California makes it illegal for doctors in "that state" to DISAGREE with "politicians."


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
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Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.

PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”

After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.

But California physicians have had no such relief.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.

Just so we are more clear. It is only now ILLEGAL for DOCTORS in that so called state to disagree with DEMOCRAT POLITICANS.

You know how the fbi only exists to persecute democrat opposition and insulate the democrats from their federal violations?

A lot like that.
The Democrats have to censor because the truth will destroy them.
Censorship is the tool of tyrants.
Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.

PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”

After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.

But California physicians have had no such relief.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.

Just so we are more clear. It is only now ILLEGAL for DOCTORS in that so called state to disagree with DEMOCRAT POLITICANS.

You know how the fbi only exists to persecute democrat opposition and insulate the democrats from their federal violations?

A lot like that.
Why shouldn't they be stopped for peddling lies?
Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.

PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”

After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.

But California physicians have had no such relief.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.

Just so we are more clear. It is only now ILLEGAL for DOCTORS in that so called state to disagree with DEMOCRAT POLITICANS.

You know how the fbi only exists to persecute democrat opposition and insulate the democrats from their federal violations?

A lot like that.

I read your whole ridiculous rant trying to make sense of it and finally I realized that California has made it illegal for doctors to LIE to their patients about covid, or anything else. Once would think that anti-quackery laws would prevent this but apparently California felt the need to drive this home to those who falsely promoted ivermectin as a cure, just to line their own pockets.

Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.

PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”

After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.

But California physicians have had no such relief.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.

Just so we are more clear. It is only now ILLEGAL for DOCTORS in that so called state to disagree with DEMOCRAT POLITICANS.

You know how the fbi only exists to persecute democrat opposition and insulate the democrats from their federal violations?

A lot like that.
Even for Commiefornia this is shocking.

But it cannot - and will not - withstand judicial scrutiny; it's just another deranged power play by the Nazi-like Democrats.
You're not the arbiter of truth, stupid fucktard.

The goddamn GOVERNMENT is not the arbiter of truth.

Y'all can both take a flying fucking leap.

Fuck you.

With my blessing and compliments.

Moron we are talking about a doctor PROVABLY LYING TO HIS PATIENTS

The onus on prosecutor is not to prove that some gave medically bad advice, but that this advice was given while the doctor KNEW it was bad advice, but gave it anyway to line his pockets.
Moron we are talking about a doctor PROVABLY LYING TO HIS PATIENTS

The onus on prosecutor is not to prove that some gave medically bad advice, but that this advice was given while the doctor KNEW it was bad advice, but gave it anyway to line his pockets.
Moron, we are not.

And your legal *knowledge* is anything but.

If this isn't crushed prior to SCOTUS, it will be crushed there.

Thanks for playing Hitler, Democrats. :)
Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.

PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”

After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.

But California physicians have had no such relief.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.

Just so we are more clear. It is only now ILLEGAL for DOCTORS in that so called state to disagree with DEMOCRAT POLITICANS.

You know how the fbi only exists to persecute democrat opposition and insulate the democrats from their federal violations?

A lot like that.
What about Paypal are they ok?
Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.

PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”

After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.

But California physicians have had no such relief.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.

Just so we are more clear. It is only now ILLEGAL for DOCTORS in that so called state to disagree with DEMOCRAT POLITICANS.

You know how the fbi only exists to persecute democrat opposition and insulate the democrats from their federal violations?

A lot like that.

It'll surely be thrown out the very first time it is challenged in court, as a blatant First Amendment violation.
Even for Commiefornia this is shocking.

But it cannot - and will not - withstand judicial scrutiny; it's just another deranged power play by the Nazi-like Democrats.
Not when the judges are them. Its over. Question:

When is the last time the fbi or cia or whatever brought charges of a federal crime against any significant democrat?

Just remember:

Just days after the Attorney General of the United States Loretta Lynch held a secret meeting aboard a plane with former President Bill Clinton – whose wife was under FBI investigation; just the day after Hillary leaked that she’d want Lynch for her own administration; just hours after the President of the United States Barack Obama flew Hillary – still under FBI investigation – down to North Carolina on Air Force One; just two hours before Obama was to open his campaign on behalf of Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey announced that while Hillary Clinton had clearly engaged in criminal activity worthy of prosecution, he had recommended that she not be prosecuted.

Because of course he did.

Here are Comey’s findings, which demonstrate full violation of multiple provisions of federal law:

Hillary Clinton utilized multiple “different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the State Department, and used numerous mobile devices to view and send e-mail on that personal domain.” So she was lying when she said that she only set up the system so that she could use one handheld device.

Hillary transmitted classified information. Here’s Comey: “From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were ‘up-classified’ to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.” So she lied that no classified information was received or sent.

Hillary did not hand over all her work emails to the State Department. At least three of those emails were classified “at the time they were sent or received, one at the Secret level and two at the Confidential level.” Comey was kind here to Hillary – he said that there was no evidence that “any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them.” Except, of course, that deleting such emails would be the entire purpose of having a private server.

Hillary’s lawyers didn’t read the emails they deleted – they just deleted stuff based on header information and search terms. “It is highly likely their search terms missed some work-related e-mails, and that we later found them, for example, in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server,” Comey said. This would be destroying possibly classified material. And as Comey says, there may be a fair bit of data they never saw: “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”

Comey admitted openly that Hillary’s team was “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information….None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.”

Hillary knew that classified material was passing across her server; as Comey acknowledged, “even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.”

Hillary’s server could have been hacked, and some of her emails were likely hacked in other people’s inboxes: “With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.”

So, Hillary lied. She lied that she never transmitted classified information. She lied that she only used a private server because she wanted one device. She lied that the State Department allowed her to jerry-rig this technological set-up. She lied that the emails were never breached.

But according to Comey, no biggie.
I read your whole ridiculous rant trying to make sense of it and finally I realized that California has made it illegal for doctors to LIE to their patients about covid, or anything else. Once would think that anti-quackery laws would prevent this but apparently California felt the need to drive this home to those who falsely promoted ivermectin as a cure, just to line their own pockets.


Riddle me this Dragon Lady.

Why do you think that politicians and bureaucrats in Sacramento know more about medicine that do board certified, college trained physicians?

And if you really think they know better, why don't you call Gavin or Sleepy Joe or Maxine next time you need complicated surgery? After all they do know the business better.
Why shouldn't they be stopped for peddling lies?

If by “they”, you mean government, then yes, I wish they could be stopped from doing so.

The problem, here, is that the very same government which is the largest and most prolific and blatant source of harmful disinformation, is claiming the power to label any opposition as “disinformation”, and on that basis, to censor and punish it.

Do you understand how dangerous a precedent this would set if it is allowed to stand? We're getting into some seriously and disturbingly Orwellian territory, here.
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