California to require ethnic studies courses for all high school graduates


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Also known as white people bad, blacks good.

The shit-show that is California must not be allowed to infect the rest of America. Masks won't work, there are no vaccines. So, isolation is necessary.

High schoolers in California’s class of 2030 will be required to complete an ethnic studies course in order to graduate, under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom Friday.
The Golden State is believed to be the first in the US to institute such a mandate.
Public and charter schools in the state will be required to offer at least one ethnic studies course starting in the 2025-2026 school year.
Students will have to take the class on top of other standard gen-ed requirements in English, math, science and social studies.
The requirement can be completed through a school’s existing ethnic studies class, a course approved by the University of California and California State University or a locally developed one.


So if I opt to take Viking and Norwegian studies is that OK?

How bout Greek and Roman history?

The Gaul's?

Japanese samurai?

I know, Lakota studies... Which tribal branch?

After all there are so many different ethnic cultures that can be studied and they should all be available as options.


So where is the white American ethnic studies class that's going to teach black kids about america and our history? Oh that's right, they want it all destroyed.

Fuck that. I'd let me kid get to being a senior and when he failed because he didn't want to do ethnic studies off we would go to test out of a GED program and be on our way. You don't even need a highschool diploma to be a doctor, you can still get in a college for pre med required classes and go on from there.
Also known as white people bad, blacks good.

The shit-show that is California must not be allowed to infect the rest of America. Masks won't work, there are no vaccines. So, isolation is necessary.

High schoolers in California’s class of 2030 will be required to complete an ethnic studies course in order to graduate, under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom Friday.
The Golden State is believed to be the first in the US to institute such a mandate.
Public and charter schools in the state will be required to offer at least one ethnic studies course starting in the 2025-2026 school year.
Students will have to take the class on top of other standard gen-ed requirements in English, math, science and social studies.
The requirement can be completed through a school’s existing ethnic studies class, a course approved by the University of California and California State University or a locally developed one.

Probably better than another PE credit or extra study hall, assuming it to be a semester thing. No telling that "white people bad, black people good" is an appropriate alternate title without seeing the syllabus. I kind of doubt it.
In 1972 I took a 9-week selective course in "Black American Writers and Contributions". I was one of only 3 white students in that first class. To the racially motivated A-hole segment of the school, it was known as "N#gger Fiction". We figured, if we played it straight, it would be an easy "A" and that writing assignments from us would most likely be graded on a curve as it was the first class of it's type at Lone Oak High School, near Paducah, Ky, and they would be wanting to generate more interest in from the white student body in that 90% (+) white high school of the suburbs. Decent course, with interesting discussion, as I remember. Yes, we got 3 of the very few "A"s in that first class. A significant portion that signed up for the class had been under that Black lady teacher years before, when they closed the last one room black public (1-9) county school in the state, back in 65 or 66.
So where is the white American ethnic studies class that's going to teach black kids about america and our history? Oh that's right, they want it all destroyed.

Fuck that. I'd let me kid get to being a senior and when he failed because he didn't want to do ethnic studies off we would go to test out of a GED program and be on our way. You don't even need a highschool diploma to be a doctor, you can still get in a college for pre med required classes and go on from there.
my kid dropped out in 12th grade because he was bored took the GED passed it pretty easily.....he is making 150 thousand a year today....
So where is the white American ethnic studies class that's going to teach black kids about america and our history? Oh that's right, they want it all destroyed.

Fuck that. I'd let me kid get to being a senior and when he failed because he didn't want to do ethnic studies off we would go to test out of a GED program and be on our way. You don't even need a highschool diploma to be a doctor, you can still get in a college for pre med required classes and go on from there.
Simple, don't move to California.

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