Can President Biden be impeached for things that may have happened before he became President - like when he was Vice President?

They why ask the question.
Actually, Joey Xi committed a criminal offense as Vice President by illegally using blackmail to have a Ukraine official fired.
Obama authorized the funding to the Ukraine and Biden threatened to withhold a duly authorized order of the president.
There is no statute of limitations.
Obama delegated this to Biden. It's diplomacy, not blackmail.
If the constitution doesn't specifically ban it, then it can happen. And several officials have already been impeached and removed from office for crimes happening before they were elected, so the precedent has been set for this president. It absolutely CAN and HAS happened.

You have to point out where, in the constitution, it states that he can ONLY be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" that happened while he was president.

So go ahead and do that now.

All I see is liberals crying "He can't be impeached for crimes committed before he was president" but when asked to specifically state where the constitution says that, we hear crickets. Or Biden sniffing little girls hair.

Who's crying? Just trying to get some facts. You know - the TRUTH.
Some interesting food for thought...

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that Hunter Biden made a whole pile of money he probably did not deserve for doing nothing much in particular beyond flaunting his father’s name. But those calling for a presidential impeachment inquiry have offered not one shred of even remotely credible evidence that Joe Biden ever took a bribe, sold access to his office as vice president in return for payments to Hunter, or indeed abused his position in any way.

The presumable response to this fact is that the absence of evidence is the very thing that requires authorization of a formal impeachment inquiry to create more legal leverage in the search for evidence. The glaring weakness in that contention is that hardliners pursuing the inquiry do not even have a credible theory as to what impeachable offense Joe Biden is supposed to have committed and certainly have not identified evidence they have been denied that would, if produced, prove their case.

Let us be plain. The House Republicans’ objective is not, and never has been, to soberly investigate genuine concerns about a president’s abuse of his current or even former office. This “inquiry” is instead a transparently cynical exercise in electoral dirty pool. The point is to create an impression among voters with insufficient time to carefully assess the facts that Joe Biden is somehow corrupt, and that he should be seen as, at best, no better than his likely 2024 opponent, the twice-impeached, quadruply-indicted Donald Trump.

To that extent, Republicans should congratulate themselves because the ploy may work. But the cost is likely to be high, not least because it could help return to office a man whose autocratic ambitions are plain. Yet even if that immediate catastrophe is avoided (or even if one sees a Trump restoration as a consummation devoutly to be wished), cranking up an impeachment inquiry without a reasonable basis devalues a crucial constitutional shield against genuinely dangerous future presidents. And although it is Republicans who are now deploying impeachment as a shabby tool of partisan warfare, Democrats are not saints and the temptation to do the same when the places are reversed is likely to be overpowering. Republicans are thoughtlessly embracing a world in which every presidency and every congress is consumed by impeachment and none of the country’s business can be done. They should reconsider.

Much more in the link below...

The Biden Impeachment Inquiry: A Heedless Descent into Constitutional Anarchy

According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

lol. funny! Some people still trust the mainstream media even though those outlets themselves have something to do with the revolving door. lol. :)

Yes, the President of the United States can be impeached for actions that may have occurred before they became President, including when they were Vice President. Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing, and it is outlined in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials, including the President, for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

There have been instances in history where Presidents have faced impeachment proceedings for actions taken before they assumed the presidency. For example, President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 for his actions as President, but also for his actions as Vice President. The impeachment trial focused on specific articles of impeachment that were believed to offer the greatest chance of conviction.

Impeachment is a political process, and the specific grounds for impeachment are ultimately determined by Congress. The House of Representatives has the power to initiate impeachment proceedings by approving articles of impeachment with a simple majority vote. After the House sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the Senate sits as a High Court of Impeachment to consider evidence, hear witnesses, and vote to acquit or convict the impeached official. A two-thirds vote of the Senate is required to convict and remove an impeached official from office.

In summary, the President can be impeached for actions that occurred before they became President, including when they were Vice President. Impeachment is a political process outlined in the U.S. Constitution, and the specific grounds for impeachment are determined by Congress.

Sources :

1. How federal impeachment works | USAGov

2. U.S. Senate: Impeachment Trial of President Andrew Johnson, 1868

3. U.S. Senate: About Impeachment
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Wait…weren’t you all just saying a couple short years ago that a president COULD be impeached for crimes before his presidency? Did we not hear that? Maybe I’m mistake….
lol. funny! Some people still trust the mainstream media even though those outlets themselves have something to do with the revolving door. lol. :)

Yes, the President of the United States can be impeached for actions that may have occurred before they became President, including when they were Vice President. Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing, and it is outlined in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials, including the President, for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

There have been instances in history where Presidents have faced impeachment proceedings for actions taken before they assumed the presidency. For example, President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 for his actions as President, but also for his actions as Vice President. The impeachment trial focused on specific articles of impeachment that were believed to offer the greatest chance of conviction.

Impeachment is a political process, and the specific grounds for impeachment are ultimately determined by Congress. The House of Representatives has the power to initiate impeachment proceedings by approving articles of impeachment with a simple majority vote. After the House sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the Senate sits as a High Court of Impeachment to consider evidence, hear witnesses, and vote to acquit or convict the impeached official. A two-thirds vote of the Senate is required to convict and remove an impeached official from office.

In summary, the President can be impeached for actions that occurred before they became President, including when they were Vice President. Impeachment is a political process outlined in the U.S. Constitution, and the specific grounds for impeachment are determined by Congress.

Sources :

1. How federal impeachment works | USAGov

2. U.S. Senate: Impeachment Trial of President Andrew Johnson, 1868

3. U.S. Senate: About Impeachment

In that case, Joey Xo has made enough incompetent decisions up to now to warrant his removal.
Come to think of it the one thing he done is to united Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Jewish Democrats into believing that he isn't fit to be president...
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Not sure how relevant it is, but Spiro Agnew was ultimately compelled to resign as Vice President, over stuff that had happened years before, when he was the Governor of Maryland a county executive of Baltimore*. Had he not resigned, I wonder if he could have been impeached.

Congressman Gerald Ford was appointed to replace Agnew, and then when, a short time later, Nixon himself was compelled to resign, over an unrelated scandal, Ford became the only man to ever be President of the United States without ever have been elected to that position or to the position of Vice President.

* A correction made after a terse reading of the Wikipedia article on him failed to match my fading memory.
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There is absolutely nothing Biden has done in office that is an impeachable offense.

Rather blatantly, not even trying to hide it, he has willfully aided and abetted an ongoing foreign invasion of our country across our southern border.

There is no rational basis on which to deny that this makes him guilty of treason. This is something that he has done in office, as President. How is this not absolutely rock-solid grounds for impeachment?
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Congress can impeach him for any reason they like. Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process.
Congress can impeach him for any reason they like. Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process.

The two impeachments against Trump certainly demonstrated this, didn't they?

They didn't even accuse him of anything that was actually illegal, and what they did accuse him of, they did not prove. These impeachments were an exercise in brute-force partisanship; and with them, the Democraps have established the precedence that will allow the Republican party, if we gain sufficient control of Congress, to do likewise to Biden or to any other Democrapic President; completely regardless of any ability or inability to prove any actual wrongdoing against the target of any such impeachment proceedings.

Democraps seem to be completely incapable of understanding the consequences of seeking and abusing powers that might one day fall into the hands of their opposition and turned back against them.

By the precedents that the Democraps have established in going after Trump, if we Republicans can gain enough control over Congress, we can impeach Biden, and throw him out, even if we cannot prove or even establish a plausible likelihood that Biden actually did anything wrong.
Not sure how relevant it is, but Spiro Agnew was ultimately compelled to resign as Vice President, over stuff that had happened years before, when he was the Governor of Maryland a county executive of Baltimore*. Had he not resigned, I wonder if he could have been impeached.

Congressman Gerald Ford was appointed to replace Agnew, and then when, a short time later, Nixon himself was compelled to resign, over an unrelated scandal, Ford became the only man to ever be President of the United States without ever have been elected to that position or to the position of Vice President.

* A correction made after a terse reading of the Wikipedia article on him failed to match my fading memory.
You're right Agnew resigned and pleaded Nolo Contendere..

Rather blatantly, not even trying to hide it, he has willfully aided and abetted an ongoing foreign invasion of our country across our southern border.

There is no rational basis on which to deny that this makes him guilty of treason. This is something that he has done in office, as President. How is this not absolutely rock-solid grounds for impeachment?
People seeking asylum, is not an invasion.

What Trump and his MAGA faithful did on Jan 6th is treason! But Biden has committed no crimes in office.