California’s Economy Looks Headed for Disaster as Companies Flee in Droves.

I think California is a social experiment for the elite.

I think they are attempting to create a state that only contains the insane.
Cali is a template to see what globalist elitist pigs can get away with.
Sorry, but they chose the wrong laboratory mice.
Business created CA. Railroads, Sunkist, Hearst, Stanford, etc. When business leaves, all of these socialists will be wallowing in their own shit. Can't wait to see it happen.
Business created CA. Railroads, Sunkist, Hearst, Stanford, etc. When business leaves, all of these socialists will be wallowing in their own shit. Can't wait to see it happen.
Doncha know? All those failures of socialism the past century was because they were doing it wrong.
They’ll get it right this time.
Lived there 18 years. Company I worked for grew and thrived for 10 of those years.
Then found it too expensive to grow there. Then found it too heavily regulated so continued growth in a different state. Then found it could no longer survive in Califoirnia. Owners sold out. Successors learned quickly, sold off the real estate and consolidatedin the other state.Saw it becoming Californicated so sold out to a Canadian company. It's no longer the world-leader in its field and on the verge of shutting down altogether. Ever so glad I grabbed the opportunity to retire early!

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