California Travel Ban...LMAO!

I would not want Californians coming to my state (look what they did to Oregon and Washington) nor would I want to travel to freakland nor would I open up a business there.
California travel ban: 4 states added to list -

Sooo...if a California chain saw murder fugitive flees to South Dakota and is captured, California police cannot travel there to extradite him and bring him back. I can tell this is going to work out just swell.
California must maintain control over the thought processes of their massive population so that they can continue to be somewhat competitive in Presidential races. Democrats have been all but rendered extinct in the rest of the country and they only boast a few pockets of significant numbers in the country. They are a pariah and don't even know it. It reallly is no surprise that they have taken a bigoted approach toward the rest of the country.

Democrats will come back guaranteed. Especially after a few years of republicans screwing things up. Then of course dems will screw things up like before. This switching back and forth has been going on for decades. However, could republicans make another comeback like they did this time around? I don't think so with all the minorities and the nation's very young coming of voting age. This will force republicans to become a little more all inclusive and work for the average citizen, which they don't do now. clinton and the dnc screwing over Sanders was a gift to the republicans, and I don't think democrats will make that mistake again.
Democrats are done. You lost Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin...and they are not coming back.
I would not want Californians coming to my state (look what they did to Oregon and Washington) nor would I want to travel to freakland nor would I open up a business there.
California travel ban: 4 states added to list -

So.... you wouldn't want Californians coming to your state, yet in post #4, you say you used to live in California. Which means you don't want yourself in your own state.
California is not my home state. Military.
How do I know California is a giant turd burger...I used to live in Orange County.
and while there i bet you lived a pretty decent lifestyle right?....
Never more happy to leave.
didnt answer my question....
I think the answer is obvious.
so you were here for a short time in the yea i guess the answer is obvious....
How do I know California is a giant turd burger...I used to live in Orange County.
and while there i bet you lived a pretty decent lifestyle right?....
Never more happy to leave.
didnt answer my question....
I think the answer is obvious.
so you were here for a short time in the yea i guess the answer is obvious....
It does not take a brain surgeon to know fucked up when he see's it.
and while there i bet you lived a pretty decent lifestyle right?....
Never more happy to leave.
didnt answer my question....
I think the answer is obvious.
so you were here for a short time in the yea i guess the answer is obvious....
It does not take a brain surgeon to know fucked up when he see's it.
what years were you here?....because if it was more than 10-15 years ago then i say you are full of shit....
California must maintain control over the thought processes of their massive population so that they can continue to be somewhat competitive in Presidential races. Democrats have been all but rendered extinct in the rest of the country and they only boast a few pockets of significant numbers in the country. They are a pariah and don't even know it. It reallly is no surprise that they have taken a bigoted approach toward the rest of the country.

Democrats will come back guaranteed. Especially after a few years of republicans screwing things up. Then of course dems will screw things up like before. This switching back and forth has been going on for decades. However, could republicans make another comeback like they did this time around? I don't think so with all the minorities and the nation's very young coming of voting age. This will force republicans to become a little more all inclusive and work for the average citizen, which they don't do now. clinton and the dnc screwing over Sanders was a gift to the republicans, and I don't think democrats will make that mistake again.
As long as Democrats and their crazed base continue to spew outright hatred and perform vitriolic acts in front of the cameras, I think that the Democrats are going to continue to be forced into smaller and smaller geographic locations as the people around them reject their hatred.

Demonrats should change their ways or lose some of their base like this last time. On the other hand, like I said, immigrants and the large number of kids they have will be a powerful voice, as well as many American kids of today, who will come of age, believing the crap being taught them on t.v and other media, as well as probably in many schools. Then too, a lot of the oldsters who told the dems to go to hell and crossed over to Trump, are dying out, to be replaced by a more 'liberal' generation of oldsters that may not cross over but remain goo goos. I really think this is the republicans' last stand having these majorities. I hope I'm wrong because we need a two party government.
Bravo California for standing up for the American constitutional values of acceptance and inclusion. All people. Discrimination may never die among the meat heads but speaking up matters.

"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time on long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you. Learn about sites that investigate propaganda campaigns (some of which comes from abroad). Take responsibility for what you communicate with others." Lesson 11 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder

Can you tell me where the words "acceptance" and "inclusion" appear in the Constitution?

When the Constitution was written, slavery was legal, women could not vote, and the right to vote was restricted heavily.

Now, where did you get that acceptance and inclusion from?
Bravo California for standing up for the American constitutional values

There needs to be a federal arrest warrant placed on the governor of California, he negotiated with foreign governments and entered into a treaty with them in overt violation of the Logan Act and Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution.

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