California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis

Admiral Rockwell Tory

Enron no longer exists as a company after filing for bankruptcy in 2001 and selling its final business in 2006. The Houston-based energy company was involved in a financial scandal that came to light in October 2001 after a whistleblower letter from then-Enron Vice President Sherron Watkins to Chairman Ken Lay. The company had been using complex off-balance sheet entities to hide billions of dollars in losses from failed projects and deals for years.
The federal govt is the enemy of this country. They are antithetical to the constitution and they need to to be thrown down. Just as the founders call for.
Funny -
a whole military and military leaders that will blow your ass away if you try. This is what the Hate Nazi's think will happen. , the military aren't going to take orders from the generals, they will be controlled by the ignorant lying hate Nazi's (MAGA), they are going to switch to the stupid ignorant brain-dead side and support you.
We all know who you are, You are the hero that says, the only way you can take the guns out of your hands is when you are dead.
You will be running across the field as fast as you can, considering you belong to the old dumb fat man party. With a tank chasing you with the American flag waving and the blare of the music to the national anthem playing and the soldiers with big smiles on their face, and just before they catch up to you, you will shit your pants and throw away your gun right before they drive over your fat ass. To the beautiful sound of Crunch, The new favorite sound of the left.
The federal govt is the enemy of this country. They are antithetical to the constitution and they need to to be thrown down. Just as the founders call for.
Under MAGA yes ,vote dem our candidate is 1000 times better then your candidates. MAGA =hate, stupidity, bigotry and lies.
I have just as much confidence in the California government's ability to properly run the oil refineries as I do in its ability to complete the high speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco in time and on budget.

California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis​

August 2, 2024

California regulators have proposed a variety of government intrusions into the petroleum industry in order to combat future energy price surges, according to a report released Thursday by the California Energy Commission (CEC).

As the Golden State continues to pursue its green agenda, the CEC expects some of California’s nine oil refineries to be shuttered due to falling demand, which would give the remaining refineries increased pricing power and raise the possibility of a surge in gas prices, the study concluded. To solve this problem, the commission proposed a variety of government interventions, including expanded regulation on private refineries, the establishment of state-owned refineries and an increase in imports.

“The State of California would purchase and own refineries in the State to manage the supply and price of gasoline,” wrote the study’s authors, with the scope of the initiative ranging from “one refinery to all refineries in the state.”
Well, California is pretty much a dictatorship, so illegally stealing a corporations property is right up their alley.

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