Can the Left have decent discussions with the Right?

I have a simple test for you. See how reasonable or sane you really are.

FDR, Roosevelt iow, stationed our heavy fleet at Pearl Harbor to A: start war with Japan B: Defeat Japan C: Hope Japan was nice and never would sink our fleet?

Actually it was A. By putting the fleet into a small boxed in harbor, making it a serious target, and causing our fleet to be sunk or super damaged, he got his war started.
Waiting for your reply.

Ah, you're a certified nutjob. We already knew that.
What defies all sense of imagination is how the Democrats will beat the drums for Biden. Biden is headed for prosecution. I see it in his future. They believe that Democrats prosecutions vs Trump will not fail. I do not believe that at all. I believe Trump will do as he did in the impeachment, where only 67 were needed to convict him, and due to the nature of Juries having to be unanimous, he will win all cases. The Georgia case is more stupid than trouble for Trump.
That stuff isn't real. There is no evidence against Joe Biden.

tRump OTOH...
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

The problem is it requires people who are able to have serious discussions in the first place, and those kinds of people are few and far between.
Coming from the guy who said

you've self-disqualified too. Since, obviously, people are in your mind allowed to make up any facts they want as long as they believe them.
How is it a lie if someone believes it’s the truth? I stand by it. They may be wrong but they aren’t lying. You don’t get to DQ me LOL. Just because you’re dumb doesn’t mean we have to live in your messed up world
The person in that case isn't lying, they are wrong when it comes to dealing in factual things.
Exactly. candycorn is moronic. If I believe Megaladon sharks exist and tell my kids that it doesn’t make me a liar it makes me wrong. If I know they don’t exist and tell them that then I am a liar. Being dumb or misinformed doesn’t make one a liar. Especially when it comes to subjectivity. If you believe aliens exist it doesn’t make you a liar and doesn’t necessarily make you wrong.
Exactly. candycorn is moronic. If I believe Megaladon sharks exist and tell my kids that it doesn’t make me a liar it makes me wrong. If I know they don’t exist and tell them that then I am a liar. Being dumb or misinformed doesn’t make one a liar. Especially when it comes to subjectivity. If you believe aliens exist it doesn’t make you a liar and doesn’t necessarily make you wrong.

Exactly. For something to be a lie it has to be going against something factual.
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

Yes of course.

But nobody can have honest discussions with trumpers. They lie too much.
Nope, because the left LIE!! You also can't strike a compromise with them because they have every intention of weaseling out of any concessions they make. A fact proven time and again when Reps cut a deal with Dems and got screwed.
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality.
Respectfully, I believe it is a false equivalence to suggest the evidence of Trump's corruption.........much of which has been substantiated beyond any reasonable doubt, can be compared with what are thus far unsubstantiated allegations made about Joe Biden.

For discussions to be productive there must be a recognition of a factual baseline. For example, discussions about how best to proceed in fighting global warming must be predicated on an agreement of warming being caused by human activity. Otherwise, the two sides talk past each other.
Respectfully, I believe it is a false equivalence to suggest the evidence of Trump's corruption.........much of which has been substantiated beyond any reasonable doubt, can be compared with what are thus far unsubstantiated allegations made about Joe Biden.

For discussions to be productive there must be a recognition of a factual baseline. For example, discussions about how best to proceed in fighting global warming must be predicated on an agreement of warming being caused by human activity. Otherwise, the two sides talk past each other.
Do you sincerely believe man is in charge of global climate?
Yes of course.

But nobody can have honest discussions with trumpers. They lie too much.
The Left if you pardon me, spent over 4 years daily lying about Trump. And Trump daily was attacked by the majority of the left wing Media. That is why you think we lie and so does Trump. We are in the group of Americans also attacked by the media. Take the current Budget fight. It turns out some republicans do not like the resolution proposed and joined all the democrats who wiped it out. But who does the media blame, not the several hundred Democrats, just blamed the republicans who joined the Democrats.

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