ENRON was leverage out of their....when they built the power plant in Dabhol.. and they had no power source.... But, they made big campaign contributions to Dubya . Total screw up . They needed a gas pipeline across Afghanistan. When negotiations with the Taliban broke down we invaded Afghanistan.
I have just as much confidence in the California government's ability to properly run the oil refineries as I do in its ability to complete the high speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco in time and on budget.
California regulators have proposed a variety of government forays into the petroleum industry in order to combat future energy price surges
California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis
August 2, 2024
California regulators have proposed a variety of government intrusions into the petroleum industry in order to combat future energy price surges, according to a report released Thursday by the California Energy Commission (CEC).
As the Golden State continues to pursue its green agenda, the CEC expects some of California’s nine oil refineries to be shuttered due to falling demand, which would give the remaining refineries increased pricing power and raise the possibility of a surge in gas prices, the study concluded. To solve this problem, the commission proposed a variety of government interventions, including expanded regulation on private refineries, the establishment of state-owned refineries and an increase in imports.
“The State of California would purchase and own refineries in the State to manage the supply and price of gasoline,” wrote the study’s authors, with the scope of the initiative ranging from “one refinery to all refineries in the state.”
The federal govt is the enemy of this country. They are antithetical to the constitution and they need to to be thrown down. Just as the founders call for.
Not at all. It only starts with refineries, when that fails and the price of food goes up because the state can’t run a refinery they blame the farmers and take the farms. It’s downhill from there.
Not at all. It only starts with refineries, when that fails and the price of food goes up because the state can’t run a refinery they blame the farmers and take the farms. It’s downhill from there.
Once the price of fuel increases it causes the price of food to increase. So naturally they will be deemed the next greedy enemy the state should take over. It’s how it’s been done every time. Energy first, food second, media third usually but in Cal that’s already done.
I'm not drinking.. I just don't remember all the details. Seemed to me at the time that the ENRON boys were slap-happy with greed. I think the plant has been operating at a loss for nearly two decades
Enron's collapse may have begun with the kind of misadventures it engaged in half a world away among the quiet coastal villages of Dabhol, India.
India: Enron's Debacle at Dabhol
Published by Pacific News Service | By Sandip Roy | Friday, February 8, 2002
Enron's collapse may have begun with the kind of misadventures it engaged in half a world away among the quiet coastal villages of Dabhol, India.
In 1992, the Enron Corp. announced it would build a $3 billion natural-gas power plant in Dabhol in the western state of Maharashtra. The project was to be the poster child of economic liberalization in the country -- the single largest direct foreign investment in India's history.
Instead, Enron in India has been an economic disaster and a human rights nightmare.
From the get-go, the Dabhol project was mired in controversy. Enron worked hand in hand with corrupt Indian politicians and bureaucrats in rushing the project through. Charges filed by an Indian public interest group allege Enron and the Indian company Reliance bribed the Indian petroleum minister in 1992-93 to secure the contract to produce and sell oil and gas from the nearby Panna and Mukta fields to supply the plant.
I'm not drinking.. I just don't remember all the details. Seemed to me at the time that the ENRON boys were slap-happy with greed. I think the plant has been operating at a loss for nearly two decades
Enron's collapse may have begun with the kind of misadventures it engaged in half a world away among the quiet coastal villages of Dabhol, India.
India: Enron's Debacle at Dabhol
Published by Pacific News Service | By Sandip Roy | Friday, February 8, 2002
Enron's collapse may have begun with the kind of misadventures it engaged in half a world away among the quiet coastal villages of Dabhol, India.
In 1992, the Enron Corp. announced it would build a $3 billion natural-gas power plant in Dabhol in the western state of Maharashtra. The project was to be the poster child of economic liberalization in the country -- the single largest direct foreign investment in India's history.
Instead, Enron in India has been an economic disaster and a human rights nightmare.
From the get-go, the Dabhol project was mired in controversy. Enron worked hand in hand with corrupt Indian politicians and bureaucrats in rushing the project through. Charges filed by an Indian public interest group allege Enron and the Indian company Reliance bribed the Indian petroleum minister in 1992-93 to secure the contract to produce and sell oil and gas from the nearby Panna and Mukta fields to supply the plant.