Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

It's funny how little you understand of the rhetoric you are repeating.

Yes, Hillary was owned by Wall Street. Wall Street bribes politicians to make laws in their favor.

That is what socialism is all about. Government picking market winners and losers.

Obamacare did teach Wall Street corporations thought that you don't want leftists to actually win

Why? Wall Street screamed the loudest when Trump tried to repeal it. Nobody wants to go back to the pre-ACA status.

Your Fuhrer just doesn't have a better idea.
It's funny how little you understand of the rhetoric you are repeating.

Yes, Hillary was owned by Wall Street. Wall Street bribes politicians to make laws in their favor.

That is what socialism is all about. Government picking market winners and losers.

Obamacare did teach Wall Street corporations thought that you don't want leftists to actually win

Why? Wall Street screamed the loudest when Trump tried to repeal it. Nobody wants to go back to the pre-ACA status.

Your Fuhrer just doesn't have a better idea.

So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...
So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.
So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?
Exactly what is the radical left proposing? Take guns? Not enough support on left for it to happen! LGBT issues, what do I give a shit as long as there is no law that sais I have to be one, I am not worried. Immigration ? If we would just enforce the laws wqe have that would likely be ok. What exactly do I have to be afraid of?
So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.
open borders

Elaborate on this "radical leftist agenda" you're speaking of.
To be fair, one cannot elaborate on an ‘agenda’ that doesn’t exist.
Well, to be clear, one that is OBVIOUS, is they WANT open borders. They tend to be globalists, they want to dissolve the sovereignty of the US into a global system.

A person would be daft not to see that.

They want the US laws to be preempted by UN codes and laws.
No one advocates for ‘open borders’ – another rightwing lie, another rightwing fallacy.

Maybe. But, why then do some fight every attempt to better understand and control who enters the country?
So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.
Oooohhhhhh spell check picked the wrong word and I didnt notice ... quite a prize you got there.

That while you repeat my insults to you back to me because you can't come up with your own content and you write straight up broken english
Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

Oh, so essentially you screwed up and it's my fault. Got it.

You see, now if you were a grown up, you'd man up, admit you goofed and move on.

Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.

I think nobody put him down for his nap with his Ayn Rand Plushie...
Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

Oh, so essentially you screwed up and it's my fault. Got it.

You see, now if you were a grown up, you'd man up, admit you goofed and move on.

Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.

I think nobody put him down for his nap with his Ayn Rand Plushie...
He's always on edge, must be the celibacy thing..
So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.
Oooohhhhhh spell check picked the wrong word and I didnt notice ... quite a prize you got there.

That while you repeat my insults to you back to me because you can't come up with your own content and you write straight up broken english
You have no problem attacking anyone else that has that problem, blueboi..
Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

Oh, so essentially you screwed up and it's my fault. Got it.

You see, now if you were a grown up, you'd man up, admit you goofed and move on.

Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.

I think nobody put him down for his nap with his Ayn Rand Plushie...
He's always on edge, must be the celibacy thing..

So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.
Oooohhhhhh spell check picked the wrong word and I didnt notice ... quite a prize you got there.

That while you repeat my insults to you back to me because you can't come up with your own content and you write straight up broken english
You have no problem attacking anyone else that has that problem, blueboi..

Again, you don't even read your posts to see if they make sense without spelling errors
So what is Trump going to do about it? Didn't think of that when you voted for him, did you? Trump just said he'd screw blacks appealing to your deep racist values and you voted for him without thinking it through. Well, you voted for Trump, you got him. Now what?

You people never leave either year old ...

Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.
Oooohhhhhh spell check picked the wrong word and I didnt notice ... quite a prize you got there.

That while you repeat my insults to you back to me because you can't come up with your own content and you write straight up broken english

Typical leftist who can't address the topic so will go off on a tangent about something completely unrelated and unimportant. Clowns is what they are.
  • Thanks
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Man, I've got you so upset you are babbling.. that last sentence didn't even make sense.

There, there, little boy, go take your time out and you'll feel better after you've had a cry.

Stupid spell checker. Then again you're a stupid reader. "either" was supposed to be "eight." You still can't read it, can you, professional writer?

And you need a good lie down until your tantrum is over, baby boy
Edit your stuff before posting panties in a wad boy.
Oooohhhhhh spell check picked the wrong word and I didnt notice ... quite a prize you got there.

That while you repeat my insults to you back to me because you can't come up with your own content and you write straight up broken english
You have no problem attacking anyone else that has that problem, blueboi..

Again, you don't even read your posts to see if they make sense without spelling errors

He is the poster child for misspellings and grammatical errors. His posts are a horror show for anyone familiar with the English language. ;) Not to mention, he is a disgusting little creep.

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