Can Somebody Show Me A Violent Protestor?

Four years later and they’re STILL desperately trying to defend something that is completely indefensible.

And they don't stop bringing it up themselves, that's the weirdest part.

They know what they did and what they've supported. This reminds me of the way they defended Dubya's wars.
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300 25. Using Saint Concernedamerican’ phraseology instead of Jack Smith’s legal terminology still gets its to a point that the “DC three-hour RIOT” was entirely for the benefit of Don Trump’s political ambition.

i. Nfld 100 89 Don Trump’s J6 speech. : But we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. dntrmp 210106

ii. Concerned American liv to 9. : The 3-hour DC riot………. cncrndmrcn 259113 Scssma00054

Iii. NotfooledbyW cccxxv to 54. : Every “DC three-hour RIOTER” and every peaceful DC 48-hour protester was at a specific location on a specific day in order to benefit a specific person. Do all republican party sympathizers agree that I speak optimal truth to this point?

According to Donald Trump, the leader and organizer of that protest; The “DC three-hour RIOT” as it is called, was according to its leader was to give weak Republicans in Congress the pride and boldness to do something in Congress on that SPECIFIC day, which would take the country back to what Republicans wanted it to be.

Essentially, the “DC three-hour RIOT”twas to take America back to the previous four years when Donald Trump was president. Do you agree? nfbw 250114 Vcssma00325
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300 25. Using Saint Concernedamerican’ phraseology instead of Jack Smith’s legal terminology still gets its to a point that the “DC three-hour RIOT” was entirely for the benefit of Don Trump’s political ambition.

i. Nfld 100 89 Don Trump’s J6 speech. : But we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. dntrmp 210106

ii. Concerned American liv to 9. : The 3-hour DC riot………. cncrndmrcn 259113 Scssma00054

Iii. NotfooledbyW cccxxv to 54. : Every “DC three-hour RIOTER” and every peaceful DC 48-hour protester was at a specific location on a specific day in order to benefit a specific person. Do all republican party sympathizers agree that I speak optimal truth to this point?

According to Donald Trump, the leader and organizer of that protest; The “DC three-hour RIOT” as it is called, was according to its leader was to give weak Republicans in Congress the pride and boldness to do something in Congress on that SPECIFIC day, which would take the country back to what Republicans wanted it to be.

Essentially, the “DC three-hour RIOT”twas to take America back to the previous four years when Donald Trump was president. Do you agree? nfbw 250114 Vcssma00325
Not Trump personally, but very likely someone in his administration or party. J6 and the related stolen 2020 election is perhaps the biggest scandal in our history. You just don't get that like Covid, that we were scammed? J6 and 2020 were part of a soft coup that was run on us in order to retain power by a group of globalists in order to do just what Biden has done these past four years--- damage and weaken America in order to build up the rest of the world at our expense that these people represent.

Sure buddy. You just keep telling yourself that. Stay tuned.
You were not scammed. And trust me, President-Elect Trump will be more than capable of killing a new investigation, even by his own party, especially after he is President Of the United State, Chief Officer, and head of that political party. If you want your convict, you will be able to keep your convict. It is a simple as that.

Jack Smith's report came out, today, that scandal safely (for him) in the rearview mirror. With the report out in the open, with multiple witnesses speaking under oath, President Trump knowing he had lost, openly having said, the plan was to claim victory, no matter if won or lost, it will not be possible to wipe that reality from the history books and his legacy (whatever that turns out to be), you will most likely have to settle for having won the presidency, as exoneration, not possible. Hopefully, you can make peace with that, rather than forcing the Republican party to attempt the impossible.

Can Somebody Show Me A Violent Protestor?​

Here are two:

The moment they told Adolf his barber is a Jew and when Trump informed the press that Camela doesn't know how to give a “hummer” without those teeth of hers causing damage.

Not Trump personally, but very likely someone in his administration or party. J6 and the related stolen 2020 election is perhaps the biggest scandal in our history. You just don't get that like Covid, that we were scammed? J6 and 2020 were part of a soft coup that was run on us in order to retain power by a group of globalists in order to do just what Biden has done these past four years--- damage and weaken America in order to build up the rest of the world at our expense that these people represent.

Sure buddy. You just keep telling yourself that. Stay tuned.
Your post was spot on.
Wait until it is your apartment, while you are still in there, and it is a mob of angry, screaming assholes. Your opinion of whether violent will change, as you feverishly plead with 911.
We have a duty to support and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies

President Trump had the authority to ensure that the Election Laws were NOT violated

Had Socialist Demon Rats refrained from breaking the law WE THE PEOPLE would have not shown our displeasure.
You were not scammed.
So now you speak for the US government?

And trust me, President-Elect Trump will be more than capable of killing a new investigation,
Why would he want to do that? There will be an investigation and Trump will back it.

Jack Smith's report came out, today
Of what value is a report on an investigation that has been closed due to the illegality and partisanship of it by a guy who was illegally selected and unqualified to do it in the first place? Bottom line: there is nothing to support that Trump orchestrated any deliberate intervention against the US government just because a peaceful crowd went to the capitol to show their support of a proper investigation into an illegal election and was incited to violence by the government, which Trump tried to reign back. Proof positive that while ZERO effort has been made to look into the actual illegal election which spurred it, untold effort has been placed on trying to blame Trump!

Further, what more could Jack Smith possibly have to say after weeks of impeachment hearings and further weeks of J6 Committee hearings, both proven just biased and rigged partisan witch hunts?

with multiple witnesses speaking under oath,
You mean like the witness used against Trump already convicted of PERJURY?

President Trump knowing he had lost,
How do you figure that Trump was reelected overwhelming in historic fashion after legitimately losing just four years earlier to a bum who is a known plagiarist, a failed politician who was thrown out of the election race by his own party?

openly having said, the plan was to claim victory, no matter if won or lost,
You mean like democrats have been doing for years? They've disputed most every election and GOP candidate in the last 20 years including calling Trump illegitimate in 2016 alone!

it will not be possible to wipe that reality from the history books
The only "history books" it will be in will be written by leftwing propagandists for other leftwing propagandists to jerk off on.

and his legacy (whatever that turns out to be),
Man of the year and President of the century looking to be so far.

you will most likely have to settle for having won the presidency,
Yeah, guess I'll have to "settle" for kicking the democrat's asses up and down the street! :auiqs.jpg:
I still have yet to see one. However, JD is right, if anybody was violent they deserve to be locked up. I saw a lot of violence don't get me wrong, but not from the protesters.

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FBI ADMITS Capitol Was Crawling With Feds On January 6th!​

LOL, six more days Winnie. Enjoy the next four years.
I will, thanks.
It's gonna be great, why would trump being elected have a different effect on you and me?
I know you're an OLD fart, but all these promises of greatness, how exciting is it. Wow.
I will, thanks.
No, you won't. You'll hate it and try to use the slightest justification to complain. You'll expect more from Trump by end of Day One than you did in all of Biden's term.

It's gonna be great
For patriot Americans, not you. You'll be miserable as Trump slashes and burns through everything democrats thought they had built.

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