Can Joe Manchin save the US from the democrats? (Poll)

Will Joe Manchin vote for or against the "Nuclear Option" to preserve the 60 vote rule?

  • With GOP to keep the 60 vote rule and save the US

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • With Democrats to change the US to socialist

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
If the democrats change senate rules for requiring 60-votes to pass significant legislation, that is game, set, match.

Joe Manchin is from WV which is a very red state.
Here is hoping that Joe Manchin will vote NO on the "Nuclear Option" and keeps the 60-vote filibuster rule.

If the democrats change senate rules for requiring 60-votes to pass significant legislation, that is game, set, match.

Joe Manchin is from WV which is basically a very red state.
Here is hoping that Joe Manchin will vote NO on the "Nuclear Option" and keeps the filibuster rule.

Joe manchin IS a democrat, you trumpkin loser. And most Dems are left of center which is why his won.

s’marter? Onlytrumoscum are allowed to be radical?
If the democrats change senate rules for requiring 60-votes to pass significant legislation, that is game, set, match.

Joe Manchin is from WV which is a very red state.
Here is hoping that Joe Manchin will vote NO on the "Nuclear Option" and keeps the 60-vote filibuster rule.

It would be honorable if Joe would just step up and say, "The Demoncraps arent my party anymore", and switch to become a republican. That would show how much Joe Manchin actually loves this country, unlike Joe XiBiden who would sell US out.
If the democrats change senate rules for requiring 60-votes to pass significant legislation, that is game, set, match.

Joe Manchin is from WV which is a very red state.
Here is hoping that Joe Manchin will vote NO on the "Nuclear Option" and keeps the 60-vote filibuster rule.

He's already said he won't vote for that. Now, that being said, we'll have to see how the policy direction unfolds. If Republicans are just going to revert to the party of no and if the deficit eagles return in force without considering the tax structure, I can see Schumer pulling a McConnell and making some stuff a majority vote. That's assuming things in GA hold. Either way, it'll be fun to watch without the side show of You-Know-Who clogging up news cycles.
right-wingers, for months, claimed dems were coming to murder them...
now they want dems to save them...
god knows what kind of a colorful fantasy world they are living in... :)
right-wingers, for months, claimed dems were coming to murder them...
now they want dems to save them...
god knows what kind of a colorful fantasy world they are living in... :)
Got a link for the "murder" claim? Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.
If the democrats change senate rules for requiring 60-votes to pass significant legislation, that is game, set, match.

Joe Manchin is from WV which is a very red state.
Here is hoping that Joe Manchin will vote NO on the "Nuclear Option" and keeps the 60-vote filibuster rule.

He's already said he won't vote for that. Now, that being said, we'll have to see how the policy direction unfolds. If Republicans are just going to revert to the party of no and if the deficit eagles return in force without considering the tax structure, I can see Schumer pulling a McConnell and making some stuff a majority vote. That's assuming things in GA hold. Either way, it'll be fun to watch without the side show of You-Know-Who clogging up news cycles.
I know Joe said he won't vote for ending the filibuster, but will he be the vote that keeps the US on a good track? It's amazing that one senate vote can be so important.

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