California Senate Votes Against America


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Posted by Bobby Eberle
April 28, 2006 at 6:38 am

The planned boycott of American businesses on Monday by groups who support “rights” for illegal aliens has gained a new ally: the California Senate. In a mind-boggling move, the legislative body passed a resolution which supports the “Great American Boycott 2006.” In other words, the California Senate is siding with illegal aliens and against the overwhelming will of the American people.

As noted by the Associated Press, “California’s state senators on Thursday endorsed Monday’s boycott of schools, jobs and stores by illegal immigrants and their allies…”

The California Senate vote was along party lines, 24-13, but it really makes you wonder what these people, even though they are Democrats, are thinking. This is America, right? The Monday boycott is by ILLEGAL aliens and their supporters, right? What’s going on here?

As noted in the news story, the resolution describes the boycott as a way to educate the country “about the tremendous contribution immigrants make on a daily basis to our society and economy.” There are several things dreadfully wrong with this picture. First, we are talking about illegal aliens — people who broke the law to get into the country, and in cases where they are using false Social Security cards and other forged documents, they are still breaking the law. Second, the whole definition of “immigrant” has been distorted.

Immigrants are those who have left their country of origin not only to live in America, but also to be American. That’s the key. An immigrant wants to be an American — to adopt our culture, to adopt our language, to share in the vast opportunities and responsibilities that go with being an American. Many of these people we have seen protesting are not immigrants at all. They have no desire to “be an American.” They wave their own country’s flag and demand rights, while never embracing what it means to be an American.

And now, the California Senate has played right into their hands. How pathetic. As the story notes, “Opponents said the nonbinding resolution was misleading because it failed to mention a goal of the boycott was pressuring Congress to legalize millions of undocumented people.” How true. Rewarding illegal behavior is the goal.

When America granted amnesty in 1986, it only caused more illegal activity. We have no will to enforce our immigration laws; we pour millions of dollars into taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal aliens; and now we are supposed to grant citizenship to those who have no desire to embrace the American way?

It’s time to bring some common sense and political backbone into this equation. We cannot reward illegal activity. If someone wants to be a true guestworker — temporarily work in America and then return to his/her home country — then in the context of immigration reform, I’m sure that can be addressed. But the program cannot be a path to citizenship.

If we need more legal immigrants (in the true sense of the word), then we need to look at reforming our existing immigration limits and guidelines. But we can’t take people who are guestworkers and make them citizens simply because we didn’t have the will over the last 20 years to enforce our immigration laws. If we just grant amnesty again, we will end up right back where we started in another 20 years.

Legislative bodies, whether they are controlled by Democrats or Republicans, should have more sense than to embrace this boycott. It is an anti-American demonstration by groups who favor rights without responsibilities and those who value cheap labor over what’s best for America. That is simply wrong.
Bonnie said:
Aside from losing a few valuable board members, I'd like to see that.

sure am glad I bailed outta California back in 1994...even though my family has resided there since the 1820's...the Spanish land grants went astray it's Mexican only...go figure...Hey Bonnie are you "Little surfer girl" i'm still looking...never mind East coast girls can't hang ten...LOL!
For those in California, do what were doing here in PA. Those that made the yes vote on this, make a list that says exactly who they are and what they voted for on a bill board. Here in PA, some PAC is making a list of all the people that voted themselves a pay raise in the middle of the night last year. Its not advocating the voting for or against anyone. It merely is a campaign to inform the people of what their politicians are doing.
What do you expect coming out of the state that invented The Pet Rock, Granola and Free Love?

Ya know... let's get this straight... illegal aliens aren't Americans, they're criminals. It's pretty piss poor when the first thing you do upon arriving in this country is break the Law.

To paraphrase a saying from the 1960s, "what if they had a boycott and nobody noticed?" So go ahead, boycott all Monday and boycott for the rest of eternity for all I care, you pock faced bags of shit. There are a million AMERICANS that will do the work that you won't and there are millions more people from other countries that want to come here LEGALLY and do the same work.

I don't know of one immigrant that has any respect for illegals.

And before one of the new people starts accusing me of being anti-immigrant, in case you don't know....My parents and many of my relatives are immigrants and they didn't get here by sneaking under a fence, nor were they smuggled in here like a bunch of contraband. They came here legally, they worked for a living and didn't get a handout from anyone.

What I have to say about the whole filthy mess of illegals is, hey if you don't like America... fongool , Drop Dead and get the f*** out of this country and go back to the crap pile you came from. Don't burden the home of the brave and land of the free with your problems and don't bring your diseases to our country.

And if you don't want to assimilate, then get out of here. This is America .... it's not every other nation's dumping ground.

P.S. and giving amnesty to a bunch of illegals is a slap in the face to those millions of AMERICANS who came here legally, respected our laws, and assimilated.
It seems to me that the illegals have simply set themselves up today. All the INS has to do is go to these protests and start asking for documents. Hell, someone should just get a bull horn and start yelling "IMMIGRACION" and watch the fuckers scatter.

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