Can governors put their national guard on the border and BLOCK the illegals from entry?


Sounds like you're sitting by and doing nothing. So why can't you understand it?
There are people who have done nothing except to breathe in their lives who are living well. There are people who will live off of the social welfare system and not do any better. Using the system as a game. No nation can have endless poverty and children going to sleep hungry after spending trillions and trillions of dollars to eradicate it unless it was controlled by evil.
If so why aren't they?
We have to stop the bleeding.
I don't understand how anyone that values our nation and their place in it can just sit by any not care about this disaster.

So what you're saying is that you really, really believe all of the lies Republicans are telling you about immigration at the Southern Border. But you're not using any logic whatsoever in talking about the problem, just shrieking about the horror of it all.

You're not questioning anything about the Republican narrative at all. Like WHY they've done NOTHING about the Southern Border since Ronald Reagan was in office. Republicans have steadfastly REFUSE to do ANYTHING about the immigration problem except use it to gin up fear and hatred of immigrants. Your rant says it all. Republicans have terrified you about immigration, but you don't even know what it is you're afraid of.

Why haven't Republicans governors sat down with the White House to discuss REAL solutions around immigration? Why doesn't Greg Abbott pick up the phone and call the mayor of New York and see what they can do to help? Because Abbott wants to use the immigration problem to frighten idiots like you.
So what you're saying is that you really, really believe all of the lies Republicans are telling you about immigration at the Southern Border. But you're not using any logic whatsoever in talking about the problem, just shrieking about the horror of it all.

You're not questioning anything about the Republican narrative at all. Like WHY they've done NOTHING about the Southern Border since Ronald Reagan was in office. Republicans have steadfastly REFUSE to do ANYTHING about the immigration problem except use it to gin up fear and hatred of immigrants. Your rant says it all. Republicans have terrified you about immigration, but you don't even know what it is you're afraid of.

Why haven't Republicans governors sat down with the White House to discuss REAL solutions around immigration? Why doesn't Greg Abbott pick up the phone and call the mayor of New York and see what they can do to help? Because Abbott wants to use the immigration problem to frighten idiots like you.
STFU Hoser c*nt. you know nothing about the illegal INVADER problem we have. And don't forget WHO was running Congress when President Reagan was in office? Oh that's right! Democrats!!!!
If so why aren't they?
We have to stop the bleeding.
I don't understand how anyone that values our nation and their place in it can just sit by any not care about this disaster.

Well, first of all, there is the way that the NG operates. They aren't on duty 24/7/365, they are only training for 2 weeks out of the year. To get them to do longer takes a lot of wrangling politically, of which many governors aren't willing to do.

Then, there is the fact that there aren't enough of them to patrol the whole border. MAYBE you'd have the manpower if you had the NG from all 50 states go there, but then that would mean that there's nobody around when things that they are needed for happen.

And finally.......................there is the question of whether or not people would be willing to serve in the NG if they knew they would be sent to the border to patrol it. Question...........are YOU willing to go there and patrol the border for at least 2 years? Would YOU be willing to put your life on hold for that amount of time to serve in the NG patrolling the borders? Shit.......out of all the people in this country who are age eligible to serve in the Armed Forces (which have much better equipment and living conditions than the NG), ONLY 1 PERCENT ACTUALLY ENLIST!

That is just a couple of reasons why. A lot of you "armchair solution providers" don't understand the logistics involved in doing what you think should be done.
STFU Hoser c*nt. you know nothing about the illegal INVADER problem we have. And don't forget WHO was running Congress when President Reagan was in office? Oh that's right! Democrats!!!!
Why so vulgar? Can't you get your message across without the vulgarity, like most, decent, adult humans?
She's a foreign troll twat. She deserves every insult and then some. Curse words do not diminish someone's point. They're just adjectives, verbs & nouns.

Actually, even though they are "just adjectives, verbs & nouns", they do diminish the point one is trying to make when they are used, as it shows that the person doesn't have a strong enough point, and in their limited mentality, using curse words to them is "strong language", and makes their point (in their thinking) stronger, when in reality, it makes it weaker.
Actually, even though they are "just adjectives, verbs & nouns", they do diminish the point one is trying to make when they are used, as it shows that the person doesn't have a strong enough point, and in their limited mentality, using curse words to them is "strong language", and makes their point (in their thinking) stronger, when in reality, it makes it weaker.
I couldn't disagree more. They're JUST WORDS. They do seem to trigger some people but that's just silly imo.
I couldn't disagree more. They're JUST WORDS. They do seem to trigger some people but that's just silly imo.

Yeah.............they are "just words", but when a person seems to feel a need to use them to make their point, it kinda points to the person using them as not being very intelligent or sure about the point they are trying to make. Would you be comfortable with a teacher using coarse language to make a point in class? After all, they are "just words".
You have to have values first, 45 million "Americans" are on the EBT. On the other hand Hispanics in my AO work their ass off to do for them and theirs.

I look around and see that I'd much rather have my AO turn brown than black or take on another load of Section 8 white trash.

Just this week we had to stand on our planning commission to prevent a downtown building from being razed and a 60-unit Section 8 development being built in it's place.

And get this.....They were going to make it out of shipping containers! Hell the planned 600 sq ft hovels did not even qualify as a apartment!

Don't build it and they won't come but you have to be vigilant.

Another thing to watch out for is "short term rentals"......They claim they are for tourists but once approved there is nothing that says they can't turn into Section 8.
Is this the argument about how we need to have illegal immigration in order to have people do the work that Americans won't do? If so, I have a question.....

There are said to be about 11 million illegals here...the actual estimate is closer to 30 million, either way, there have been about 4 million arrivals since Biden took office. With all these millions of illegals, why do we still have this labor shortage? Why do dems continually say we need more illegals to come to do these jobs...but never address the ones who have already come.

It's because they are not coming to do those jobs, they come here and disappear into the country, but they are obviously not filling "those jobs Americans won't do".
No, they cant. they cant because it is a horrific idea.

The reality here that no one seems to understand is that the military, in any of its forms, is trained and good at doing 2 things: killing people and breaking shit. That is it. It is what militaries are for.

When facing the armed members of an opposing military of another nation, this is what is needed. When facing civilians, it is not. If you want laws enforced, yo do not go to the military. You go to police who are trained, equipped and operate under rules that allow them to enforce laws. When you want the enemy dead, you go to the military.
No, they cant. they cant because it is a horrific idea.

The reality here that no one seems to understand is that the military, in any of its forms, is trained and good at doing 2 things: killing people and breaking shit. That is it. It is what militaries are for.

When facing the armed members of an opposing military of another nation, this is what is needed. When facing civilians, it is not. If you want laws enforced, yo do not go to the military. You go to police who are trained, equipped and operate under rules that allow them to enforce laws. When you want the enemy dead, you go to the military.

The military are.

The military are.
They are not invaders.

They are civilians. That you cannot see the difference from this:

And this:

Is absolutely a you problem.

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