California: Social Engineering Over Education


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. SB 48

The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful (FAIR) Education Act would amend the Education Code to include social sciences instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. This bill would also prohibit discriminatory instruction and discriminatory materials from being adopted by the State Board of Education.
FAIR Education Act | SB 48 | 2011 - Equality California

2. The new law takes effect Jan.1 but state education officials say it is unlikely to be fully implemented until at least the 2015-16 school year. It adds lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people, as well as European Americans and people with disabilities to the lengthy list of social and ethnic groups whose "roles and contributions" California public schools must include in California and U.S. history lessons and teaching materials such as textbooks.

The law also prohibits any instructional materials that "reflect adversely" on gays or particular religions.
California Gay History: 'Stop SB48' Referendum Faces Uphill Battle

3. [ame=]Stop SB48 - Protect Parental Rights - YouTube[/ame]

4. "Each of the nations that consistently outrank the United States on the PISA exam provides their students with a comprehensive, content-rich education in the liberal arts and sciences."
Common Core - Our Reports

Beyond the outrage of refusing parents the opt-out for objectionable moral teaching in public schools, how soon will the American people react to the hallmark of Liberal thinking, i.e., indoctrination is more important than education???
Yeah, that Common Core report pretty pathetic.

But it's the usual BS of pretending that History is more important than Science.

Yeah, that Common Core report pretty pathetic.

But it's the usual BS of pretending that History is more important than Science.


Sikey, are you pretending that your not missing an opportunity to miss the point?

The point here is that the school system should be for education in the traditional sense, which includes both science (and math) and the liberal (excuse the expression) arts.

The educrats have bastardized education, often with misleading bumperstickers ('we're doing it for the children') when there are altogether different designs at work.

But, I think you know this, Sikey, as we have discussed education before. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that I have found you to be taking a political stance, rather, pro-education- if in the limited to science sense.

I have no argument with you there, but wrote the OP in the hopes that our California friends will support the 'Stop SB 48' movement.
4. "Each of the nations that consistently outrank the United States on the PISA exam provides their students with a comprehensive, content-rich education in the liberal arts and sciences."
Common Core - Our Reports

Average class size in Shanghai, China (1st in Math and Science on PISA scores for 2009) is: 50. Is California implementing that change?

Maybe we can change our immigration laws to mirror those of another high scoring PISA participant? Finland, perhaps? 2% of their population are immigrants. Most citizens want to stop immigration to Finland. Hopefully California will lead this change too.

This is not about educating our kids. It's about politics.
But, I think you know this, Sikey, as we have discussed education before. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that I have found you to be taking a political stance, rather, pro-education- if in the limited to science sense.

I am too lazy and shiftless to put in the work necessary to figure out whether I despise the Democrats or the Republicans the most.

But you would be surprised at how much history there is in science fiction. I just think history in schools is mostly turned into propaganda rather than history.

The Proteus Operation by James P. Hogan
The Proteus Operation, by James P Hogan

1632 by Eric Flint
1632 series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I think creating a book list for kids and encouraging them to read worthwhile stuff could be more educationally productive than fighting the school system. I started ignoring teachers in grade school. I could sit in class and look like I was paying rapt attention when I wasn't thinking about them at all. What I could do in school with this computerized stuff at age 14 I don't even want to think about. It is just too depressing. :lol:

I'll probably be buying an Amazon Fire soon. But I won't pre-order something I haven't had my hands on.

when you break out PISA scores by race american whites and asians are competitive and the blacks and hispanics are very close to the top. comparing apples to oranges can skew the optics of international comparisons.
Why do right wingers write about how bad the educational system is? Most aren't educated. They just imagine they are. They should concentrate on misspelling words for their racist poster for the next Anti Obama rally.


Why do right wingers write about how bad the educational system is? Most aren't educated. They just imagine they are. They should concentrate on misspelling words for their racist poster for the next Anti Obama rally.



Yup...deanie, I gradurated form DavidDuke Community College, and they tried to teach us how to rite dos racist posters...

...sur glad to have you aroond!

"Why do right wingers write about how bad the educational system is?"
Yur probably rite and them international rating that show so many nations educate their students far better than we do, you know, since we let Liberals take over the Universities, teachers' unions, administration positions...

All of 'em! Downright racist lies!!
You know, that's probably why Michelle was never proud of her county...she fell for those right wing lies!

Wow...I learrrn so much frum yoo, deanie!

Now I understand SB 48! We don't need no stinkin' American history as long as the kiddies learn about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender Americans!

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Sacramento political consultant Wayne Johnson, whose firm has worked on more than a dozen ballot initiative campaigns, said that with the same-sex marriage ban tied up in the courts, a presidential election on the horizon and many Christian parents with children in private schools, conservative groups with the most cash and experience may sit out this fight.

"We are in a different environment and a different economy," Johnson said. "How much of your resources and energy can be devoted to preserving the status quo?"

It seems the usual suspects from the social right lack the fiscal motivation to get all up in arms about the issue.

And to label this as ‘social engineering’ is rightist ignorance and hyperbole; it’s unfortunate states need to develop counter-measures to homophobia, in light of clear evidence of hatred towards gays.

Beyond the outrage of refusing parents the opt-out for objectionable moral teaching in public schools, how soon will the American people react to the hallmark of Liberal thinking, i.e., indoctrination is more important than education???

The problem here is the OP has contrived some mythical ‘liberal hallmark,’ citing no evidence as to its existence. Indeed, liberals have been at the forefront of combating indoctrination with regard to education, ensuring the Constitutional principle of separation of church and State, for example, with regard to prayer in public schools. For the most part it’s conservatives who advocate violating this vital tenet.

As to ‘objectionable moral teaching,’ there is nothing ‘immoral’ about being homosexual, and this is typical of rightist intolerance – as with heterosexuals, sex is but a very small part of what it is to be homosexual, as our shared humanity is the only appropriate, and Constitutional, theme.
Yeah, that Common Core report pretty pathetic.

But it's the usual BS of pretending that History is more important than Science.


Sikey, are you pretending that your not missing an opportunity to miss the point?

The point here is that the school system should be for education in the traditional sense, which includes both science (and math) and the liberal (excuse the expression) arts.

The educrats have bastardized education, often with misleading bumperstickers ('we're doing it for the children') when there are altogether different designs at work.

But, I think you know this, Sikey, as we have discussed education before. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that I have found you to be taking a political stance, rather, pro-education- if in the limited to science sense.

I have no argument with you there, but wrote the OP in the hopes that our California friends will support the 'Stop SB 48' movement.
I'm all over it....Just like H8.

Donating money to the campaign to stop it, and helping to get the word out about how ridiculous it is.
Sacramento political consultant Wayne Johnson, whose firm has worked on more than a dozen ballot initiative campaigns, said that with the same-sex marriage ban tied up in the courts, a presidential election on the horizon and many Christian parents with children in private schools, conservative groups with the most cash and experience may sit out this fight.

"We are in a different environment and a different economy," Johnson said. "How much of your resources and energy can be devoted to preserving the status quo?"

It seems the usual suspects from the social right lack the fiscal motivation to get all up in arms about the issue.

And to label this as ‘social engineering’ is rightist ignorance and hyperbole; it’s unfortunate states need to develop counter-measures to homophobia, in light of clear evidence of hatred towards gays.

Beyond the outrage of refusing parents the opt-out for objectionable moral teaching in public schools, how soon will the American people react to the hallmark of Liberal thinking, i.e., indoctrination is more important than education???

The problem here is the OP has contrived some mythical ‘liberal hallmark,’ citing no evidence as to its existence. Indeed, liberals have been at the forefront of combating indoctrination with regard to education, ensuring the Constitutional principle of separation of church and State, for example, with regard to prayer in public schools. For the most part it’s conservatives who advocate violating this vital tenet.

As to ‘objectionable moral teaching,’ there is nothing ‘immoral’ about being homosexual, and this is typical of rightist intolerance – as with heterosexuals, sex is but a very small part of what it is to be homosexual, as our shared humanity is the only appropriate, and Constitutional, theme.

"The problem here is the OP has contrived some mythical ‘liberal hallmark,’ citing no evidence as to its existence."

Oh, this is the very best!

What a boneheaded comment, Jonesy!
Do you want to argue that SB48 is a right-wing or conservative initiative???

SB 48 "would require school textbooks to teach about the sexual orientations of figures in American history," Gomez writes in The Tidings. "This amounts to the government rewriting history books based on pressure-group politics. It is also another example of the government interfering with parents' rights to be their children's primary educators."
Stop SB 48 Campaign Seeks to Repeal California's Gay History Law - Los Angeles News - The Informer

"....citing no evidence as to its existence."
Live under a rock, Jonesy?
Don't you recognize the liberal's strategy of blocking the public's wishes?
C' know that.
Why else don't they want it on the ballot?


"...ensuring the Constitutional principle of separation of church and State,..."
You mean that you are unaware that there is no such 'separation' in the Constitution?

You seem to have some interest in might like to attend law know, a place that teaches folks about the Constitution, and what it means.
You should try reading the Constitution...

Now, just a bit of advice, Jonesy, so that you don't embarrass yourself again...try to develop a working knowledge of what the 'hallmarks' of a Liberal, and of a Conservative, are.
No thanks necessary, good buddy!

In the meantime, I suggest you go back into the shower and practice break dancing.
Yeah, that Common Core report pretty pathetic.

But it's the usual BS of pretending that History is more important than Science.


Sikey, are you pretending that your not missing an opportunity to miss the point?

The point here is that the school system should be for education in the traditional sense, which includes both science (and math) and the liberal (excuse the expression) arts.

The educrats have bastardized education, often with misleading bumperstickers ('we're doing it for the children') when there are altogether different designs at work.

But, I think you know this, Sikey, as we have discussed education before. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that I have found you to be taking a political stance, rather, pro-education- if in the limited to science sense.

I have no argument with you there, but wrote the OP in the hopes that our California friends will support the 'Stop SB 48' movement.
I'm all over it....Just like H8.

Donating money to the campaign to stop it, and helping to get the word out about how ridiculous it is.

I've sent copies of the OP to friends in Cal.
Don't forget to sign the petition!
If you need a copy PM me.
The educational system in California was in the toilet BEFORE these asinine new rules. Who CARES what the text books have to say, MOST of the students can't read them anyway. Parents who want their children to have some kind of education in California have at the VERY LEAST supplemental education in one of the many private after school entitles set up for that purpose.
The educational system in California was in the toilet BEFORE these asinine new rules. Who CARES what the text books have to say, MOST of the students can't read them anyway. Parents who want their children to have some kind of education in California have at the VERY LEAST supplemental education in one of the many private after school entitles set up for that purpose.

I care.

"(AP) U.S. students don't know much about American history, according to results of a national test released Tuesday.

Just 13 percent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress — called the Nation's Report Card — showed solid academic performance in American history. The two other grade levels tested didn't perform much better, which just 22 percent of fourth-grade students and 18 percent of eighth-graders scoring proficient or better.

The test quizzed students on topics ranging from colonization, the American Revolution and the Civil War to the contemporary United States. For example, one question asks fourth-graders why it was important for the U.S. to build canals in the 1800s.

"The history scores released today show that student performance is still too low," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a prepared statement. "These results tell us that, as a country, we are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education."
Ulysses S. who? US history test stumps students - CBS News

And, in the face of such results, there are elected officials who feel that the remediation is to mandate "social sciences instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people."

Think we're putting the right folks in office?
The educational system in California was in the toilet BEFORE these asinine new rules. Who CARES what the text books have to say, MOST of the students can't read them anyway. Parents who want their children to have some kind of education in California have at the VERY LEAST supplemental education in one of the many private after school entitles set up for that purpose.

I care.

"(AP) U.S. students don't know much about American history, according to results of a national test released Tuesday.

Just 13 percent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress — called the Nation's Report Card — showed solid academic performance in American history. The two other grade levels tested didn't perform much better, which just 22 percent of fourth-grade students and 18 percent of eighth-graders scoring proficient or better.

The test quizzed students on topics ranging from colonization, the American Revolution and the Civil War to the contemporary United States. For example, one question asks fourth-graders why it was important for the U.S. to build canals in the 1800s.

"The history scores released today show that student performance is still too low," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a prepared statement. "These results tell us that, as a country, we are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education."
Ulysses S. who? US history test stumps students - CBS News

And, in the face of such results, there are elected officials who feel that the remediation is to mandate "social sciences instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people."

Think we're putting the right folks in office?

If you care, then you will take your children's education into your own hands. You will teach them yourself, or pay to enroll them in one of the many supplemental schools.
The educational system in California was in the toilet BEFORE these asinine new rules. Who CARES what the text books have to say, MOST of the students can't read them anyway. Parents who want their children to have some kind of education in California have at the VERY LEAST supplemental education in one of the many private after school entitles set up for that purpose.

I care.

"(AP) U.S. students don't know much about American history, according to results of a national test released Tuesday.

Just 13 percent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress — called the Nation's Report Card — showed solid academic performance in American history. The two other grade levels tested didn't perform much better, which just 22 percent of fourth-grade students and 18 percent of eighth-graders scoring proficient or better.

The test quizzed students on topics ranging from colonization, the American Revolution and the Civil War to the contemporary United States. For example, one question asks fourth-graders why it was important for the U.S. to build canals in the 1800s.

"The history scores released today show that student performance is still too low," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a prepared statement. "These results tell us that, as a country, we are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education."
Ulysses S. who? US history test stumps students - CBS News

And, in the face of such results, there are elected officials who feel that the remediation is to mandate "social sciences instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people."

Think we're putting the right folks in office?

If you care, then you will take your children's education into your own hands. You will teach them yourself, or pay to enroll them in one of the many supplemental schools.

1. I care about America.

2. I homeschool.
The educational system in California was in the toilet BEFORE these asinine new rules. Who CARES what the text books have to say, MOST of the students can't read them anyway. Parents who want their children to have some kind of education in California have at the VERY LEAST supplemental education in one of the many private after school entitles set up for that purpose.

I care.

"(AP) U.S. students don't know much about American history, according to results of a national test released Tuesday.

Just 13 percent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress — called the Nation's Report Card — showed solid academic performance in American history. The two other grade levels tested didn't perform much better, which just 22 percent of fourth-grade students and 18 percent of eighth-graders scoring proficient or better.

The test quizzed students on topics ranging from colonization, the American Revolution and the Civil War to the contemporary United States. For example, one question asks fourth-graders why it was important for the U.S. to build canals in the 1800s.

"The history scores released today show that student performance is still too low," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a prepared statement. "These results tell us that, as a country, we are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education."
Ulysses S. who? US history test stumps students - CBS News

And, in the face of such results, there are elected officials who feel that the remediation is to mandate "social sciences instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people."

Think we're putting the right folks in office?

If you care, then you will take your children's education into your own hands. You will teach them yourself, or pay to enroll them in one of the many supplemental schools.
Our kids go to private school, for the very reason that the public school system here in Cali sucks.......But that does not mean we will not fight against the BS going on in this states schools, to better the education prospects of those whose parents may not be in the financial position to send their kids to legitimate schools who successfully teach kids what's needed to succeed.

We won H8.....We will win this BS attempt to shove the LGBT propoganda down the throats of the children also.

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