California Passes Law Limiting Each Person to 50 Gallons of Water per Day

Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.
Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
They are trying now to split cal into three states, however although the retards get all the attention, the good people there will prevail. There are even latino people saying the wall is needed
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The country has more pollen, which sucks

Pollen? It really is a shame people are so ignorant

How clean is the air you breathe? For the past 19 years, the American Lung Association has released an annual "State of the Air" report, using data from official air quality monitors to look at pollution levels in cities across the U.S.

Over 133.9 million Americans now live in counties with unhealthy levels of air pollution, the organization says -- more than two of every five people. That's up from 125 million people in the 2017 report.

The American Lung Association evaluated cities for three types of air pollution: ozone (often called "smog"), year-round particle pollution, and short-term particle pollution.Particle pollution refers to the small liquid and solid particles that come from burning fossil fuel and other sources, small enough to float in the air and get inhaled into the lungs.

The health risks include lung cancer, asthma attacks, and developmental problems among children, among other issues.

U.S. cities with the worst air pollution

Houston tied 15th highest year-round particle pollution out of 187 metro areas included in the report. It also ranked 11th out 227 cities for high ozone days.

In addition to fossil fuels, "burning firewood and trash are among the major sources of particle pollution (soot) in many parts of the country," the report notes.

Grow up, people can die from pollen, of which there is more of where there are more plants. If all the fucktards in California cities died we would all be better off.

The reason I think you are stupid is because we have all these problems from burning coal and gas and you bring up pollen? Let me guess you are a global warming denier?

The reason I can't stand you guys is because BECAUSE of you my planet is being destroyed.

And then I point out how we are overpopulated and you guys for some strange reason are now defending welfare moms who have more than one kid. All I said is these women, usually liberals, will stop producing kids if the government cuts them off after 1 child. I don't want to starve children. If that's what you guys think you missed the point. My goal is to get her to stop after 1 kid. If she's poor and on welfare now, she shouldn't have a 2nd kid until she's off welfare. And no more additional funds for having a 2nd and third child.
Dude the climate change hoax is up, a new coal plant is perfectly clean and safe. However just to make you happy I am going to burn some tires tonight

Just because you Republican retards are in charge does not mean global warming has been debunked. The election was not a referrendum
Glaciers covered NJ 20000 years ago, 90 percent of them melted by 10000 years ago. So tell us what melted them?
it's over kid, al bore is in hiding
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.
Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.
3 million words or less.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.
Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who's running Amarillo these days? I can't see it being Republicans. But regardless, you vastly underestimate what Communists/Democrats are capable of. Jail time for such 'offenses', isn't as farfetched as you think. Always remember, everything Communists do, is by way of Government Force.

It's about complete control of the People. So you may dismiss what i'm saying, but Communism never ends well for the People. Most in the Soviet Union never thought they'd end up in Gulags either. But it happened.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who the hell would live where you get fined over water usage?
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who the hell would live where you get fined over water usage?

Dumb Democrat Comrades would. I seriously doubt Republicans are running Amarillo. Sounds like Communist/Democrat misery to me. Not a good place to live.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who the hell would live where you get fined over water usage?

Not water usage, water WASTING. During the summer here in Amarillo, sometimes we go through drought periods, and people are told that they can only water their lawns on certain days. If you are caught watering on the wrong day, that is considered water waste, and you can be fined. And, to tell you the truth, there are times that we kinda need it because if the water level is too low, the tap water smells like plastic and tastes terrible. A couple of years ago, one of the main water sources for here, Lake Meridith, which normally sits at around 90 ft. deep, was all the way down to just 35 ft. deep. It's come back up since then though.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who the hell would live where you get fined over water usage?

Not water usage, water WASTING. During the summer here in Amarillo, sometimes we go through drought periods, and people are told that they can only water their lawns on certain days. If you are caught watering on the wrong day, that is considered water waste, and you can be fined. And, to tell you the truth, there are times that we kinda need it because if the water level is too low, the tap water smells like plastic and tastes terrible. A couple of years ago, one of the main water sources for here, Lake Meridith, which normally sits at around 90 ft. deep, was all the way down to just 35 ft. deep. It's come back up since then though.

Gotta be Communist/Democrat thugs running Amarillo. Am i wrong?
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.
What happens to the people who say fuck you and do not pay the fine?

lol they go to jail
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who the hell would live where you get fined over water usage?

Not water usage, water WASTING. During the summer here in Amarillo, sometimes we go through drought periods, and people are told that they can only water their lawns on certain days. If you are caught watering on the wrong day, that is considered water waste, and you can be fined. And, to tell you the truth, there are times that we kinda need it because if the water level is too low, the tap water smells like plastic and tastes terrible. A couple of years ago, one of the main water sources for here, Lake Meridith, which normally sits at around 90 ft. deep, was all the way down to just 35 ft. deep. It's come back up since then though.

Wow. I guess I don't get it as all our water comes from the Mississippi river.. it is an endless supply.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.

Who the hell would live where you get fined over water usage?

Dumb Democrat Comrades would. I seriously doubt Republicans are running Amarillo. Sounds like Communist/Democrat misery to me. Not a good place to live.

Actually, the TX panhandle where Amarillo is located is heavily Republican.
Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.
What happens to the people who say fuck you and do not pay the fine?

lol they go to jail

Yup, cue the Gulags. Communist Useful Idiots laugh that off, but it isn't so farfetched.
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Always remember, everything the Communists do, must be done by Government Force. They will take your Freedom & Liberty away every chance they get. It's all about control. If folks out there continue to support them, California is doomed.
Shut up you fascist. You don't even know what a commy is.

Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.
What happens to the people who say fuck you and do not pay the fine?

lol they go to jail

You know, I haven't heard of anyone going to jail for not paying a fine for water wasting. Maybe that is because it's around 100.00.
Pollen? It really is a shame people are so ignorant

How clean is the air you breathe? For the past 19 years, the American Lung Association has released an annual "State of the Air" report, using data from official air quality monitors to look at pollution levels in cities across the U.S.

Over 133.9 million Americans now live in counties with unhealthy levels of air pollution, the organization says -- more than two of every five people. That's up from 125 million people in the 2017 report.

The American Lung Association evaluated cities for three types of air pollution: ozone (often called "smog"), year-round particle pollution, and short-term particle pollution.Particle pollution refers to the small liquid and solid particles that come from burning fossil fuel and other sources, small enough to float in the air and get inhaled into the lungs.

The health risks include lung cancer, asthma attacks, and developmental problems among children, among other issues.

U.S. cities with the worst air pollution

Houston tied 15th highest year-round particle pollution out of 187 metro areas included in the report. It also ranked 11th out 227 cities for high ozone days.

In addition to fossil fuels, "burning firewood and trash are among the major sources of particle pollution (soot) in many parts of the country," the report notes.

Grow up, people can die from pollen, of which there is more of where there are more plants. If all the fucktards in California cities died we would all be better off.

The reason I think you are stupid is because we have all these problems from burning coal and gas and you bring up pollen? Let me guess you are a global warming denier?

The reason I can't stand you guys is because BECAUSE of you my planet is being destroyed.

And then I point out how we are overpopulated and you guys for some strange reason are now defending welfare moms who have more than one kid. All I said is these women, usually liberals, will stop producing kids if the government cuts them off after 1 child. I don't want to starve children. If that's what you guys think you missed the point. My goal is to get her to stop after 1 kid. If she's poor and on welfare now, she shouldn't have a 2nd kid until she's off welfare. And no more additional funds for having a 2nd and third child.
Dude the climate change hoax is up, a new coal plant is perfectly clean and safe. However just to make you happy I am going to burn some tires tonight

Just because you Republican retards are in charge does not mean global warming has been debunked. The election was not a referrendum
Glaciers covered NJ 20000 years ago, 90 percent of them melted by 10000 years ago. So tell us what melted them?
it's over kid, al bore is in hiding
You sir are a stupid person and the reason things are they way they are now. God I hate people like you

Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year. Large, violent eruptions may match the rate of human emissions for the few hours that they last, but they are too rare and fleeting to rival humanity’s annual emissions. In fact, several individual U.S. states emit more carbon dioxide in a year than all the volcanoes on the planet combined do.

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