Can Anyone ID This Missile?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
So it seems the Hamas has their hands on some shoulder fired anti-aircraft tech. Do any of you recognize the country of origin?

It's a Titan MPRL.

It's made by Bohemia Interactive, a Czech video game developer and is available exclusively on ArmA-3.
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It's been said that clip was from a video game.

Same type of stuff that was being passed around as propaganda when the Ukrainian/Russian thing broke out.

That one poster on here, I forget his name, had a tendency of trying to pass of video game recordings off as reality. Litwit or whatever his name is. Something like that.

People believe that stuff, though. Especially unknowing seniors. Some of that stuff you can hardly tell the difference between a falsehood and reality.
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Same type of stuff that was being passed around as propaganda when the Ukrainian/Russian thing broke out.

That one poster on here, I forget his name, had a tendency of trying to pass of video game recordings off as reality. Litwit or whatever his name is. Something like that.

People believe that stuff, though. Especially unknowing seniors. Some of that stuff you can hardly tell the difference between a falsehood and reality.
I'm not all that savvy on gaming so I wouldn't know but there is a lot of fake footage with Indian IP address.
So it seems the Hamas has their hands on some shoulder fired anti-aircraft tech. Do any of you recognize the country of origin?

That's a HAMAS propaganda vid. The footage is from ARMA 3 video game.

I think that called a "Stinger" and the tube is really round. Stinger may not be right, that's a bigger, rounder, more expensive


Ukraine got a bunch of them.

Here's a real one:


Videogames don't do "round" very well.

There weren't too many of those in Afghanistan and I doubt there's many in Ghaza.

Now in Libya and Ukraine, it's a different story. They raided a warehouse with 4-500 of them in Libya,

and a bunch were shipped to Ukraine.
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I guess I would say that is from the US.

Because it is designed to operate on an X86. That is a clip from a 2006 video game it is not real life.
That's not from any 2006 game. Graphics were not that advanced in 2006.
Good deflection Topic -- perhaps unintended --- that prevents discussion about the amount of US weaponry being used by Hamas and coming from Afghanistan .

It is all scripted theatre .
Obviously some do not understand the concept of "upgrades". But here, this should give a good example:


And yes, the images are from the same game that is being discussed. One from 2006 when it was new, another from last year. It is incredibly common today for game makers to improve their graphics, even in old games like that.

Many old games have even gotten 4K updates, either from the studio or sometimes from mods. But it is indeed the same game.
The game is from 2006.

No, it's not. Arma 3 came out in 2013. I know, I played the beta version that was free before its full release in September of 2013.

Yea, that's Arma 3. That's a game. I play that all the time. Arma 3 came out in 2013 and has been continually upgraded ever since. I've played it since it was the original Arma, then Arma 2, then Arma 3 beta, then finally Arma 3. But the upgrades were in gameplay and weapons, not so much graphics. The graphics looked that good in 2013 if you had a computer that could play it.

By far the most realistic war simulation game out there. The only thing is that they aren't allowed to use ACTUAL names of weapons like the helis and missiles. So they LOOK familiar but the names aren't real.

That's not a real missile.
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