California Passes Law Limiting Each Person to 50 Gallons of Water per Day

Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?

I found the perfect article to shut your stupid ass up

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

Need I fucking add to this?
The embrace of foreign outsourcing, an accelerating trend that has contributed to U.S. job losses in recent years and has become an issue in the 2004 elections, is contained in the president's annual report to Congress on the health of the economy.

"Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade," said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. "More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that's a good thing."
Good ole Communists/Democrats. Allow MS-13 murderers and rapists to roam free to pillage, but those damn 'Water Offenders' need to be locked up for life. Typical Communist insanity. Oh well, i guess Californians get what they deserve.

Adios California, it was nice knowin ya. :(
Last edited:
Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.

Actually, as you know I have private property I can hunt on. I also have state land near my home I use from time to time. So I know a lot about this. What do you have besides your little smart ass comments? NOTHING! LOL.

My nephew said to my brother, "dad, do you think uncle sealybobo thinks we are using him for his boat?"

Isn't that funny? You think I'm a mooch for using my brothers property and they think they are mooches for coming to use my boat. This is how a family operates. We share. And this is why I'm a Republican now. Republicans take care of their own. Everyone else especially you can piss off. LOL.

Then you go home, hug your shitty little boat, and cry yourself to sleep..

I will when I get back from Germany next week ...

Back to your eagerly waiting...boat...


You can tell it all about your trip.

That’s not too sad...
How do you try to make a guy feel bad when he can afford a $25.5k boat? You can’t ...

Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?

I found the perfect article to shut your stupid ass up

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

Need I fucking add to this?
This is why America elected trump
Only a matter of time before California's Communists/Democrats begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens who don't 'comply.' Everything Communists do, has to involve Government Force. They have to force their Agenda on the People. It's the only way people will go along. Californians better seriously reconsider supporting the Communists. Their state is crumbling.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?

I found the perfect article to shut your stupid ass up

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

Need I fucking add to this?

This in no way supports your claim.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?

I found the perfect article to shut your stupid ass up

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

Need I fucking add to this?

This in no way supports your claim.
America told Jeb Bush and his Mexican wife to get lost
Control, by way of Government Force. It's what Communists/Democrats are all about. If they stay in power long enough, i'm sure there will be a day when they begin taxing (fining) and imprisoning Citizens for not going along with their Agenda.

Use too much water, you could end up in a cage with some nice gentle MS-13 folks. And don't laugh, it is where Communism always takes you. So, cue the Gulags. A vote for a Democrat, is just a vote against your own interests. It is what it is.

Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.
What happens to the people who say fuck you and do not pay the fine?

lol they go to jail

Yup, cue the Gulags. Communist Useful Idiots laugh that off, but it isn't so farfetched.
Is Trump's regime turning into Nazi's. Rounding up instead of Japs they'll round up Arab Americans. They'll lock up all their political opponents and they'll arrest the media.

President Donald Trump has said a lot of bad things about the media since he started running for president two-plus years ago. He's suggested that the press doesn't really like America. He has said the media is the "enemy of the American people." He has repeatedly called journalists the "most dishonest" people. He has worked to paint news stories he doesn't like as "fake" -- and claimed he created that term.

But he's never gone as far as he did on Wednesday morning when he tweeted this: "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!"

You idiots have officially signed up for Trump University.

Well here is what I have to say about that

How To Respond When Trump Threatens The First Amendment | On The Media | WNYC Studios

Haven't you heard? Banning 'Fake News' is all the rage these days. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, and much of Western Europe are all on that crusade. And guess who's behind that crusade? Left Wing/Globalist assholes who can't tolerate hearing things they don't wanna hear.

You blame Trump, but it's actually your Comrades who are behind the Banning 'Fake News craze.' I Think Trump just enjoys stirring you wingnuts up. He knows the Banning 'Fake News' chit is all on you. He has fun with it.

I thought about this the other day. It used to be funny talking to you right wing nut jobs when the Republicans in congress weren't as stupid/fucked up and ignorant as you all but now the POTUS is a rwnj retard too who gave his wife HPV.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?

I found the perfect article to shut your stupid ass up

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

Need I fucking add to this?

This in no way supports your claim.

So sending all those high jobs overseas didn't help cause the recession?

It didn't add to unemployment?

It didn't add to middle class wages going down when all those GM workers had to go work at Walmart for $10?

Then Trump supporters swallowed a lie. Tell them.
California can not find or imprison the entire state. The revolt there has begun

I hope you're right. But i'm not optimistic. The Voting-base out there is pretty insane. Most are adhering to Einstein's definition of insanity. They continue to support Communists/Democrats who are decimating that state. It's very sad.
Well Reagan fucked us and we voted HW. We finally came around and got the RICH party (GOP) out of power. The 90's were the best decade I ever lived through. You didn't give Clinton credit but that's because you are a brainwashed right wing fool.

Bush ran the economy into the ground and you guys said, "everyone has to share in the blame"

No fuckwads. YOU did that shit. Bush, Delay and Hastert. That's how a black community organizer was able to beat a war hero.

Anyways, Trump conned the American people. I like some of what he's doing but I liked some of the things Reagan did too. The destruction of America started on Reagan's watch. This is what will happen with Trump's deregulations and tax breaks. His bad policies will cause another recession you mark my words. Just like you guys swore Obama was headed for another recession but it never happened.

WHy didn't it happen? Because we don't deregulate shit that should be regulated.

Republicans have huge booms and busts. Democrats are slow and steady. Are you ready for the next Republican bust? I am.

You numbskulls always say this, what exactly did Bush do to run the economy into the ground?

I found the perfect article to shut your stupid ass up

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

Need I fucking add to this?
This is why America elected trump

Yes, he found an angle that neither party was exploiting.

If you call something “the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere,” you kind of have to get rid of it when you have the chance. But he hasn't. So it seems like only a matter of time before President Trump really does begin to pull us out of the North American Free Trade Agreement so that he can try to negotiate a presumably “great deal” to replace it. The question, though, is what kind of deal this will be for American workers. And the answer may be not much of one.

Donald Trump’s plan to bring jobs back to America comes with one giant asterisk

Besides, it was you Republicans who cheered as Bush sent those high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. They were being paid too much remember? It was costing you so you wanted Ford's made in Mexico and China. Now are you suggesting that you want Trump to bring back GM high paying jobs that also give great benefits and pensions?

Well guess what? I never wanted those jobs to leave in the first place.

Let me remind you why Ford and GM paid such great wages to their employees. For one, they were union employees who were smart enough to organize and get themselves a fair wage. Number 2


NEWS > Companies

Ford profit sharing a record
January 21, 1999: 11:15 a.m. ET

Checks for 1998 to average $6,100, 39% more than last year's

So Ford was showing RECORD profits while paying good wages. This was before Bush 2000. So, why did we send those jobs overseas? Seems Ford could afford to pay their workers great wages. Now the CEO gets all the profits.

Instead of you saying, "hey I want all those benefits" you said, "I don't have those benefits so they shouldn't have them either. So now none of you blue collar Americans make shit. Amirite?

Or are you rich? What do you do for a living or what did you do before you retired?
Actually, as you know I have private property I can hunt on. I also have state land near my home I use from time to time. So I know a lot about this. What do you have besides your little smart ass comments? NOTHING! LOL.

My nephew said to my brother, "dad, do you think uncle sealybobo thinks we are using him for his boat?"

Isn't that funny? You think I'm a mooch for using my brothers property and they think they are mooches for coming to use my boat. This is how a family operates. We share. And this is why I'm a Republican now. Republicans take care of their own. Everyone else especially you can piss off. LOL.

Then you go home, hug your shitty little boat, and cry yourself to sleep..

I will when I get back from Germany next week ...

Back to your eagerly waiting...boat...


You can tell it all about your trip.

That’s not too sad...
How do you try to make a guy feel bad when he can afford a $25.5k boat? You can’t ...


I'm actually glad I'm not married.

Since 1990 the rate of married women who report they’ve been unfaithful has increased by 40 percent, while the rate among men has remained the same. More women than ever are cheating, she tells us, or are willing to admit that they are cheating. Perel spends much of her book examining the psychological meaning, motivation, and impact of these affairs, she offers little insight into the significance of the rise itself. So what exactly is happening inside marriages to shift the numbers? What has changed about monogamy or family life in the past 27 years to account for the closing gap? And why have so many women begun to feel entitled to the kind of behavior?

These questions first occurred to me a few years ago when I began to wonder how many of my friends were actually faithful to their husbands. From a distance, they seemed happy enough, or at least content. Like me, they were doing the family thing. They had cute kids, mortgages, busy social lives, matching sets of dishes. On the surface, their husbands were reasonable, the marriages modern and equitable. If these women friends were angry unfulfilled or resentful, they didn’t show it.

Then one day, one of them confided in me she’d been having two overlapping affairs over the course of five years. Almost before I’d finished processing this, another friend told me she was 100 percent faithful to her husband, except when she was out of town for work each month. Not long after, another told me that while she’d never had sex with another man, she’d had so many emotional affairs and inappropriate email correspondences over the years that she’d had to buy a separate hard drive to store them all.

Why So Many Women Cheat on Their Husbands
Then you go home, hug your shitty little boat, and cry yourself to sleep..

I will when I get back from Germany next week ...

Back to your eagerly waiting...boat...


You can tell it all about your trip.

That’s not too sad...
How do you try to make a guy feel bad when he can afford a $25.5k boat? You can’t ...


I'm actually glad I'm not married. .....

Lucky break for you that no woman in the world could stand your idiotic, juvenile ass then, huh?
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use

How many gallons does it take to fill up a swimming pool?

California is a state built upon the twin pillars of movie stars and swimming pools. If the latter will soon be history, the movie stars may be leaving as well- leaving the whole state to Cripz, Bloodz and the MS13 Animals.
Hyperbole much? If you use too much water, chances are it's just like it is here in Amarillo when people waste water..................a ticket and a fine. No, they don't take you to jail for using too much water.

Nice touch by throwing in the MS-13 reference btw.
What happens to the people who say fuck you and do not pay the fine?

lol they go to jail

Yup, cue the Gulags. Communist Useful Idiots laugh that off, but it isn't so farfetched.
Is Trump's regime turning into Nazi's. Rounding up instead of Japs they'll round up Arab Americans. They'll lock up all their political opponents and they'll arrest the media.

President Donald Trump has said a lot of bad things about the media since he started running for president two-plus years ago. He's suggested that the press doesn't really like America. He has said the media is the "enemy of the American people." He has repeatedly called journalists the "most dishonest" people. He has worked to paint news stories he doesn't like as "fake" -- and claimed he created that term.

But he's never gone as far as he did on Wednesday morning when he tweeted this: "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!"

You idiots have officially signed up for Trump University.

Well here is what I have to say about that

How To Respond When Trump Threatens The First Amendment | On The Media | WNYC Studios

Haven't you heard? Banning 'Fake News' is all the rage these days. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, and much of Western Europe are all on that crusade. And guess who's behind that crusade? Left Wing/Globalist assholes who can't tolerate hearing things they don't wanna hear.

You blame Trump, but it's actually your Comrades who are behind the Banning 'Fake News craze.' I Think Trump just enjoys stirring you wingnuts up. He knows the Banning 'Fake News' chit is all on you. He has fun with it.

I thought about this the other day. It used to be funny talking to you right wing nut jobs when the Republicans in congress weren't as stupid/fucked up and ignorant as you all but now the POTUS is a rwnj retard too who gave his wife HPV.

Yeah, lay off the Democrat Fake News kid. It's making you crazy. Trump isn't gonna ban it, but you should take a long break from it. It clearly isn't good for your mental health. You sound completely unhinged. :cuckoo:

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