protect free speech speakers from antifia are antifia!? Lol what

they are just as extremist & have shown their propensity for violence & they are self proclaimed (R)s. but you go ahead & justify their ideology.... i would expect nothing less from you.

Proud Boys, Antifa are extremist groups that are dangerous to America.
they are just as extremist & have shown their propensity for violence & they are self proclaimed (R)s. but you go ahead & justify their ideology.... i would expect nothing less from you.
With out proud boys who will protect protesters from marching?

lol... oh, you mean the constitution & law enforcement?
Lol Antifa would be launching urine, hitting elderly, women, and kids if we relied on democrat mayors to protect peaceful protesters.

That’s why we have proud boys.. to make you piss your pants little boy haha

protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe

& they will be put in jail.

With out proud boys who will protect protesters from marching?

lol... oh, you mean the constitution & law enforcement?
Lol Antifa would be launching urine, hitting elderly, women, and kids if we relied on democrat mayors to protect peaceful protesters.

That’s why we have proud boys.. to make you piss your pants little boy haha

protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe

& they will be put in jail.

Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries
You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.

In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.

We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.

Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.

Socialized medicine is a failure in England, those who give a shit about their health go abroad to America. Mick Jagger, a proud subject of Her Majesty the queen, had his heart surgery at NY Presbyterian.
lol... oh, you mean the constitution & law enforcement?
Lol Antifa would be launching urine, hitting elderly, women, and kids if we relied on democrat mayors to protect peaceful protesters.

That’s why we have proud boys.. to make you piss your pants little boy haha

protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe

& they will be put in jail.

Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries

so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?
Lol Antifa would be launching urine, hitting elderly, women, and kids if we relied on democrat mayors to protect peaceful protesters.

That’s why we have proud boys.. to make you piss your pants little boy haha

protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe

& they will be put in jail.

Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries

so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?

I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha
You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.

In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.

We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.

Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.

Socialized medicine is a failure in England, those who give a shit about their health go abroad to America. Mick Jagger, a proud subject of Her Majesty the queen, had his heart surgery at NY Presbyterian.

The NHS celebrated the 70th Anniversary of providing healthcare to 100% of British people last year. That's some failure. Jagger lives in Montserrat, but by all means, judge universal healthcare by a celebrity with a net worth of $350 million.
protect protesters?... protesting what exactly?

& btw, little incel - i am a girl. you know.... the ones that you & yours are afraid of & can't even bring yerselves to allow them into your club?
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe

& they will be put in jail.

Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries

so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?

I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha

you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.
Yes free speech protests in Portland, Boston, the Berkeley college riots where you democrats almost lynched 2 Jewish speakers..
Yes you democrats openly attack conservatives who march and democrat mayors tell the police to stand Down... so proud boys show up stop you ... hahah hehehe

& they will be put in jail.

Thats why Congress is moving to call Antifa domestic terrorist hahah guess what that carries

so far that is only in the senate & it's a resolution... not a bill. hahaha guess what THAT carries?

I hope not much I love seeing democrats catch a beating haha

you suck at backpeddling. when you thought something might benefit you, you got exited about it.... when you looked up that a resolution doesn't mean squat, you changed your stance.

lol... poorly educated bigots are always gonna bigot.

Lol I didn’t back off any thing lol ..

Either way Antifa gets a ass beating

Proud boys baby!
You should probably worry about the neo fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become first.

In the most recent election, Democrats received 9+million more votes than the Repubs. I'm not sure Righties need to be goosestepping in celebration just yet.

We'll see soon enough what happens in 2020.

The D platform of Socialized Medicine, Reparations and Economic Malaise will be sharply contrasted with President Trump's ideas of Peace and Prosperity.

Universal healthcare vs. Fuck Off and Die? Stark choice, alright.

Socialized medicine is a failure in England, those who give a shit about their health go abroad to America. Mick Jagger, a proud subject of Her Majesty the queen, had his heart surgery at NY Presbyterian.

The NHS celebrated the 70th Anniversary of providing healthcare to 100% of British people last year. That's some failure. Jagger lives in Montserrat, but by all means, judge universal healthcare by a celebrity with a net worth of $350 million.

actually, that's not true. 30% of British subjects have private health insurance.

And as far as Mr. Jagger, he didn't become rich squandering his money. If the NHS offered good health care, that's where he would have gone.
It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.
You are whistling past the Dem boneyard, Mac.

The stench of socialism will cling to the party and they will either have to proudly run with it or against it. The Repubs are certain to run lots of ads depicting the "free" stuff braying of their candidates to date and the disdain for America and Americans regularly displayed by so many Dems.

I'm certain you know this but there is no such thing as free stuff … only that which is paid for by "others."
The party has largely lost its shit. Stipulated.

But elections are about contrasts. So it will once again be the lesser of two evils.

The parties currently appear to be in some weird competition to see which can be more repulsive.
anti-Americanism trumps any perceived repulsiveness IMO. Defining every issue based on skin color and screaming RACIST!!! at everyone including members of your OWN PARTY is about as anti-American as it gets.
In your opinion, of course.
Yes in my opinion declaring every White person is a Racist is more repulsive than Trump making off color statements in private conversations. But that's just me.
It'll probably be about the economy, which is showing a few potential cracks.

No way to know how that's going to go 16 months out.
You are whistling past the Dem boneyard, Mac.

The stench of socialism will cling to the party and they will either have to proudly run with it or against it. The Repubs are certain to run lots of ads depicting the "free" stuff braying of their candidates to date and the disdain for America and Americans regularly displayed by so many Dems.

I'm certain you know this but there is no such thing as free stuff … only that which is paid for by "others."
The party has largely lost its shit. Stipulated.

But elections are about contrasts. So it will once again be the lesser of two evils.

The parties currently appear to be in some weird competition to see which can be more repulsive.
anti-Americanism trumps any perceived repulsiveness IMO. Defining every issue based on skin color and screaming RACIST!!! at everyone including members of your OWN PARTY is about as anti-American as it gets.
In your opinion, of course.
Yes in my opinion declaring every White person is a Racist is more repulsive than Trump making off color statements in private conversations. But that's just me.
Well, if you think that (a) Trump only makes off color statements in private conversations, and (b) that Trump's behaviors are the only repulsive behaviors from the GOP, that's your opinion too.

Fine by me!
I'm old enough to remember when the Democratic party base was American workers and championed Made in America. Now they back Mexico and China. :wtf:

when donny & the first lady ivanka pull their cheap sweat shop made crap back *here* & hire americans to make it, then you'll have a point.

Trump was a Dem back then. He figured it out like millions of other FORMER Dem's and joined the Republican party. :itsok:
The American people don't want Socialism, they have seen what the results are elsewhere in places like Venezuela.
I suspect most Americans understand the difference between Euro-socialism and Venezuelan socialism. That's why the word no longer scares people..
The word doesn't scare Americans, Mac, it repulses them with 76% admitting they would not vote for a socialist.
So do you mean "Euro-socialism" as practiced so well in Greece?
Well that and the mean nasty ugly people who scream socialism all the time.
Because socialism is really just misunderstood, eh Comrade? The whole "it will work next time" routine has been so discredited that anyone still falling for it is, by definition, STUPID.

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