Biden's WH CoS' Insult To Americans' Intelligence Proves How Out Of Touch They Are: Rising Inflation / Supply Chain Crisis Is 'High Class Problem'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden's chief of staff stuns critics as he dismisses supply chain crisis and surging inflation

Ronald Klain, the White House chief of staff, was criticized online late Wednesday after he retweeted a post from a Harvard professor that summed up our top economic issues as "high class problems."

Jason Furman, Harvard’s Aetna professor of the practice of economic policy, said the country would not be faced with these issues if the unemployment rate was still 10%, an apparent reference to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell's comments early this year when he said the unemployment rate in January was around that number.

One of the problems is that unemployment rate is NOT 10%.

Biden and his administration not only LIED to us by declaring this is a 'high class' problem that will not affect the 'ordinary' American citizen, it was an unconscionable insult.

Currently there is a dock 10 football fields long in California that is filled to capacity with ships attempting to off-load containers while a reported near 100 more ships anchored off shore waiting for their turn to come in and offload. This morning in an interview on Fox News the owner of the port stated that there are approximately 1 MILLION containers on the docks that have been off-loaded with more than need to be of-loaded.

There is a massive shortage of workers, from dock workers to truck drivers, to off-loading cargo to loading the trucks to driving the trucks to deliver the goods, its another Biden clusterfu@k! The Biden WH and other experts saw this coming for a long while....and ended up making it infinitely worse with Un-Constitutional vaccine mandates enforced through laying off even more Americans needed to prevent / resolve this disaster.

Due to this disaster, according to the Port owner, it is to late to 'save Christmas' as it will take approximately 6 months to offload the containers and get them to the businesses who then need to get everything on store shelves.

No toys for Christmas? A very limited selection of toys?
- Sounds like a 'High Class' problem to me, right?

Restaurants are having to scrounge to find food to serve, supplies like napkins, plates, utensils, etc...and they are having a hard time finding workers. Some small businesses are going under.
- Sounds like another 'High Class' problem, huh?

Inflation has gone up and id definitely hitting the Middle and lower classes. Prices rising about 5% doesn't hit the 'higher', richer classes' as much as that same 5% affects those just getting by as it is.

Ronald Klain, the White House chief of staff, was criticized online late Wednesday after he retweeted a post from a Harvard professor that summed up our top economic issues as "high class problems."

A Harvard professor tweets out that the rising inflation and supply chain disaster is a 'High Class' problem, one that does not affect anyone else, and if it came from a HARVARD professor it HAS to be true, right.

It's another attempt to spin another Biden failure, a lie to try to make Americans believe it will not affect them ands that everything is OK. And to do that, to try to halp people remain calm, they had to lie to Americans and insult them.


Typical democrat, just keeps lying like "Baghdad Bob".
Psaki lies her ass off all day too. No wonder their poll numbers keep dropping.
Wonder why Xiden won't do a real press conference???????

These fancy pants with their fuel and their food.

High class problems…food and gas.

The current administration thinks throwing lots of money that's becoming worthless at it will fix the problem because they think the peasants are stupid.


Democrats want inflation. They want to punish Americans.

Things in America will only get worse because people who hate America are running it.

Producer inflation sets record for sixth straight month

Producer prices jumped 8.6% annually in September​

Producer prices rose at the fastest annual pace on record for the sixth straight month in September as supply-chain bottlenecks and materials shortages continued to drive costs higher.

'High Class' Problem, huh?

The producer price index for final demand surged 8.6% year over year, according to the Labor Department. The reading was below the 8.7% increase that analysts surveyed by Refinitiv were anticipating. Producer prices rose 8.3% year over year in August.

Prices jumped 0.5% in September, slowing from the 0.7% increase in August. Economists were expecting a 0.6% rise.

Almost 80% of the September increase was due to final demand goods prices rising1.3%, which was the largest gain since May. Forty percent of the increase was due to a 2.8% rise in prices for final energy demand.

Prices for final demand services edged up 0.2% last month, making for the ninth consecutive monthly increase. More than two-thirds of the increase was due to an 11.6% rise in fuels and lubricants for retailing.

Core producer prices, which exclude food and energy, rose 6.8% annually and 0.2% in September. Economists were expecting increases of 7.1% and 0.5%, respectively. The annual increase was the largest since the data set began in August 2014.

Intentionally shutting down or slowing down production at our ports forcing thousands of ships to anchor off of our coast, and promising to cancel Christmas, incentivizing laziness, shutting down our pipelines while helping Putin open his, causing inflation with your insane Earth hugging socialist policies, and making gasoline and heating oil unaffordable for the poor, and forcing people to get fired or quit their jobs over a mandated gene therapy shot (4.3 million quit), having Southwest airlines walk out and then American airlines and Amtrak join them in solidarity, having untold numbers of nurses, firefighters, medics, and policemen quit their jobs rather than be forced to take a jab of the expiremental gene therapy shot, are not the right ways for 666 Faux Xiden and his hordes of Globalist Demons to get Universal Basic Income Passed, Implement The Green New Deal, and Raise the Minimum Wage to where small businesses will no longer be able to compete with Joe's friends at Amazon, and in China.

The Supply Chain issue, like the Inflation Issue, like the High Gas Prices Issue, like Russian Collusion and The ScamDemic are all manufactured issues, being leveraged like a Trojan Horse keeping nations in a state of crisis so "Fundamental Change" can be implemented without The Consent of The Governed.
With Biden's growing inflation means less money in people's pockets, so maybe it won't matter if there are toys and food on the shelves since people won't be able to afford them anyway...

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