Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

Using his office, to launch personal attacks, hiding behind a twitter account, name calling, mockery, and slander is not strength, it’s cowardice. Strength is admitting your faults, strength is facing your naysayers, strength is having the ability (and the knowledge) to have a debate without personal attacks. Strength is much more than a prestigious title and power.

Admitting your faults? Like Benghazi? Like our healthcare premiums are going to go down by $2,500 a year? Like Fast and Furious?

Trump doesn't launch personal attacks, he defends himself using personal attacks. Cowardice is when the media says something negative or false about you and you run in the corner and hide.
The job of the president is not to defend himself from attacks but to defend the nation. You guys just don't get. You think because Trump get's on twitter and attacks just about anybody in the headlines that threatens to steal his thunder, makes hims some sort of a hero. You think calling some third rate countries shitholes is good foreign policy and defending the size his penis and bragging about grabbing pussies is something to be proud of.

It's everything to be proud of attacking the liberal media, they had their way for far to long...they deserve what they sow on a silver plater.
Most of Trump tweets and soundbites are not attacks on the media, liberal or otherwise but rather praising his accomplishments and comments filled with misinformation.

Say what? I thought you said they were personal, I am not on tweeter, never got it never want to get it.
If you read Trump tweets, you'll see he babbles, attacking one thing or another and many times making no sense at all. Lately he's spouting off about Democrats wanting to defund the military through a government shutdown. Either he doesn't know that active duty military personnel and programs are protected from the government shutdowns or he's spreading more misinformation.

You would think the great deal maker would be saving the government from a shutdown this afternoon but apparently celebrating his first year in office is more important.
Admitting your faults? Like Benghazi? Like our healthcare premiums are going to go down by $2,500 a year? Like Fast and Furious?

Trump doesn't launch personal attacks, he defends himself using personal attacks. Cowardice is when the media says something negative or false about you and you run in the corner and hide.
The job of the president is not to defend himself from attacks but to defend the nation. You guys just don't get. You think because Trump get's on twitter and attacks just about anybody in the headlines that threatens to steal his thunder, makes hims some sort of a hero. You think calling some third rate countries shitholes is good foreign policy and defending the size his penis and bragging about grabbing pussies is something to be proud of.

It's everything to be proud of attacking the liberal media, they had their way for far to long...they deserve what they sow on a silver plater.
Most of Trump tweets and soundbites are not attacks on the media, liberal or otherwise but rather praising his accomplishments and comments filled with misinformation.

Say what? I thought you said they were personal, I am not on tweeter, never got it never want to get it.
If you read Trump tweets, you'll see he babbles, attacking one thing or another and many times making no sense at all. Lately he's spouting off about Democrats wanting to defund the military through a government shutdown. Either he doesn't know that active duty military personnel and programs are protected from the government shutdowns or he's spreading more misinformation.

You would think the great deal maker would be saving the government from a shutdown this afternoon but apparently celebrating his first year in office is more important.

That's why I don't pay attention to him 98% of the time because he is stupid and like you said the military will just get back pay.
He lied about the deaths of 4 Americans, then hopped on air force one to go to Vegas. No class or dignity in that.

No problem with ronnies 250 dead marines.?
A lie has to have intent genius.
I guess you think he's a Kenyan and we didn't land on the moon too??
No problem with the .cGrabber hopping down to fla every weekend?
Admitting your faults? Like Benghazi? Like our healthcare premiums are going to go down by $2,500 a year? Like Fast and Furious?

Trump doesn't launch personal attacks, he defends himself using personal attacks. Cowardice is when the media says something negative or false about you and you run in the corner and hide.
The job of the president is not to defend himself from attacks but to defend the nation. You guys just don't get. You think because Trump get's on twitter and attacks just about anybody in the headlines that threatens to steal his thunder, makes hims some sort of a hero. You think calling some third rate countries shitholes is good foreign policy and defending the size his penis and bragging about grabbing pussies is something to be proud of.

It's everything to be proud of attacking the liberal media, they had their way for far to long...they deserve what they sow on a silver plater.
Most of Trump tweets and soundbites are not attacks on the media, liberal or otherwise but rather praising his accomplishments and comments filled with misinformation.

Say what? I thought you said they were personal, I am not on tweeter, never got it never want to get it.
If you read Trump tweets, you'll see he babbles, attacking one thing or another and many times making no sense at all. Lately he's spouting off about Democrats wanting to defund the military through a government shutdown. Either he doesn't know that active duty military personnel and programs are protected from the government shutdowns or he's spreading more misinformation.

You would think the great deal maker would be saving the government from a shutdown this afternoon but apparently celebrating his first year in office is more important.

And he can't spell either
The Great Obama was respected around the world

Fat Donnie is openly mocked
Again, how 'classy' was it for Barry to mock Americans from abroad ('Widows and Orphans') just before the terrorist he let in to the country murdered 7 Californians in a terrorist attack?

I guess, again, it all depends on your version of 'classy'...
The job of the president is not to defend himself from attacks but to defend the nation.

And he's doing both, so what's the problem?

You think because Trump get's on twitter and attacks just about anybody in the headlines that threatens to steal his thunder, makes him some sort of a hero. You think calling some third rate countries shitholes is good foreign policy and defending the size his penis and bragging about grabbing pussies is something to be proud of.

The last things I'm concerned about to be quite honest. I'm more concerned about what he does for the country than what he says, and I like what he's doing so far.

You on the left can vote in beauty contestant queens all you like, but on our side we will go with results. One of the things I like about Trump is that he's like one of the guys. He talks about politics the way most guys talk about it at the bar or at work. He's a straight shooter and calls it the way he sees it like shitholes or rocket man. Not only is he doing a very good job, he's the most entertaining President this country has ever seen.
Again, how 'classy' was it for Barry to mock Americans from abroad ('Widows and Orphans') just before the terrorist he let in to the country murdered 7 Californians in a terrorist attack?

I guess, again, it all depends on your version of 'classy'...
Give us the quote where he mocked Americans?
I thought George W Bush was a good father and family man. While I disagreed with his politics, I still admired his personal character

I could not say the same about Bill Clinton

Republican hatred of Obama is so strong, they can't admit he was a good family man and husband
I thought George W Bush was a good father and family man. While I disagreed with his politics, I still admired his personal character

I could not say the same about Bill Clinton

Republican hatred of Obama is so strong, they can't admit he was a good family man and husband
and their hate of Hillary,,,,,,,BUT they wonder why Dems and some others hate this vile swine in our WH ?
I thought George W Bush was a good father and family man. While I disagreed with his politics, I still admired his personal character

I could not say the same about Bill Clinton

Republican hatred of Obama is so strong, they can't admit he was a good family man and husband
and their hate of Hillary,,,,,,,BUT they wonder why Dems and some others hate this vile swine in our WH ?
I have been following Trump since the early 80s
I have never had any respect for the man
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
obama walked into a leaders conference in china chewing gum and walking like he had a 9MM in his back pocket. Classy? Please
More classy than trump but that isnt much of a bar..

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