What are the real long term effects of being raised by two gay parents? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the home, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.
Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be raised properly in a house like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and Id on't think no matter how much love came from two lesbian parents that this essential need will be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with boys being raised by single moms in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see two women fixing this because the essential male role model isn't there. The downfalls run along the same path for a two men household. Boys often de velop serious issues in regards to women when their is no motherly precense around and they never became close to a woman while growing up. I also think kids see how their family is done and view that as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision their own family.
I think a non-'all gays will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.
Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be raised properly in a house like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and Id on't think no matter how much love came from two lesbian parents that this essential need will be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with boys being raised by single moms in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see two women fixing this because the essential male role model isn't there. The downfalls run along the same path for a two men household. Boys often de velop serious issues in regards to women when their is no motherly precense around and they never became close to a woman while growing up. I also think kids see how their family is done and view that as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision their own family.
I think a non-'all gays will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.