California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis

Let's remember CA Dem leader Maxine Waters let slip Dems desire for government take over of ALL the oil companies.

Some Trumpies have talked about nationalizing the US oil industry. Of course they are ignorant fringe people. They think oil belongs to the people. They don't realize the oil business is a BUSINESS.
The transition won't be nice but the higher the gas price the quicker the oil company's will be downsized . They deserve not a ounce of support by the people of this country , they literally are the enemy. There are many businesses like that now.
The transition or the government takeover and control. In this case, the government is the enemy, and this is why businesses and individuals are fleeing the state in the ongoing mass exodus.
I have just as much confidence in the California government's ability to properly run the oil refineries as I do in its ability to complete the high speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco in time and on budget.

California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis​

August 2, 2024

California regulators have proposed a variety of government intrusions into the petroleum industry in order to combat future energy price surges, according to a report released Thursday by the California Energy Commission (CEC).

As the Golden State continues to pursue its green agenda, the CEC expects some of California’s nine oil refineries to be shuttered due to falling demand, which would give the remaining refineries increased pricing power and raise the possibility of a surge in gas prices, the study concluded. To solve this problem, the commission proposed a variety of government interventions, including expanded regulation on private refineries, the establishment of state-owned refineries and an increase in imports.

“The State of California would purchase and own refineries in the State to manage the supply and price of gasoline,” wrote the study’s authors, with the scope of the initiative ranging from “one refinery to all refineries in the state.”
I thought they were banning real cars.

Why do they need oil?
You get politician greed which is much worse.

The ENRON boys were slap-happy with greed. Don't you understand? Bush was trying to save ENRON by invading Afghanistan? They desperately needed a gas pipeline from the Caspian and the Stans across Afghanistan to fuel the Dabhol power plant. Are you a fan of Ken Lay?

Who was most responsible for Enron scandal?
Several key executive team members are often noted as being responsible for the fall of Enron. The executives include Kenneth Lay (founder and former Chief Executive Officer), Jeffrey Skilling (former Chief Executive officer replacing Lay), and Andrew Fastow (former Chief Financial Officer).

A federal jury finds former top Enron executives Kenneth Lay, right, and Jeffrey Skilling guilty after more than 14 weeks of testimony. The two have been convicted of fraud and conspiracy in connection with the energy-trading giant's collapse.
The transition won't be nice but the higher the gas price the quicker the oil company's will be downsized . They deserve not a ounce of support by the people of this country , they literally are the enemy. There are many businesses like that now.

Who are you to decide who people support?

Oil companies are made up of people you dolt, there is no "Chevron", only people.

Why do you want to downsize people? And, what gives you the right to tell people they can't pursue their own interest?

Do you know anyone who isn't pursuing their own interest?

Do you know anyone who isn't trying to grow their bank account?
Texas naturally.

Enron Corporation was an energy, commodities, and services company based in Houston, Texas. In 1985, Kenneth Lay founded Enron by merging Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, two small regional companies.

Enron became the seventh-largest corporation in the United States through fraudulent accounting practices that inflated the company's revenues. The fraud came to light in October 2001 after a whistleblower letter from Enron Vice President Sherron Watkins to Chairman Ken Lay in August 2001.

Enron used special purpose vehicles and off-balance sheet entities to hide billions of dollars in losses from failed projects and deals.

For example, Enron would build an asset, like a power plant, and immediately claim the projected profit on its books, even if it didn't make a profit. If the revenue from the asset was less than projected, Enron would transfer the asset to an off-the-books corporation instead of reporting the loss.
Which of course will never be successful.
Of course not. California is one of the leading states with power outages as demand outpaces supply, mother nature, such as wildfires, and the age of the Californian electrical grid. All that's happening is renewable energy companies are lining their pockets with stacks of cash, not to mention many consumers having to pay monthly service fees for renewables such as solar.
During the wildfires, Newsom told people not to charge their cars because of the demand on the grid needed for air conditioned cooling centers. He also mandated that cars be kept fully gassed up in case of evacuation.

He is a lunatic deserving of the name NewSCUM.
During the wildfires, Newsom told people not to charge their cars because of the demand on the grid needed for air conditioned cooling centers. He also mandated that cars be kept fully gassed up in case of evacuation.

He is a lunatic deserving of the name NewSCUM.

The EV craze is dying. Hertz can't unload them and automakers are scaling back planned production due to low demand
I have just as much confidence in the California government's ability to properly run the oil refineries as I do in its ability to complete the high speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco in time and on budget.

California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis​

August 2, 2024

California regulators have proposed a variety of government intrusions into the petroleum industry in order to combat future energy price surges, according to a report released Thursday by the California Energy Commission (CEC).

As the Golden State continues to pursue its green agenda, the CEC expects some of California’s nine oil refineries to be shuttered due to falling demand, which would give the remaining refineries increased pricing power and raise the possibility of a surge in gas prices, the study concluded. To solve this problem, the commission proposed a variety of government interventions, including expanded regulation on private refineries, the establishment of state-owned refineries and an increase in imports.

“The State of California would purchase and own refineries in the State to manage the supply and price of gasoline,” wrote the study’s authors, with the scope of the initiative ranging from “one refinery to all refineries in the state.”
Daily Caller! :laughing0301:


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