California to impose a $100 per container per day fine on the cargo ships off the coast. I can see a mad rush to Florida coming.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
California ports resort to $100-per-container fines to get shipping firms to move cargo from clogged-up docks, as a record number of ships wait off the coast
  • California ports will start fining shipping firms if they don't clear containers in time.
  • Containers will be allowed to stay on the docks for between three to nine days without accruing fines.
  • The idea is to ease port jams and allow the record number of ships stuck off the coast to dock.
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will begin fining shipping companies $100 a day for every container left on the docks.

The idea is to put greater pressure on shipping companies to move cargo from docks to help ease port jams, enabling the record number of ships that are stuck at anchor to dock and unload new containers.

So you have a trucker shortage where even if the cargo was taken off, it will just sit in the port getting stacked higher and higher(very dangerous), yet Californication thinks that punishing the cargo companies will make them work faster. All it will do it move the ships to Florida, where there is no jam, no fines, and no progressive stupidity....

California ports resort to $100-per-container fines to get shipping firms to move cargo from clogged-up docks, as a record number of ships wait off the coast
  • California ports will start fining shipping firms if they don't clear containers in time.
  • Containers will be allowed to stay on the docks for between three to nine days without accruing fines.
  • The idea is to ease port jams and allow the record number of ships stuck off the coast to dock.
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will begin fining shipping companies $100 a day for every container left on the docks.

The idea is to put greater pressure on shipping companies to move cargo from docks to help ease port jams, enabling the record number of ships that are stuck at anchor to dock and unload new containers.

So you have a trucker shortage where even if the cargo was taken off, it will just sit in the port getting stacked higher and higher(very dangerous), yet Californication thinks that punishing the cargo companies will make them work faster. All it will do it move the ships to Florida, where there is no jam, no fines, and no progressive stupidity....

View attachment 556468
That is not a fine for containers off the coast. That is a fine for not getting containers off the docks and a good idea. If you have ever waited for a truck company or especially the driver of a truck broker (I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse, as a brother that's a truck broker) to show up when you are at capacity, you will understand.
That is not a fine for containers off the coast. That is a fine for not getting containers off the docks and a good idea. If you have ever waited for a truck company or especially the driver of a truck broker (I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse, as a brother that's a truck broker) to show up when you are at capacity, you will understand.

Leave it up to a progressive slave to try to deter from the FACTS why all the crates are just sitting in the docks of Californication. Misery is the way of the left, it always is, so what better way to make people miserable, than to make it harder by denying simple things, that are stuck in the containers..

And if they do impose that $100 fine per day, all those goods sitting there, that fine will be added to the costs of goods, thus causing more inflation. You progs never learn do you?
That is not a fine for containers off the coast. That is a fine for not getting containers off the docks and a good idea. If you have ever waited for a truck company or especially the driver of a truck broker (I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse, as a brother that's a truck broker) to show up when you are at capacity, you will understand.
this problem is only unique to california

Leave it up to a progressive slave to try to deter from the FACTS why all the crates are just sitting in the docks of Californication. Misery is the way of the left, it always is, so what better way to make people miserable, than to make it harder by denying simple things, that are stuck in the containers..

And if they do impose that $100 fine per day, all those goods sitting there, that fine will be added to the costs of goods, thus causing more inflation. You progs never learn do you?
You have apparently never ran a large distribution operation where things were scheduled in and scheduled out. If you had, you would not care whose fault it was the owner's truck didn't show up. You would just want the stuff off your dock, so nobody would be blaming you.
What exactly is AB5? Are independent dock truckers given an exemption now but it is going to be taken away???

Is it the California legislature that would need to repeal it, or put it on hold?
You have apparently never ran a large distribution operation where things were scheduled in and scheduled out. If you had, you would not care whose fault it was the owner's truck didn't show up. You would just want the stuff off your dock, so nobody would be blaming you.
Somebody was trying to make a point, that the fines would end up being passed along to the consumer in the end, so the fines were bad. For a cargo ship sitting off the port of Long Beach, coming from somewhere across the pacific, I wonder what the additional cost would be to head back out and take it to a Florida port through the Panama Canal.
What exactly is AB5? Are independent dock truckers given an exemption now but it is going to be taken away???

Is it the California legislature that would need to repeal it, or put it on hold?
Independents are mostly working through brokers. Sometimes brokers can be the scum of the earth, over promising and under delivering.
Somebody was trying to make a point, that the fines would end up being passed along to the consumer in the end, so the fines were bad. For a cargo ship sitting off the port of Long Beach, coming from somewhere across the pacific, I wonder what the additional cost would be to head back out and take it to a Florida port through the Panama Canal.
A lot less than 100 dollars a day per container...
A lot less than 100 dollars a day per container...
Beats me. Never been in that side of the industry. I was pretty well a land locked logistics kind of guy.
Beats me. Never been in that side of the industry. I was pretty well a land locked logistics kind of guy.
So lets say there are around 1000 pods resting on those cargo ships off the coast. That would be 100 thousand dollars a DAY, and where do you think that money will end up? In the coffers of the corrupt Democrat party of course.

So lets say there are around 1000 pods resting on those cargo ships off the coast. That would be 100 thousand dollars a DAY, and where do you think that money will end up? In the coffers of the corrupt Democrat party of course.

View attachment 556526
Probably come from truck brokers that promised they would have a truck showing up on the day they were supposed to make their pickup as the dock moved their container to the loadout staging area, but broker never actually had one on the way.
Probably come from truck brokers that promised they would have a truck showing up on the day they were supposed to make their pickup as the dock moved their container to the loadout staging area, but broker never actually had one on the way.
You just cant admit that the Progressive policies in Californication is what is fucking up the delivery of goods in the ports. You are a well trained progressive slave who must defend his masters...Got your $1,400 check yet?
California ports resort to $100-per-container fines to get shipping firms to move cargo from clogged-up docks, as a record number of ships wait off the coast
  • California ports will start fining shipping firms if they don't clear containers in time.
  • Containers will be allowed to stay on the docks for between three to nine days without accruing fines.
  • The idea is to ease port jams and allow the record number of ships stuck off the coast to dock.
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will begin fining shipping companies $100 a day for every container left on the docks.

The idea is to put greater pressure on shipping companies to move cargo from docks to help ease port jams, enabling the record number of ships that are stuck at anchor to dock and unload new containers.

So you have a trucker shortage where even if the cargo was taken off, it will just sit in the port getting stacked higher and higher(very dangerous), yet Californication thinks that punishing the cargo companies will make them work faster. All it will do it move the ships to Florida, where there is no jam, no fines, and no progressive stupidity....

View attachment 556468
These stupid Libtards think that increased taxes are always an answer for anything.
You just cant admit that the Progressive policies in Californication is what is fucking up the delivery of goods in the ports. You are a well trained progressive slave who must defend his masters...Got your $1,400 check yet?
You have never ever heard me speak out defending any actions of California. You got the wrong guy. I suspect you don't even bother to check that kind of thing before you shoot your mouth off.
You have never ever heard me speak out defending any actions of California. You got the wrong guy. I suspect you don't even bother to check that kind of thing before you shoot your mouth off.
As you said up above.
That is not a fine for containers off the coast. That is a fine for not getting containers off the docks and a good idea. If you have ever waited for a truck company or especially the driver of a truck broker (I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse, as a brother that's a truck broker) to show up when you are at capacity, you will understand.
You sure seemed to be defending the Cal government and put the blame on the trucking industry...Maybe next time you should come right out saying that it is the fault of the Progressive government....
Cargo containers pay rent when a truck isn't there to haul it away.

So who pays the fine?

The cargo is in a rented space...
Is the Biden Admin now punishing the rental companies for having full rentals?

This is yet another "Fine all those evil Martians" type of thing. (There are no Martians)
Independents are mostly working through brokers. Sometimes brokers can be the scum of the earth, over promising and under delivering.

Here's what I know....when we manufactured shoes i n China ourselves, we opened a letter of credit to the factory, for the goods made there. It took 3 to 6 months to land the goods in to our distribution center warehouse. Our comptroller, got notice when the China factory was shipping the goods etc.... His team was in charge of getting our goods to our warehouse, when we product developers and merchandisers needed them delivered. Sometimes or most of the time, we would ship them, but on an occasion we would fly them, if the order was running late and if we were in urgent need to fill customer orders....way back when, it was about a dollar more a pair to fly them vs via boating them, and we usually got the manufacturer to spit that extra cost if they were the ones that caused the product to be late.

Normally we paid for the cost of goods, plus the shipping by boat, plus the duties/custom fees, plus the cost to Truck them to our warehouse from the port they arrived in.

When the comptroller got notice from the factory in China that the order was complete and on a ship on the way here, with all the information on our container number and ship name, arrival date etc, he arranged with a US trucking company, to have the goods picked up at the port, and trucked to us.

Note! Once the goods leaves the factory, the letter of credit is exercised, and the China factory/the manyfacturer, is paid.

So, with that in mind....and knowing the term, Time is money.... this is really costing the USa wholesale businesses, a lot of money....not China, other than maybe China's shipping companies? Most of those delayed costs are on USA vendors, who will pass some of it if not all of these delay costs etc, on to the retailers buying the vendors goods, then on to the customer.... Causing inflation...or causing less in profit for the retailer if they choose to eat the cost of goods hike....(which could happen for various other merchandising reasons)

If I were the people being fined $100 a day for the container sitting there, I'd way that cost with hiring more peop!e at a higher wage in order to attract more of them to the job....
California ports resort to $100-per-container fines to get shipping firms to move cargo from clogged-up docks, as a record number of ships wait off the coast
  • California ports will start fining shipping firms if they don't clear containers in time.
  • Containers will be allowed to stay on the docks for between three to nine days without accruing fines.
  • The idea is to ease port jams and allow the record number of ships stuck off the coast to dock.
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will begin fining shipping companies $100 a day for every container left on the docks.

The idea is to put greater pressure on shipping companies to move cargo from docks to help ease port jams, enabling the record number of ships that are stuck at anchor to dock and unload new containers.

So you have a trucker shortage where even if the cargo was taken off, it will just sit in the port getting stacked higher and higher(very dangerous), yet Californication thinks that punishing the cargo companies will make them work faster. All it will do it move the ships to Florida, where there is no jam, no fines, and no progressive stupidity....

View attachment 556468

Good. The quicker that shithole collapses, the better.

If you're a leftist in California, DON'T LEAVE.

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