California woman's foot savaged by flesh eating bacteria exposing her bones


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego.



Just keep telling yourself how much your fantasy world is just a loving world cause when you face reality conspiracies might just be the best thing for you mentally weak to deal with.

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.
Last edited by a moderator:
The wrath of hell hath descended upon the Earth. (Or I could just say that looks nasty as hell)
Imagine if this became highly contagious.

Yeah, like I asked in the ongoing thread on this....

What's Up with All This Flesh Eating Bacteria ??
What's up with all this Flesh Eating Bacteria ?
It is highly is antibiotic resistant staphylococcus bacteria. If you have a small cut and that bacteria gets into it you're fucked too.
The worst place you can be is a hospital.
(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego. Guastucci, who was released from the hospital on Wednesday after nearly two weeks of care, said doctors told her that if she waited until the next morning to seek help she possibly could’ve lost her life. Guastucci said it started with what felt like an internal bruise on the
California woman's foot ravaged by flesh-eating bacteria, exposing her bones



Just keep telling yourself how much your fantasy world is just a loving world cause when you face reality conspiracies might just be the best thing for you mentally weak to deal with.

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

Lucky for her she got it before the GOP kills Obamacare completely.
The ineffectiveness and the expense of Obamacare is what has kept her from seeking help early before it got out of control.....Obamacare is just too costly for people to she probably lost her doctor like many of us has....Obama can go fuck himself for what he did to our healthcare system...even uncle Joe admitted changes to the law are needed....
California says AIDS, but I strongly doubt the HIV hypothesis, and the alleged connections to sexual promiscuity or homosexuality are too tenuous, except for the transmission of other STDs among those whose immune systems are already compromised.

People live in moldy apartments and do marijuana and other street drugs: that is enough to sap the immune system of its strength. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol probably only have moderate deleterious effects on the immune systems.


There's Italian mafia. Every family has a mob boss, and California cops secretly enforce old Spanish family law over and above the U.S. Constitution.

I don't think High California law enforcement can tell the difference between Spanish and Italian, anyways, but in any case the U.S. Constitution is a completely foreign concept to them.
(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego. Guastucci, who was released from the hospital on Wednesday after nearly two weeks of care, said doctors told her that if she waited until the next morning to seek help she possibly could’ve lost her life. Guastucci said it started with what felt like an internal bruise on the
California woman's foot ravaged by flesh-eating bacteria, exposing her bones



Just keep telling yourself how much your fantasy world is just a loving world cause when you face reality conspiracies might just be the best thing for you mentally weak to deal with.

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

View attachment 270033

You should listen to this man if you think you know it all you know nothing by the time he's done telling just a " grain of salt" of information that is being used to fk this nation over !!!!

Dr. Robert Epstein @DrREpstein testifies before U.S. Senate on Google's election impact. Recommends to avoid tracking #privacy

Now take it and apply to all those insults where u think what you do and soon you'll realize how you should have been applying those pictures to yourself smart ass LOL>
Post #2: Thanks for posting. #4: MRSA is not the only bacteria involved. Read the Wiki page.
(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego. Guastucci, who was released from the hospital on Wednesday after nearly two weeks of care, said doctors told her that if she waited until the next morning to seek help she possibly could’ve lost her life. Guastucci said it started with what felt like an internal bruise on the
California woman's foot ravaged by flesh-eating bacteria, exposing her bones



Just keep telling yourself how much your fantasy world is just a loving world cause when you face reality conspiracies might just be the best thing for you mentally weak to deal with.

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

View attachment 270033

You should listen to this man if you think you know it all you know nothing by the time he's done telling just a " grain of salt" of information that is being used to fk this nation over !!!!

Dr. Robert Epstein @DrREpstein testifies before U.S. Senate on Google's election impact. Recommends to avoid tracking #privacy

Now take it and apply to all those insults where u think what you do and soon you'll realize how you should have been applying those pictures to yourself smart ass LOL>

What does this....

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

... have to do with a woman's foot dissolving, Crazy Train?
Thanks for the gruesome photos. You couldn't have posted a warning or something? :icon_cry:

California is a swirling vortex of disease, filth, degeneracy and run away incompetence. What's next?
A plague of locusts or deaths of first born children?
It's like an open border: if you don't have a clue about your local environment due to anal retention of information by those "in charge" you can get screwed much easier by doing nothing about institutionalized sloth and apathy. These real dangers are accelerating ahead of what the bureaucrats can do: warnings are now past the Mississippi coast (a state that does no monitoring) and connecting to other states. When do the signs finally get installed on beaches? After the tourists have left?
The wrath of hell hath descended upon the Earth. (Or I could just say that looks nasty as hell)
Imagine if this became highly contagious.

Yeah, like I asked in the ongoing thread on this....

What's Up with All This Flesh Eating Bacteria ??
What's up with all this Flesh Eating Bacteria ?
It is highly is antibiotic resistant staphylococcus bacteria. If you have a small cut and that bacteria gets into it you're fucked too.
The worst place you can be is a hospital.
Necrotizing fasciatis is not contagious at all. A cut isn't even necessary. No one knows how it is contracted. There is no antibiotic that is useful.

I know. My husband died of it and I took care of him. In the times he was in the hospital he was never under contagion protocols.

It started out as a rash about the size of a quarter and grew at the rate of half an inch an hour. We didn't know what it was. That afternoon we went to the emergency room. After examination, the doctors sent for an expert and we waited until the expert arrived.

The doctor performed an immediate surgery to remove the necrotizing flesh. The surgical site was so large it used a vacuum dressing. Blood, pus and liquid was sucked out into a chamber that had to be emptied every couple of hours and dumped down the toilet. None of the home health aids knew how to change this dressing. I went to the hospital and got trained. No contagion protocols.

Right before surgery we were told that survival expectations were a bit less than 50%. That was in October. He died December 10th.
(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego. Guastucci, who was released from the hospital on Wednesday after nearly two weeks of care, said doctors told her that if she waited until the next morning to seek help she possibly could’ve lost her life. Guastucci said it started with what felt like an internal bruise on the
California woman's foot ravaged by flesh-eating bacteria, exposing her bones



Just keep telling yourself how much your fantasy world is just a loving world cause when you face reality conspiracies might just be the best thing for you mentally weak to deal with.

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

View attachment 270033

You should listen to this man if you think you know it all you know nothing by the time he's done telling just a " grain of salt" of information that is being used to fk this nation over !!!!

Dr. Robert Epstein @DrREpstein testifies before U.S. Senate on Google's election impact. Recommends to avoid tracking #privacy

Now take it and apply to all those insults where u think what you do and soon you'll realize how you should have been applying those pictures to yourself smart ass LOL>

What does this....

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

... have to do with a woman's foot dissolving, Crazy Train?

That went over your head lmfao ?

take lessons from her maybe she can teach you wake the hell up lol

Kathy Zhu (@PoliticalKathy) | Twitter
Last edited:
(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego. Guastucci, who was released from the hospital on Wednesday after nearly two weeks of care, said doctors told her that if she waited until the next morning to seek help she possibly could’ve lost her life. Guastucci said it started with what felt like an internal bruise on the
California woman's foot ravaged by flesh-eating bacteria, exposing her bones



Just keep telling yourself how much your fantasy world is just a loving world cause when you face reality conspiracies might just be the best thing for you mentally weak to deal with.

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

View attachment 270033

You should listen to this man if you think you know it all you know nothing by the time he's done telling just a " grain of salt" of information that is being used to fk this nation over !!!!

Dr. Robert Epstein @DrREpstein testifies before U.S. Senate on Google's election impact. Recommends to avoid tracking #privacy

Now take it and apply to all those insults where u think what you do and soon you'll realize how you should have been applying those pictures to yourself smart ass LOL>

What does this....

Because reality is bitches you better wake up ..we have open borders idiots thanks to you stupid fks who chant " LET THEM INN" OMFG this is your pay back dumb asses wait until it comes for your kids you selfish pigs.

... have to do with a woman's foot dissolving, Crazy Train?

That went over your head lmfao ?

take lessons from her maybe she can teach you wake the hell up lol

Kathy Zhu (@PoliticalKathy) | Twitter

Still waiting for your answer
Lucky for her she got it before the GOP kills Obamacare completely. have converted a completely apolitical topic into a political one.


It was political from the word "Go".

Or did you miss the part where the OP threw in the immigration/open boarders comment? Like that has anything to do with necrotizing fasciitis.
The wrath of hell hath descended upon the Earth. (Or I could just say that looks nasty as hell)
Imagine if this became highly contagious.

Yeah, like I asked in the ongoing thread on this....

What's Up with All This Flesh Eating Bacteria ??
What's up with all this Flesh Eating Bacteria ?
It is highly is antibiotic resistant staphylococcus bacteria. If you have a small cut and that bacteria gets into it you're fucked too.
The worst place you can be is a hospital.
Necrotizing fasciatis is not contagious at all. A cut isn't even necessary. No one knows how it is contracted. There is no antibiotic that is useful.

I know. My husband died of it and I took care of him. In the times he was in the hospital he was never under contagion protocols.

It started out as a rash about the size of a quarter and grew at the rate of half an inch an hour. We didn't know what it was. That afternoon we went to the emergency room. After examination, the doctors sent for an expert and we waited until the expert arrived.

The doctor performed an immediate surgery to remove the necrotizing flesh. The surgical site was so large it used a vacuum dressing. Blood, pus and liquid was sucked out into a chamber that had to be emptied every couple of hours and dumped down the toilet. None of the home health aids knew how to change this dressing. I went to the hospital and got trained. No contagion protocols.

Right before surgery we were told that survival expectations were a bit less than 50%. That was in October. He died December 10th.

Did he have diabetes, undergoing chemo or anything like that? Seems like an outlying situation even within the rarity of this illness.

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